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Everything posted by Craydingus

  1. Not that I expect to have a full set, nor have I been playing all of the content geared towards grinding them, but they've proven to be a positive addition to the game. Joined some team ranked PuG's, which gave me the opportunity to sharpen my skills against far more legitimate players in this game mode, and to have some none-too-serious, meme-y matches against other PuG's that were very clearly assembled for the same goal. The availability of RPM's and OEM's from the crate made the pursuit of tech frags feel meaningful again. The GTN game of timing when to buy and sell RPM's and OEM's, the prospect of getting the CM-1337 or an augment to crit, and the huge payoff of actually selling one to another player have all provided thrills. Overall, this was a solid addition to the game. Well-done, Bioware.
  2. Seeing as color crystals in blasters influence little more than the appearance of a player's basic attack, there isn't really a way to customize these weapons as there is with lightsabers. So, let us apply dye modules to the exteriors of blasters.
  3. Don't forget the people who actively try to throw, by doing things like carrying the huttball in the enemy team's direction and slash stucking it in 4v's, just so they can be out of the fruitless loss more quickly. Granted, certain trolls already did this under the old mission system, but considerably more players took it up as a means to an end once the only-wins-count clause was implemented.
  4. The default can still be by character, but give us the choice to see how many points each legacy contributed to the weekly conquest total.
  5. I overheard discussion in trade chat that the phrases your companion says when you send them to craft a schematic indicate how likely the are to crit. One example that got brought up was, when Niko Okarr says "I'm your man" upon being commanded to craft, he's at his highest crit chance. Is there any truth to this theory/does anyone have resources to provide insights on this for other companions?
  6. A lot of Non-Stealth disciplines undoubtedly need this boost, but they can't just give it to everyone. Can you imagine Grit-Teeth-equipped jugg tank with a medpac usable multiple times per fight?
  7. Maybe their chat messages contain phrases like "Bads, I'm going AFK" and "This team is sh*t?" The came can detect this sort of thing.
  8. Vote kick in unranked has never been a good enough system to deal with throwers.
  9. This is the most unreliable gap-closer in the game, not even working most of the time, and having the potential to kill the user with fall damage if they're unlucky enough to charge into some form of ramp. There's no excuse for it, as other gap-closers that tread across the ground (EG Scoundrel's trick move) come with no such risk. Please fix.
  10. Play on SF and you will see the players I'm alluding to. Ops chat spam about how the rest of the team is sh*t is pretty obvious.
  11. I'm not against there being some incentive to win, but Zero points for losing is draconian. "L2P Scrub," and various other arguments that aim to treat casual mode PvP in an MMO as more like a "how tough are ya" contest than, well, casual mode PvP in an MMO, are not justifications thereof. There are too many factors outside of an individual player's control to skunk people for a loss, like having a lot of new players, or players who are begrudgingly PvPing for other goals (thanks, Galactic seasons) on your team, being pitted against a team that is superior in ways that simply can't be overcome, or facing an enemy team whose composition is far more advantageous for a specific map, EG, going against a team of Jugg Tanks and Conc ops in huttball. Maybe a 2:1 win-to-loss-point-ratio isn't good enough motivation. Maybe 5:1 like the old ranked missions would be the right balance of incentive to win without telling people with bad RNG to go F**k themselves.
  12. There can be mercy conditions. The game knows your proximity to a node to give defender points/ knows you'll be coming out of spawn after death (and thus unable to activate anything) while calling for backup. Surely if you play on SF, you've seen some of these team-sabotaging words per minute champions, haven't you?
  13. There is a trend of players who are effectively throwing matches in unranked PvP. If they decide they don't like someone on the team, or start loathing their team for not following their strategy to a T, they will go into a corner, complain about and insult the individual player or team as a whole, and initiate combat just soon enough to avoid a vote kick. Vote kick, a construct that was erroneously implemented with only AFK's in mind, and not deliberate throwers. Solution: Auto-kick players who are sending more messages in ops chat than they are activating abilities over the course of a minute. This shouldn't hurt people who are simply calling for help at a node, as they will have to be sapping and/or fighting whatever enemy they're requesting assistance with.
