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Everything posted by Craydingus

  1. You're not wrong, the only place that the extra stat boost will matter a lot is end-game content. I just don't think "players in your niche don't need ____ Piece of gear" is a valid reason to be effectively gatekept from it. If players who don't do NiM or TRanked want that extra 5% DPS/healing output and have no problem grinding crafting, they shouldn't have ridiculous hoops to jump through.
  2. Make it so that the RPM's and OEM's can be bought with near-maximal quantities of alignment tokens and/or tech frags, and give them a small chance (1/100 sound good?) to drop from renown caches. Make a new type of currency that drops from weekly conquest rewards, which ~10 of can be used to purchase them from an NPC vendor. It's perfectly fine to make these items a grind to obtain, just make them a grind that isn't exclusive to the smidgen of players who dabble in the hardest modes of the game.
  3. While the game might think it varies up warzones adequately, simply because there are a multitude of different PvP map instances going on at a time, it's still far too likely for an individual player to get spammed with one map. I like Hypergate and Voidstar, but either of those can still get stale for me for me when it constitutes 7/10 PvP Matches I See in a night. Put something in place to decrease the chances of this happening. More likely than not, most of the posts on these forums complaining about a certain PvP map were provoked by a player being spammed with it for one, or two, six days in a row. The unenjoyment we might get from a particular type of WZ becomes less relevant if it doesn't come up with a disproportionately large frequency. Just give us variety, and preference or disdain for one PvP map vs others becomes a non-issue.
  4. But if they fix phantom stride, how will I ever again propel myself off of a slight incline and die from fall damage!?
  5. I know that the schematics grade-11 materials go into can be game-changing (Set bonuses, tacticals, etc...) and thus making their scrap price equal to their grade, as with 1-10 would be a little too much of a gimme, but 200 scrap per is ridiculous. 20 per, 30 per, maybe even 50 per, would be acceptable. Please lower it from 200, though. They might as well be unavailable to buy from the scrap vendors at that steep price.
  6. Only a handful of types of each of the above item modifications actually have stat distributions that are worth equipping, and guaranteed the useless ones will drop 15-20X as frequently as any of the worthwhile ones. Players with less-than-fortunate RNG can have their minimaxing ground to a screeching halt. Some more elusive mods and enhancements can go ridiculous lengths of time without showing up. As of writing this post, I haven't seen an Adept Superior Enhancement 80R-20 drop from the vendor in over a month. Solution: List all of the mods/armorings/enhancements (and other pieces), and let us buy ones with stats that we want. Charge more tech frags for the more effective ones if you must, but at least let us have some kind of assurance that we can actually buy the item we're after.
  7. What made the command crate system good was that the crates didn't only yield gear (Which you weren't likely going to use at max iLvl anyways), but a plethora of other items too. Aesthetic armor pieces, mounts, crafting materials, etc... Doesn't have to be anything game-changing, but to have the occasional satchel of grade 11 crafting mats, aesthetic armor piece, or mount drop from a renown cache would be an improvement over what they currently tend to dish out.
  8. I get that randomness is what makes amplifier resetting the grind the devs intended for it to be, but some amplifier choices should not come up at all, depending on the item slot. Force Sensitivity on a barrel? Tech Wizardry on a hilt? This is the game laughing at us. At least eliminate the possibility of these nonsensical options from the credit sink that is amplifier re-rolling, and thus increase the chances of getting something useful.
  9. Most of the people who currently try harder when at a disadvantage are the type who were motivated to win before losing yielded zero points towards mission completion. Maybe a few players who were on the fence about being invested in winning swayed that direction as well, but by a few, I mean you can probably count them on one hand.
  10. If anything, more people are committing match-seppuku and giving up prematurely now than there were before the supposedly "Greater incentive to win" was put in place.
  11. If they're not going to put better effort into varying which warzone maps pop, they could at least let us know what map the pop is before we take or decline it. As they do for FP's and Raids, which they seem to be trying to make the PvP queue more similar to, with rules like lockout timers for leaving early, and only the group leader can queue.
