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Everything posted by Craydingus

  1. Seconded. Making the highest-quantity component in the recipe also the highest-grade, which requires the highest amount of mats to make, while also being crucial to end-game crafting schematics, is waaaayyyyy extra. At most, 4 grade 11's should go into each recipe, and ideally, only 2. Also, it's high time they lowered the costs of grade-11 mats at the scrap vendor. 20, 40, even 50 per would all be far more reasonable than 200.
  2. Unfortunately, multiple players have taken up the "Throw the match when I my team doesn't play exactly how I Want them to" strategy. I can name at least 4, including the ones you mentioned in this post. BTW, I recommend you edit this post so as not to include character names, or else you'll get reported for "Starting a witch hunt."
  3. There are a couple things that I believe would improve the medals system in pvp, both as a way for a player to gauge their own performance during the match, and to give all roles opportunities to climb high on the leaderboards. Presently, healers get the short end of the stick. There's a limited number of healing medals that it's possible to earn, and under ideal conditions, they won't be doing enough damage to even reach the 600k damage medal. Solution: Add more healing medals. Can be more medals for total healing benchmarks, as well as healing under unique circumstances, like healing allies below a certain percentage max health back up to or beyond a higher percentage max health. EG, "emergency medic medal awarded for healing an ally below 15% Max health up to 50% max health." Doesn't have to be those precise numbers, but that's just to give an idea. Can also give medals for healing an ally near an objective, to incentivize fighting on-node over TDM in no man's land. Next, raise the quantity of each action performed (Damage, healing, protection) to earn medals, to more accurately reflect the capabilities at level 75. It's still presently using the 70-max benchmarks. HP has doubled, parses have increased by a factor of 2.2x, up to 3x and beyond for some disciplines. This doesn't make for great in-match feedback. You devs can do math. Scale up the medal benchmarks to adjust for everything that increased. Also, aware additional medals to anyone who fights near a controlled node, on top of the standard defender points.
  4. We can talk about nerfing Force Bound when Conc Ops and AP Pt's come down a notch. Or two. Or three. Until then, it's fine as is.
  5. See Bioware, trying to incentivize people with this mentality to take up PvP with the current mission rewards system/deserter penalty in place, not a good idea. Leads to lots of unnecessary tension between players. Don't try to shoehorn people into game niches that aren't for them, especially when the stakes are so high.
  6. This entire post seems to ignore the premise that games are supposed to be fun. JS.
  7. It's even worse when you get spammed with the same map 5+ times in a row. Which is far too likely with the current way maps are given representation in PvP.
  8. Most worlds have serviceable regen rates on mission OBJ's/NPC's. Balmorra and Taris could use some improving in this facet, though. Looking at you, Hit 'em Where They Live.
  9. Craydingus

    Queshball, baby!

    I played a vandin huttball last night that saw a similar level of zero F's given by the players. Maybe one person on each team was actually trying to score. No one succeeded at doing so. It came down to who was holding the ball at the end. The epitome of an unga bunga deathmatch.
  10. Add a vendor on Odessen where exchanging large quantities (20, 40, 50, maybe even 100) of any one type of heroic crate can get you fun and unique items. Could be new aesthetic gear, color crystals, flairs, or even guaranteed stacks of specific companion gifts. Of course, players should still have the option to turn in the crates to each alliance member individually, but this would make things interesting for people who don't have interest in the normal heroic crate loot.
  11. I don't mind the debuff in a vacuum. It is un-fun in combination with the winner-takes-all mission rewards system, though. Maybe go back to awarding points for losing, and let the quitter penalty stay?
  12. I second every fix suggested in this post. Aside, I think the algorithm presently does try its best to pit premades vs other premades in unranked. Instances of premades vs pugs typically only come up when other premades in queue are already in matches. Could be wrong. All I know is that when I'm rolling with a group, we frequently get pitted against other assembled teams (as it should be).
  13. At the very least, they should allow a grace period at the beginning of a match where you can leave without receiving the penalty. It gets tempting to leave warzones at times, simply because of this game's tendency to spam a particular map 5+ Times in a row, instead of randomizing.
  14. You don't have to go back to the 2:1 win-to-loss point ratio. 3:1, 4:1, or 5:1 would all work fine, upping the incentive to win, while not totally skunking people who lost for reasons beyond their control. This thread is a re-post, going to continue re-posting it until there is some evidence that the devs are listening to the playerbase on this topic.
  15. Even for a DoT spec, hatred has low Single-Target damage. Getting a Death field or spike to crit, or dealing a smidgen extra damage with leaching strike/lacerate/assassinate, it's underwhelming. Also, recklessness doesn't effect the initial casting of discharge or creeping terror. I just want a set bonus that gives me the option to play the discipline as a full-blown cleave spec instead of trying to increase a facet where it doesn't shine at all.
  16. Most of the sets for this class only lend themselves well to Deception in any niche of the game, or Darkness for PvE purposes. I guess Sabermaster is OK for Hatred in PvE? But It's still kind of meh. Hatred either needs a set that gives some sort of across-the-board damage boost, the same way Descent of the Fearless does for warriors, or something that can give it any semblance of survivability. A defensive set bonus could do a few things. 1) decrease the cooldown time of force shroud by a certain amount, and increase its active duration by one second per enemy affected by your DoTs. 2) Make enemies affected by DoT's or death field deal a certain percentage less damage to the player 3) Self-heals for a certain percentage of damage inflicted by DoT's (I know, copying the mechanic from Annhi, but it's something). A generic damage increase set bonus could inflict a debuff on enemies damaged by cleaving cut, then all targets affected by said debuff take 30% more damage from periodic effects. That way, the jank ability our class got in 6.0 will actually have some use. Give us one of the above Bioware. Restore this spec from Meme-tier to viable.
  17. I craft and sell this set on the GTN from time to time. What do all of you people buying it use it for?
  18. You're not wrong. It's pretty much universally agreed on that Rage is nothing more than dollar store fury.
  19. Last night I bought 30 armorings, and only one had a stat allocation worth anything. I would happily pay 1000, 1500, even 2000 tech frags to guaranteed obtain the piece with the precise stats I want, instead of potentially risk burning through far more than that to accumulate a bunch of item modifications whose stats make them worth nothing beyond disassemble fodder. MMO's are random enough, does this step of the process really have to be random too?
  20. Every freakin' warzone Jugg Tank, Concealment, and AP are being played in disproportionately large numbers, while you see people playing Sin Tank, Madness, and Rage about as often as you see high-res images of bigfoot. This is making the game stale. Take the top specs down a notch and give the weak specs some assistance so we can have a diverse and interesting meta instead of this monotony where you end up playing teams of the exact same comp match after match after match.
  21. As of 5.9.2, Regs PvP matchmaking is allegedly based on skill. Ironically, I've seen fewer close games and far more roflstomps since they implemented it. I think the current system just narrows the pool of players that you'll queue into in a given time frame, without that much actual accounting for skill What they should really do is nix whatever they put in place during that patch, and go back to the supposedly 100% random system that existed before, which somehow resulted in more evenly-matched teams.
  22. I like the idea, but don't see us getting it ever. The current premise of the PvP rewards system seems to be "Punish people for not being able to carry."
  23. Wishful thinking, but it's not going to happen. The Devs love Operative DPS. Pretty sure they go to sleep on a Grand Admiral Thrawn body pillow.
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