  14. Agreed, the debuff is fine. The tendency for certain maps to be spammed, the losses-don't-count mission progression, and the matchmaking algorithm that was developed by an inbred orangutan can all go.
  15. I'm just leaving another comment here so this thread comes back to the first page of PvP forum for the devs to see.
  16. You can't fault Bioware for only wanting to take the input of paying players into account. That said, I'm not sure Bioware does listen to the input of paying players here on the forums, unless/until said players unsubscribe in noticeable numbers, citing a common issue that multiple threads allude to.
  17. Which is why I said "Zero sum mission system." Not talking about renown or the crates that give you 3 warzone adrenals. Is reading hard?
  18. We have a mission rewards system in place that claims to do precisely this, in the harshest possible way, yet there are still swaths of keyboard-droolers, and "my keyboard got stunlocked so I couldn't call for the node" type of jabronis in queue. So all the zero-sum mission system does is punish players whose RNG's team them up with these underperformers.
  19. I'm in favor of this. It would make crafting tasks much quicker to accomplish. And since they nuked crafting for conquest, no one can argue that running >8 companions is ripe for low-effort conquest point farming.
  20. If they're using their heartiness to keep/stall a node, not in a fight involving multiple teammates, that's all fine and good. What I'm talking about is tanks who will spend all game in the big fight at mid, and completely fail to do their intended role. You mention new players, which is a real concern, but I've seen tank mains who have PvP'd for years neglect to fulfill their duties. They have to be nudged into doing their job somehow.
  21. There is a substantial number of players who go into PvP as tanks, who fail to do precisely that. They taunt infrequently, forget to re-guard after their original guarded ally dies, or don't guard anyone in the first place. They may only pull 100k-200k in prot, in spite of being in combat the whole time. I have even seen a full mit tank do zero prot in spite of fighting most of the game. Yeah, this is big brain time. Some people who fall into this category may be new, and genuinely don't know what they're doing yet, but a lot more are playing tank solely to make themselves survivable, and deliberately neglect the support side of the role. With how the matchmaking algorithm tries to balance support roles, this is probably a bigger impediment to a team than a dps whose dps isn't stellar. There should be some kind of incentive against this slack-jawed behavior. The game knows how to detect inactivity in some facets. Maybe make it so that tanks, who are in combat, who haven't cast a taunt or guarded an ally within a certain time frame, start taking on 100% of the damage that their nearby allies are taking? Or their DR begins to decrease if they haven't done either of said tanking actions recently? Just do something to discourage people from being dead wheels while taking the spot of a support.
  22. On one hand, it is generally a bad idea to try to shoehorn players into content they're not innately interested in. On the other hand, I myself only got into PvP because of the Forex alliance recruit mission. Go back to a mission system that rewards points for losses, (could even be the old 50 point total, win=5, loss=1 that you used to apply to ranked) and there won't be so much strife surrounding typical PvE players in PvP. Maybe some of them will even get hooked, as I did, when they don't have the frustration of getting skunked for losing.
  23. Since the patch, Most of what I get is huttball and voidstar, with hypergate being a distant third. I get capture point maps very infrequently, which sucks, because that's my favorite map type.
  24. I'm not the OP. I'm not endorsing what the OP is suggesting. I want unranked to go back to being the truly casual mode of PvP as much as anyone else. I brought up the current mission rewards system, because it's causing regs to go in the opposite direction of that, and be almost as tense as solo ranked. If the goal is to discourage player hardcore behavior in unranked, this is something to address.
  25. With all due respect, if you, or the development team as a whole, do not want hardcore players in unranked PvP, (and by extension, I assume you don't want hardcore behavior from otherwise casual players in unranked PvP?), then why did you add what some might call a hardcore stipulation of only wins count to the mission rewards system?
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