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Everything posted by panzersoldatten

  1. I was thinking more like Liberace or Wayne Newton...Tom Looks a lot better
  2. not quite saying it correctly..."Leeeeeeerrrrroyyyy Jenkins" and don't forget the extra whelps in the corner....
  3. I find it hard to believe that there won't be any new flashpoints. You have new content and having an outlander/hero you would think that some hard intel might be needed, i.e send to crashed ship retrieve data banks for the war effort, have cross faction team up to gain critical station, ship or capture leader or ship. Operations you would need to launch an offensive at some point or get a beach head secured for a large scale landing ...something, but from what I have glossed out of the forums, you probably have some aces hidden somewhere...
  4. I concur you have to see the forest,not the trees to enjoy the scenery
  5. I am going to wait till KotFE to drop and get one of the new strongholds and hopefully I should have a rather large coffer of creds and CC's to decorate, I wish to thank everyone for the advice, I am a new player to this MMO, have ranged DPS experience and some tanking from another MMO, I am liking the way the companion works in SWtOR , gives the battle buddy feel and you're not alone.
  6. I recently joined this MMO and subbed, I do laugh at the doomsayers as well as thumb my nose at them. I came over from another MMO with the type of negative vibe crowd and I hope the toxicity or if there is any, doesn't follow. so far my in game experience has been good and almost great, not too much of the go go go crowd, to which is nice and people on these forums have been helpful and insightful, thank you. I hope to play this game for as long as the ride will take me and maybe newer iteration if needed...
  7. I might wait on the stronghold till the new one is opened up, but that is also a viable option for consideration, thank you
  8. what I was referring to was the modification station where enhancements are added, thank you for replying I do appreciate the advice
  9. OK, so I just click or D & D the enhancement I want t change and that's it? cool, thanks
  10. Ok, I am a new player , but not new to MMO's and I have noticed that after level 20 the stations are becoming few and far between. I am on Taris and none to be found there nor on the fleet station. I do have my ship and I thought there was supposed to be one onboard, am I missing something? Plus when do I start filling out my crew? Are there more quest rewarded companions or? Any help would be greatly appreciated...Tanks
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