  12. I will acknowledge that this isn't a hard and fast rule, but a trend. There are players who will still try to win, or at least save face in the midst of an impending defeat. These people, though, are the few, and they're the kind of people who didn't need the negative reinforcement of a loser-gets-skunked mission rewards system to be motivated to win in the first place. An increasing number of PvPers, when faced with the fact that their team is at a clear disadvantage, will basically try to accelerate the loss, instead of putting up a fight. This includes actions such as letting nodes get taken on purpose in capture-point maps, taking the huttball towards their own endzone so the enemy can score more easily in HB, /stucking in arenas, and on any map, sitting in the middle of nowhere doing nothing. There were a few players who engaged in this self-sabotaging behavior before the devs made it so that only wins could progress PvP missions, but they were known trolls, and few and far between. In my experience, instances of people effectively ceding warzones have gone way up since the mission rewards system got tampered with. This isn't coincidence. It's not hard to see the incentives here. When people are in a likely-to-lose (and possibly un-fun as a consequence) PvP match, for which they will get zero mission progress, it's in their interest to let the thing end as soon as possible and hope to get a more favorable match-up next warzone. Would-be close games turn into roflstomps because of deflated player morale. Devs, you have all the evidence in the world that the implementation of a wins-only-count PvP mission rewards system was a bad idea. Its intended effect was to give incentive to win, and it's done the opposite, while adding all kind of needless toxicity and tension to PvP. It's not as though the player base is only complaining without offering solutions, either. You've been pitched a more-than-adequate plethora of suggestions on how to fix it; Win-to-loss-point ratios of 3:1, 4:1, or even 5:1 as used in the old ranked missions, and sliding point rewards based on individual objective play, to name a few things people have come up with. If you want us to believe that you value player feedback, undo this ham-fisted change ASAP.
  13. I main serenity shadow in regs PvP. I run a high-alacrity, low crit build. Stats are 12,194 Mastery, 10,299 Power, 3,393 alacrity, 1,598 crit. Periodic intensity amplifiers, Death Knell, Two-time trouble, power and crit relics. I will occasionally see on the scoreboard at the end of a match that I landed a biggest hit in the 80-90K range. Spinning strike caps out at around 50k on my build, and serenity strike rarely exceeds 40k. I'm clueless as to what's getting me these fat juicy hits. Is there even an ability the spec has that can hit this hard, or is it a bug?
  14. 50-point weekly, 10-point daily. Losses count for 1, wins count for 5. This gives a better incentive to win than the former 2:1 Win-to-loss-point ratio, while not totally skunking players who may be losing for reasons beyond their control.
  15. Imagine thinking that the current matchmaking system works. Puts me on and against teams that are slightly different arrangements of the same 15-20 players match after match after match, when there are 7 instances of the warzone I'm in, 5 of which are 75, so I know it has other people to pit me against. But nah, F*ck variety. Not like it gets old going against the same players constantly.
  16. 1) Yavin 4 is my favorite, it's where I keep my most well-equipped stronghold 2) For Heroics? Nar Shadaa. For Storyline? Corellia 3) Yavin 4 again, lots of references to Expanded Universe content on there. 4) Onderon is the best-looking planet IMO.
  17. I'm skeptical that Bioware intended for non-whale players to be able to use the augments in any reasonable time frame. More likely than not, they released the augments and mats with the draconian requirements they have as an attempt to breathe life into the hardest modes of the game that, as you mentioned, only a handful of players currently venture into. You're right, though, that the mats should be obtainable through less demanding means. Ranked and NiM exclusive items should only be aesthetic status symbol things like mounts, weapons, color crystals, etc... Stat-based gear should be (feasibly) obtainable for everyone.
  18. Anyone who doesn't like huttball must hate playing all objectives. Not sure how you came up with that, but gold star for trying. 👺
  19. I'm with OP on this. I don't play SW:TOR, or any MMO for that matter, to play a ball game. There are Madden and 2k to fill that niche. Huttball League needs to be its own mode of PvP, Like GSF or ranked.
  20. Maybe its time to join a PvE guild so you can rest assured you're going into FP's with competent players. No amount of legacy ignores is going to save you from mehcanic-neglecting PUGs.
  21. This is a PvE guide, but much of the gearing and rotation stuff listed here should still hold true for PvP. Use this to get started, experiment and fine-tune as you go along. https://vulkk.com/2020/10/31/swtor-6-0-marksman-sniper-pve-guide-by-endonae/
  22. Is the enemy player's resolve bar full after they break your first stun?
  23. Maybe Vote-Kick being nixed from Solo Ranked? It's the only thing done to any mode of PvP in the last 8 months that could have plausibly made it more inviting to newcomers.
  24. Disheartening is a good word for it. I don't need the gear drops from the weekly crate at this point, but I'm a completionist. Not getting missions done simply because poorly-programmed matchmaking algorithms decided to group me with the chumps and pit me against the champs feels like bioware flipping me the bird.
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