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  1. This is embarrassing bc im a 24 sentinel but.....what stats are important for a dps sentinel. i havent played my sentinel in a really long time and am buying new gear and dont know what to aim for
  2. So i never have tried crafting and since its easy to just send your companion to do work i figure i would start doing it more. Just need to know a few things. 1. What investigation missions match up with the other type of crew skill 2. which pair is most profitable 3. thats it If you could help me out please that would be awesome
  3. So, after 6 months of letting bioware do some patching to fix some stuff that pissed me off at release, im coming back to play and need to kknow some opinions of what class is their personal favorite for pvp. Im big into dps so if you could keep your opinions on classes built around dps thatd be great.
  4. so youre saying that there was a patch that solved this problem. I havent touched the game since it came out so im a little out of the loop. im downloading the client right now but id like some confirmation before i wait another 2 hours
  5. So at one point or another surely someone has come across a person complaining about huge chunks of the game being taken out, or a solid color plane sticking through the map. I came across this when the game first came out and got so frustrated with this issue i quit. Now, 6 months later, im trying it again to see if it is fixed. Does anyone know if this problem was fixed or how to fix it.
  6. Okay so i downloaded from the game client online and i can play the game perfectly on medium settings with 30-50 fps which is fine for me. The only problem is when i go outside of the cities in open area, planes of solid color show up on my screen. They are actually in the world though not just on my screen like i can run my character through them and stuff. Sometimes it is not so bad but occasionally it gets to the point where there are so many i cant see. If anyone knows why this is happening please please please let me know
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