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Everything posted by DethlaHadyn

  1. And then there might be the odd conquester that gets his feet wet and falls in love with ranked, deciding to then augment his shells and get a bit more serious. I know, I know, within the realms of team spirit and positivity, I hope this becomes the case.
  2. If you want to play as marauder for example, you could mail over your saber, so you don't have to purchase it twice. Legacy just creates more options if you play more than one character is all.
  3. No, Jug pvp tanking is in the freaking toilet. But as a dps jug, I've been top damage and top protection many times, but that doesn't mean my team will win the match. No room for stereotypes there... Jug tanking is garbage compared to PT's, the gap between the two is cavernous.
  4. Seriously, is there a valid reason why we can't have a smaller version of Outlaw's Den within our strongholds? I know this would assist greatly in pvp practice/sparring within guilds. Please include this feature...hell...you can even charge extra for it. Please Please Please give us a free-for-all area within strongholds so we can engage in more dynamic pvp sparring, beyond the conventional duel system in place. Stop making this game feel restricted. Make it so at least ONE centerpiece hook is like a "boxing ring" and players become flagged as soon as they walk in it. Imagine... 2vs2's, 4vs4's...etc. thank you. p.s. also, can you please fix the birds on Yavin SH while you're at it as well.
  5. Set bonuses are irrelevant. Jug tanking in pvp is a complete joke. The immortal tree is laughable by design. The "enhanced dps"(????) attributes are disgraceful. I get that sabre reflect is a major component for pve bosses, but it's useless in common pvp applications, given its puny attributes and cooldown, within unpredictable punitive contexts. Crushing blow??? Lmfao. If crushing blow could deliver and also spread the Shii-cho force crush effect, then pvp jug tanks *might* stand a chance at comparable dps output like our PT counterparts. Until they revamp the Immortal tree, pvp jug tanking will always be a pathetic waste of time. Atrocious. ATROCIOUS!!!
  6. I've seen PT/VG tank dps numbers that make my jaw drop. I've also seen jug/guard tanks isolate a healer with cc's so good that they can't cast a single heal on a dying teammate. As far as dps output is concerned, jug/guard tanks have been handed the *****ty end of the stick, and fall behind if not played properly. PT/VG tanks simply punish better when toe to toe.
  7. Granted. Ranked would be an asset to the conquest guilds that were capable of providing competent competitors. Hell, maybe they'd construct a recruiting reward structure to entice serious players...who knows. Let's just hope *that sentiment sinks in. Edit. I apologize for the thread, anyone who wants to try ranked, I mean *try* ranked should definitely feel free to hop in, just please try to augment a legacy set first with weapons maybe. At least throw a little effort into things before you just que up. The only way to really improve is to watch experienced players, etc, you gotta just jump in with both feet. I apologize for the rant.
  8. That sentiment hinged on a tiered ELO system. It's not the worst situation in ranked, but it's unfair to the ranked players who are serious about their games.
  9. In the spirit of protecting ranked this season in 3.3, we have reduced rewards for losing. This is actually a good thing, for there is no room for casuals to try to farm coms, credits or tokens in any way logical. We're *almost* there... The next step is to please remove the conquesters who are entering end game ranked with unoptimized, un augmented exhumed gear, and basically throwing the matches, due to inexperience, praying to get carried. I know many will hate me for making this statement, but if we could give the pve'ers enhanced conquest participation rewards FOR REGULAR WARZONES AND NOTHING FOR RANKED, then they could "punch the clock" there in regs, instead of in ranked. Please, and Thank you!!!
