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Everything posted by Igax

  1. Returning player here and wondering what late night/early morning guilds are around?? I put a post in the guild section of the forums with my details, looking for guild with active players in my play time so I can enjoy some of the end game content!!!
  2. Looking for a late night/early morning guild. My play times around the 1am-4am central time. Have not run all FPs at this point and more or less a Fresh 50 but looking to gear up and hope to run ops on weekends when family life permits. Running several Alts as well but so far this is my main. Long time player but was on a PVP server and played Empire there with a Merc.... got tired of the community and dropped from game. Returned about 3 weeks ago and decided to move to a PVE server and go back to my roots in the Tank role
  3. Player> Companion If you want for your companion that is fine, just make sure a player is not needing it.
  4. OMG the Dungeons in GW2 where insane! It was a game that I really wanted to like but could not.
  5. Igax


    I have been questioning their ability yo patch and run an MMO for nearly a year now. Today's patch to patch a patch is the same crap they have been pulling since day one. They seem to learn little or care little. I suppose it could be that they are suffering from over inflated ego's from all the fanboy worship.
  6. Igax


    My point is that every patch should spend a week on PTS and they listen to the feedback and fix stuff before it goes live. Using live as a QC sever is not only frustrating but bad for customer retention.
  7. Igax


    When the hell will you guys start using it? I left the game before because of your patch schedule and the fact that you have multiple patches in a week WAY to often. Patches to fix a patch are nearly eliminated by the simple use of a PTS. Nearly any MMO worth a $#!7 uses them and has far fewer patches to patch the patch than you guys. I came back expecting this at least once a week, but I see you still screw the pooch with your piss poor QC, use the frakin resources you have at your disposal, there is no reason what so ever to not delay these mundane patches a week to allow them to sit on a PTS and iron out stupid mistakes and keep your main servers up time % up. It is not that you are cutting into the middle of my playtime, it is that your eliminate all my playtime for that day, this is what irritates. If you at least offered something other than a NOTHING and I could see you are making progress to ensure it doesn't happen as often in the future that would be one thing, but you have offered nothing at all not even an explanation as to why your patches fail so often.
  8. Another 2 patch week:eek:, this makes me laugh !!!! Bioware fails at MMOs plain and simple. TSW has servers up
  9. Wrong. Most american MMOs have had there scheduled maintenance for me in the 5am-7am central window (and there is a good chance I have played more of them than you). This 2am crap is just that, CRAP. Not that it matters for me anymore at this point since I have had enough with my play time being screwed over, oh it is not the only it is just the straw. Blows my mind how so many of you can not see an issue with this. Most big AAA titles even separate down times for the different regions as well, but hard core fans will always have their rosey glasses on and see it the way they wish to.
  10. I find your like of faith in the dev team... refreshing.
  11. If they spread the multi down times in a week over more than one time slot I am guessing they would piss off fewer people. After all 3 times in one week, on top of all the other Multiple weeks of dual patches, is kind of an F U from BW to those that do not play prime time USA.
  12. Well just a guess, but I would say they need to patch the patch that pachted the patch.... got that?
  13. EPIC fail Bioware, if ever there was a doubt about dropping my sub you would have ended that tonight!
  14. It is sad that you think MMORPGs are all about grinding mindless daily quests.
  15. I love how you can tell by their posts in this thread who is most likely a first shift working american. Way to be concerned for others!! Anyone that plays normally during the "emergency Hotfix" patch (yeah I did that on purpose) has more than enough reason and rights to complain, loudly, over this. Just go back to the patch records and see how often this happens and also notice it is NOT always on those BIG patches. And for the ones doing the $.34 blah blah, do this math.... shutting the server down at 2am central twice in one week cuts into 2/5 of my weekly play time, lot more of a big deal then isn't it?
  16. Call it what you like then ( though I have seen other MMO teams call a patch to patch the patch a hotifx.... and yes the servers came down) , the point is it has gotten old with this game and this team. Not that I care from this point on so enjoy TOR and all those hot twi'leks dancing around.
  17. You seem to miss the point, for real you do! It is always a Hotfix with this team. Look back and count how many times they have HAD to make a hotfix. I do not need a tinfoil hat, I fear no one.
  18. Someone told me they have some of the old original SWG Devs on the TOR team, if so this would explain the not listening as they were very well known for not listening to the community feedback.... and look where SWG ended up. If it is not true (never looked it up, do not care enough now to even try to google it!) then oops, my bad!
  19. This is why I dropped my sub, tired of my play time not being available when I want to play. Once a week I accept but the continuing patch to patch the patch has chased me off, if BW can not improve their QA process then I am out of here!
  20. I fail to see why we do not have one really. What is the benefit of taking a Merc along in a raid or HM FP?? Every other class can do what we can plus some. Mercs need some loving that is for sure.
  21. Yo dude, Anchorhead was a pre-release server as well, my guild was sent there by BW, AH was also considered second in population to Fatman in the PVP east servers.... yet I am still waiting as well. /Feelyourpain
  22. They have Time Lord technology! It is bigger on the inside!
  23. I have been waiting since I first hit 50 shortly after launch for cybertech to become useful.... still waiting.
  24. No. "We" would not like to see it "NOW". "We" want to see it when it is done and done right, not some rushed out the door POS mechanic that causes more issues.
  25. If you were relying on DoTs to win Voidstar then you were doing it wrong.
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