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Everything posted by Igax

  1. The kiddies (those being below and above 20) are starting to come out. I blame XBox live for this really. Pre-live Online-Gamers as a whole were a fairly mannered and decent crowd. Then came along the online console and changed most of that.
  2. This is one of the worst arguments EVER for being against cross server WZs. I mean it.... really, it is a fake or like an urban legend. Community comes from what happens in the world, you know, like WORLD PVP. Warzones, Minigames, Battlegrounds, WHATEVER you want to call them, do nothing but add a carrot for the masses. The best PVP ALWAYS comes out of world pvp, never some minigame. And communities are born from the conflict or friendships that is forged from those world encounters.
  3. Guess they better start unsubbing then, as I hear it told it was coming as soon as they said they was spliting up the pvp WZ.
  4. I really wish the workbenches still served a purpose though, maybe a reduciton in cost to remove upgrades?? once you hit 50 taking the mods out of PVP armor can get pricey, a price reduction at a workbench would be a nice incentive and make them sort of useful??
  5. Igax

    Wins do not count

    This made me laugh, sadly it is SOO true! I hate the ticket support in this game. Why the hell is it closed before I real person reads the damn thing?
  6. So I am not alone in hating the "1.1 Ilum" good to know
  7. Did you drop in the crapper while trying to take a leak?? Sucks but there are bound to be a few duds, just call and ask them to send you a new one, the least they should do!
  8. Playing against a premade with a pug is bad enough, playing against a premade of lvl 50s fully decked out as a lvl 50 with a pug is pointless and beyond stupid, *** were you guys thinking????
  9. space was promoted as a mini game when it leaked that was all it was. Who knows when it was decided to be so.
  10. It is time to up the server caps, I mean really, 8pm on a Sunday and a 50min que time? Anchorhead has never seemed that "full" to me!
  11. lvl 50 in 4 days so.... uhmm they probably put in about 75ish hours of game play. Some people share accounts so as to have a guild fully lvled up and doing content in as minimum of time as possible, so characters on fulltime grinding away.
  12. 7/21 here and not in.... oh well should be sometime today I suppose.
  13. Not even all the 7/21 are in yet, your wait is long my friend.
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