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Everything posted by Youmu

  1. 50 only is already coming. I can see some problems with that, atleast at start, for my server atleast. On the days that I play early, I'm often the ~only L50 in the WZs. When 50ies are bracketed off, I'm completely blocked out of PvP until much later in the day. Having some kind of "unbolster" option that slapped a -whatever% expertise/stat debuff to queue for the "lowbie" WZs would be welcome. If L49s can play with L10s, why couldn't a L50 with an expertise debuff?
  2. Huh. I see. Never noticed that. Probably should actually read the stuff that I train
  3. I haven't noticed an issue. Left is left on the minimap, right is right on the minimap. Easy fix would be to simply mirror the map for Empire. But as I said, I haven't seen an issue there.
  4. Youmu

    What is this!?

    How many games actually end 5-0 in Alderaan? That's the only instance where it'd matter. Still an issue that obviously should be fixed, but won't affect the end result.
  5. Not like all that was very well known at launch, and it doesn't say "EMPIRE: EASYMODE PVP" on the chargen. I rolled Operative because knives and snappy uniforms. I started slowly leveling a Scoundrel because of getting to play other maps than HB all the time. Had I known it'd be like that at launch, sure, I would've started Republic. I just didn't know that I like playing warzones at the time
  6. That's just silly. RNG is an RNG. It's random. I've opened my bags whenever I've gotten one (all 3 at once in case of getting the weekly) and got 7 pieces of Champ so far, out of ~16 bags. (which makes me pretty lucky I guess, and completely opposite to your experience).
  7. Never bought this off from the skill trainer after trying it in the beta. It's just so.. useless.
  8. How? Mainly, how do you get rid of Force dots? Tox scan removes tech dots, but there's nothing that I can see on the skill tree that lets you remove the Force-based dots given by Jedi/Sith.
  9. I dunno, I just rode that side speeder off the Imperial dropship to the left turret, so... You're on the blind server, I guess.
  10. Isn't this the exact same for the Empire? When you control a side turret, an additional speeder spawns in the dropship, and takes you directly to the turret. Or is the Republic speeder path somehow much shorter than the Imperial one?
  11. No and no. You can heal some, sure, but I'm pretty sure it won't be anywhere near to be able to be the main healer for FPs, especially later on. With the Infiltrator fully skilled up, you're almost as fast as you would be without stealth, but not just. You'll be running at ~97,75% of the speed you otherwise would, due to how the math involved seems to work in the game (100 * 0,85 * 1,15 = 97,75)
  12. You don't need shiv to get TA. It's one way to get it, yes, but you can just use your main heal to generate one, or the HoT when skilled up. Atleast I do pop a heal on myself before the fight even starts to get my stim boost going.
  13. Kaliyo until I got Vector. Then it was Vector all the way. I usually tanked the mobs myself (Healing spec), and Vector just cut them down. Worked just fine for me, and the fights were much faster than they were with Kaliyo. Haven't really given anyone else a chance, since they had comparatively weaker gear to Vector whenever I got them, and I couldn't be arsed to re-equip them.
  14. Yeah, it's pretty miserable. I rolled a Scoundrel to level on the side since all I can get on my Operative is Huttballs. On Rogue Moon atleast, it seems the republic WZ teams are mostly just L10-30 folks with an occasional L40 and the rare L50, while the opposing team consistently is L50ies. The top players in the L50ies team have more kills than the entire republic team combined. I liked WZs a lot, but now the frequency of Huttball on the Empire side, and the vast level imbalance on WZ matches for Republic side has sapped all the fun away from them, for me.
  15. Rather common for me to join a game in progress and get kicked out due to the AFK kicker. Apparently the timer starts counting long before the player actually gets control, while still on loading screen.
  16. It's not the speed increase that's the big deal about rank2 and 3 speeder training. It's the "durability" of them. Someone looks mean at the rank1 speeder, and you are flat on your face on the ground. Rank2 seems to let you take around 10% damage before plopping you flat on your face, and at rank3 it seems to go up to 50% or so. Overall much faster since you get the ability to drive past mobs instead of being dismounted on each pack that has a guy with a gun. (not that I'd be against speed increases)
  17. Where did this escape pod end up in? It's not too far fetched for the wreckage to end up on the same planet.
  18. Yeah, really. Been getting my first parts of Champion gear on my Operative (healz), and I'm not digging the aesthetics at all. I don't see what the problem is with being able to make the armoring with expertise mods removable from that set. Those that can wear the set for the "lookat my awesome champ gear" can, and those who don't can just pull the mods out from the PvP armor and slap it on whatever they want.
  19. Yeah, let's never ever fix the small issues in the game when there's bigger things to do.
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