  10. Breaching 1600 requires skills no doubt, but in reality requires a greater knowledge of how, and when to que, and with who. Some of these internet tough kidz have learned how to game the system, so they can get mounts. Playing a juggernaut successfully *is* more of a challenge simply because it has no real escapes from focus fire, and from multiple ranged opponents. The same is true for a PT that gets chain cc'ed and burnt through his speed buff. Ultimately, the keys to success in arenas are the same common denominator regardless of class, ergo your team must be good, period. Jugs can change the dynamic of the fight and apply pressure confidently in an initial attack, but the team has to work around those strengths and weaknesses, the same way we do for anybody else. This discussion now leads itself towards a greater arena pvp dynamic specifically, and we should be spending more time discussing jug strats when running yoloque. I'd love to share experiences and ranked stories in a new thread with you guys. Warriors/Knights in general all share the same flaws in design regarding self sufficiency...they can only use their cooldowns once per round on average, until they're dead. Melee classes are infectious in my opinion because of this weakness.
  11. Totally. It's a sound loop resulting from bad design in the audio department. LoL. Complaining about birds in a mmo.... my ancestors are rolling around in their graves...
  12. There's a special place in hell for players who que ranked then go afk. It has become my new hobby to harass and punish these players mercilessly until they unsub. Thank you, please continue with your useless thread.
  13. Agreed, Fury is more self sufficient and forgiving, but Carnage *can* be more devastating, and that's the catch.
  14. Yeah, just wondering what you lovebirdz do over here in between pops. Was wondering if there was an active duel/sparring place. Either that, or if there's a guild that promotes dueling and sparring in between ranked pops. Anyways if there's a PvP guild on the server that's into class development in this regard, please speak up. I love to practice against different classes. There's also alot of players in que over here that obviously need coaching, and could possibly show up. Thanks.
  15. Man I tell ya, I wish I had a Jedi with a green saber. What graphics card are you using? I really liked the quality of your vid.
  16. ...simpler to play at a capable level? ...more bads will flock? Much higher skill ceiling? Alpha burst? LMFAO!!! Take that arrogant stick out of your arse. If no one on your team is trolling or afk, your team has an excellent chance of victory with a jug on it. You jug haterz....too funny.
  17. Seriously, I like my yavin SH, I dislike the limited hook diversity, but I can live with it. The real problem is the sound loops for ambience. There's a very loud bird that whistles two notes high, then two notes low... over and over and over again. Please give my character a shotgun for christs sake. In all seriousness, the bird can stay, but there needs to be a delay between its loud tweeting. I'm not joking, that godamn bird has stopped me from using my stronghold. Please fix.
  18. Nah, let pubs be pubs. If I have my way, I'll bring back three players from Harb to cleanse Ebon of its Republic Filth, haha. J/K, I like my sage too.
  19. Man I tell ya, the last few weeks on Harb with mid lowbie pvp, was the best I've had since pre 2.0. You never walk into a warzone half done, and the caliber was much higher, but.... Lately? The ques have been filled with mediocrity and I've noticed a bit more douchebaggery. Still good players in the mix, but not as many. Hmm, maybe it's my terrible luck again, but since the patch it's been a bit sour. Actually, *all* servers will begin to experience a few growing pains, as they see more players switch from pve to pvp. This is a good thing in the long run. Let's try not to be toxic to players who are obviously new to the scene, and instead provide coaching when it's due. I think if the established pvp'ers agree to this sort of mentality, we are all winners in the end. I'll take what you've said to heart, and maybe bring back a few pvp'ers with me. Sound good?
  20. yeah, I was exaggerating a bit there, but thanks for update. Hmm, If we were to look at this laterally, we'd see how ranked would become known as a place that is supposed to be brutal, and isn't a place for the casuals. If this was the intended purpose, there would be merit in having absolutely nothing for a loss, but for the players who won, they would be paid handsomely (30k+ credits?). In effect the ranked community will become smaller as the "first ten roll the dice games" are over, for those who had bad luck will stop queing. Then again, a few of them will select a toon that they want to keep playing with to *try* and accumulate tokens with. System is borked a bit, but it might pan out. /thread.
  21. I played one ranked match and lost, but had great stats. The loss paid 780 credits. Still waiting for an official response on this bug.
  22. Indeed. An official dev response is on the way.
  23. The Problem is that all above average ranked competitors that que up, will *always* focus the Mandalorian classes first... So either stop queing, or try to enjoy getting chased for the rest of your life. /thread.
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