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Everything posted by codyr

  1. i haven't seen the problem in a very very long time, but i also updated my mobo's firmware and that's when it disappeared for me. this was back in january.
  2. i think my throwaway statement about selkath counted as a (1) vote, but just in case, here are my 3. 1) selkath 2) togruta 3) nautolan not sure what the poster asking about the coruscant race is referring to. the only "crazy talk" i recall on coruscant is from the Gree ambassador droids. edit - OH he might be talking about the porcine engineers. not sure what they're called either, but they were there when Han was frozen in carbonite.
  3. after your post, i googled and found what you found. only, it looks as though they were only banned for a week. that's outrageous. hackers should be permabanned. i'm actually pretty livid now that bioware would allow confirmed cheaters to come back and play again after only a week. i even found a post from someone who said they were banned, came back after a week, and just kept on using the hack. what incentive is there to play honestly now? even if you're caught, you just get a slap on the wrist? this is ridiculous. i'm done pvping in this game. in a previous post, i talked about there being a problem with trust, and now i've confirmed it. there are cheaters in this game and bioware knows it, because they sent them sternly worded letters but let them keep playing anyway.
  4. however, all the CDs and cast times are client side. hackers can heal themselves to full within half a second. i've seen it done. they can also reset their "get out of stun free" abilities. this i've also seen done. there's even a hack that reduces the GCD to 0s, meaning they can perform several abilities all at once. but i think the biggest problem re hacking is the lack of trust that players now have that they're playing against fair opponents. that hackers can use so many hacks so brazenly makes everyone suspicious that if they were killed very fast, or simply could not kill their opponent, that a hack was used. and this is something that Bioware simply hasn't fixed. the perception that unless we can absolutely prove someone is hacking, they're basically getting away with it. and i have to admit, i don't know whether that's true or not. i suspect a lot of hackers have their speed hacks turned down to say 10%, just to give them a slight edge over everyone else. i'm not sure something like that is even detectable by players unless you follow right behind them for several seconds.
  5. he's already done the work for the gear. he earned the pants he's wearing, and he already worked to earn the pants he wants to wear instead (or already bought them). the three hours of work is just to swap between the two, which is absurd. i have never played an MMO where changing your clothes requires hours of grinding to be able to afford it.
  6. it happens after extended play. there's an audio memory leak that causes sounds to begin dropping out after about 2-3 hours (usually if you've been doing an ops), and eventually, you end up with no sound at all. it's also not related to drivers, because when it happens, you start to see NPCs bobbing their heads as though they're talking, but their mouths don't move and there's no sound. then the conversation wheel pops up as though you've been having a conversation instead of watching the night at the roxbury.
  7. maybe i missed it, but why isn't selkath on there? a selkath jedi? yes please!
  8. why is crafted gear more attractive? does anyone even buy crafted gear while leveling? you get a boat-load of orange pieces just from commendations, and almost every quest gives you a mod. so why would anyone buy a crafted piece? they're all ugly, which just means if you're buying them for the superior mods, you're paying again when you put them into a piece you like. and if you're buying them for the augment slot, then you're paying again to put the mods you have into it. it's just lose-lose-lose all around.
  9. swapping gear should be free. credit sinks should go somewhere else. (adding augment slots is a good example) that's my 2 cents. the 30% reduction is not enough, because really, why should i lose credits when i decide to change a piece of gear i already worked to get. and if i change my mind, i have to pay again!? it's absurd and it just leads to people being sub-optimally geared or wearing garbage they don't like because they can't afford to change it. it seems to me that almost everything in this game costs way too much, and it's really a result of there being credit fountains early on in the game (and vendor bugs) that made a small portion of the player population extremely wealthy. now, unless we grind the same dailies every day and do nothing else (i think progression raiding breaks just about even with daily quest rewards minus repair costs on progression bosses), we can't even afford to change our clothes!
  10. i'm not sure why, but from what i can tell, what seems to cause the fps drop isn't the number of characters, it's the number of particle effects. this is most obvious on coruscant. there's a certain flightpoint that's right above a big firefight, with many NPCs firing at each other, and pretty much everyone experiences 10fps there. the scary thing is, i don't think this is something they can fix.
  11. the irony is that since we're stuck on dead servers, what else can we do but post here? we certainly can't do pvp or raids.
  12. this isn't what happened. bioware enforced artificially low server caps in december (and brought them back up in january) in order to force queuing and funnel people to their other servers. they'd already bought all the hardware, they wanted to fill them up. so they manufactured a crisis in order to spread people around, and then had no plan B for when the populations started dropping because they hadn't created a transfer tool that actually worked with the legacies. bioware hasn't 'relented' to anything ever as far as i can tell. they always planned to have a bunch of servers at the start - that wasn't relenting. it took months to get GCD animations and an interface editor - that wasn't relenting - and when the GCD animations sucked, they threw up their hands and said "fine, pick your own then!" - that also wasn't relenting, that was just giving up their lordship over the ui. 6 months to have an actual reason to level the legacy, and now 7 months after release, they finally have the ability to transfer players, but ask 20% of the population to sit on their hands for a while. the only people relenting here are the players who keep paying them for promises of a better future.
  13. i did reroll. 3 times. i started on lord praven, then went to veeboo lunx, then to space slug, spending more time on each successive reroll than the previous. i didn't have any characters left on lord praven, so its status is moot. now my mains are all on space slug, and my middling toons are on veeboo lunx, neither of which have been opened up for transfers. nice try blaming me for the problem, though. i abandoned a legacy level 16 on veeboo lunx to reroll on space slug 3 months ago, when it was standard. it is now light every single day all day. that's my fault?
  14. try 6 months. but whatever, what's 4 more days? it's not like we're paying them... oh wait.
  15. i don't think the LFG tool will work with just a hundred more people at peak hours. it really requires populations like drooga and harbinger now have.
  16. they've already said they're done for the day. no west coast servers.
  17. it's actually only been east coast servers. no west coast servers yet today either. but anyway, this thread is just gonna get locked. they don't talk to us. they just lock our threads and tell us to go to the one big thread where questions go to die.
  18. i'm all for patience, but as i said earlier in this thread, servers that haven't yet transferred are in a holding pattern - not doing anything while they figure it out. if it goes on for 2 weeks, that's $7 we paid for the privilege to have "patience" with them.
  19. it isn't pleasant to be on a server that hasn't yet been selected. people are just logging in to empty their mailboxes now, waiting for the big move. nobody on my server is raiding or doing much of anything beyond waiting in pvp queues. the GTN is also emptying out because nobody knows when the transfer will happen and they don't want to leave anything on it. there's only so long that this state of affairs can continue. to prolong it for another week might actually cost a fair amount of subs as people just get fed up with waiting.
  20. this wasn't exactly the problem. they recommend you log out because it guarantees the problem can't be replicated, but they've said it wasn't that someone tried to move a character they were logged into.
  21. the next couple of hours? server transfers for new servers are suspended until tomorrow morning. so more like the next 16 hours or so.
  22. space slug -> veeboo lunx is pretty much my dream scenario.
  23. since the jedi are based partly on buddhists, emotion detachment is an integral part of their teachings. but where buddhists believe detachment is preferable because the entire world is a falsehood, and only through detachment can you find peace, the jedi don't actually have any beliefs about how the world works, other than "the force did it." so, while a buddhist monk is detached so that he may clear his mind of the distractions of our "fake" reality, a jedi is detached because he's an a-hole. even George Lucas knows subconsciously that emotional detachment isn't heroic, and so in basically every battle in every star wars movie, it's the assumed "good" guy that's emotionally unstable and flying off the handle, while the "bad" guy is cool and collected as he goes about his murderous and evil business. it would be hammy and stupid for darth maul to savor qui gon's death like a cannibal or something, just as it would be difficult to connect with obi wan's pain if he had no reaction to it and simply stood there while qui gon died. just the same, vader would not be very imposing if he was angry or cackling all the time, but we wouldn't give a rip about luke if we didn't think he was scared or sad or angry.
  24. i think partly, the writers, indeed almost our entire generation, are bored of the traditional good side. in almost every hero-villain story, the villain is the one making things happen, and the hero is a hero because he preserves the status quo. at no point does a hero of this type challenge the status quo. truth, justice and the american way sounds incredibly corny to us now, which is why the new superman movie tossed it out like it was a joke. so i suspect, when approaching the story of this great war between the empire and the republic, where the jedi have but one goal, and that is to make sure everything stays exactly the way it is, the writers simply got bored and filled the storylines with a mr. rogers style morality, even to the point of being completely hypocritical, where your "light-side" choices result in you inflicting much more harm and murder on the galaxy than saying, "f- this, you guys are corrupt a-holes and i'll have no part in this." it doesn't have to be this way, though, and there are examples of the heroes in a story being the ones who challenge the status quo, even if everyone is happy with the way things are. Pleasantville is a good example of that. i think that after seeing what the republic was working on through chapter 1 of the jedi story, and even what you eventually see on Belsavis on all republic classes, the real light side choice should have been to work to dissolve the Senate, because it no longer serves the interests of the Republic. but that doesn't happen. in fact, nothing even remotely similar to that happens, and your only exposure to the politics of the Senate is through the trooper storyline where it's just so much Tom Clancy BS about the military being perfect and democracy just gets in their way that i just throw my hands up and assume the entire Republic is a joke.
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