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Everything posted by Yermog

  1. Y'know, I wonder if down the line they'll give us a chance to go back to our original LI's. Obviously given what we've seen of the last 2 LI's, they're not over us (by us, I mean our toons), and it would be kind of interesting to have a scenario down the road where we could possibly rekindle the romance. I mean, if Kaliyo the Terrorist hasn't doused the torch for her Agent hubby, I highly doubt that any of them have. It's probably not going to happen of course, but those little comments make me wonder sometimes.
  2. So I have to say, I was a little disappointed at the end of Chapter XI when I didn't get an extra moment with Aric when he was reunited with my femTrooper, but then I read about a hint for Chapter XII that made me super happy.
  3. Hoping for "this year". That would be nice. I honestly don't think that it would be a good idea for them to take a 5-6 month break in-between seasons and chapters. People really like the monthly chapter thing, and even if they put new operations in, there are a lot here who are here for the RP element, just for the story, and would not be impressed. That's not to say they would abandon the game en masse, but I think that financially, it would not be in BW best interest to take an extended break for half a year. Especially since so many people want their companions back NOW and would throw a hissy fit over not getting them as quickly as possible.
  4. D: Noooo! Don't say that! I'm going to go knock on wood right now!
  5. Yeah, my Agent would just punch him across the face after the crap he tried to pull on me. I do still have a thing for Saganu, though... Mmmm...
  6. I really hope they aren't going to take a break for the summer, and that they keep up the monthly updates. I can understand taking off a month for Christmas (maybe), but I would really hate to end season 1 on a cliffhanger, and then have to wait a few months until I could see what happens next. That almost always ruins some of the suspense for me, because my attention wanders to other things.
  7. He may have enough ability to do those two things, but nothing else. That would qualify him as being able to use the Force, but to a very limited extent, such as the abilities you just mentioned. That would warrant him getting some basic attention, but wouldn't be enough to make him a full Jedi.
  8. I'm keeping him on all of them. Beggars can't be choosers.
  9. Yeah, forget her, Aric is the one I'm saving if I have the choice. Even my Agent, who I had be friends with her because she had to play nice, would pick Aric. At least he would never share top secret information about the Outlander to the highest bidder.
  10. Well, my smuggler would freak out once she realized they weren't joking. She would defiantly not consider herself to be 'leadership' material. She's used to working from behind the scenes. Being commander is stressful enough for her. My Bounty Hunter might tell them to get lost in the way you described, though. That is a pretty sweet chair.
  11. I'm more freaked out by Vitiate's reaction to a toon who hasn't accepted his help. He was hardcore hostile to my Sith Warrior! I was a little freaked out to be honest, I kind of expect him to come back and have everyone that she loves assassinated as a punishment for her or something! OR choose a new host and have that host wipe out the Alliance completely. Who knows what he's up to now.
  12. I was actually hoping that this chapter would signal the return of Andronikus. I was never a huge fan of Gault (although his reunion with Hylo will be amazing and possibly lethal), but I will be happy to see my Sith Warrior reunited with her lil' sis. Gault and my Bounty Hunter will have a lot to catch up on... she may want to punch him, depending on what he's been up to. As far as Akghal Usar goes... I would have preferred Khem Val for my Inquisitor. He's fine for everyone else since they hadn't met a dashade before, but my Morose Monster had a special place in my Quizzie's heart despite all his threats to eat her.
  13. 1. I would really like the chance to tell Valkorian off for being a crappy Emperor. He basically calls the Empire a failure, but the Empire was doing exactly what he taught them to do! He gave them a morality, a drive, and a purpose, and they try to do it! If he isn't happy with it, that's his own damn fault! Furthermore, in Chapter 12 2. I would love the chance to tell Koth (and Senya after Chapter 12) off for being hypocritical creeps. They want me to stop Arcaan, but not do anything that would hurt their people, their planet, or basically anything Zakuul? You two idiots helped to slaughter the Republic and the Empire. You decimated planet's economies, destroyed their cities, and laid waste to civilizations that had existed for eons. And you want me to try not to step on any of your people's toes? So basically, you want to save lives, but only if they're from Zakuul. Morons! 3. Lana, I realize that we have big things to worry about, but really, would it be too much trouble to try to locate my love interests? I realize that there's a lot of crap going on in the world, but if you can find Kaliyo and Aric, you can doubtlessly find our spouses with a little extra looking. Its not like any of them are good at being subtle. 4. It would be cool to have a moment where the Outlander just goes "Stop. Just stop, and let me breathe." They've missed 5 years, are in charge of an alliance, have their greatest enemy inside their head, and they're told to go, go, go. I would really love to see the Outlander just loose it, or break down. They deserve it. There's one coming to them, and no one could blame them for having an emotional meltdown. 5. Special scenes with our LIs when we get them back during future chapters. Even little things like flirting during conversations or being able to say things like "Don't die on me again. It takes forever to get the funeral arranged."
  14. Really?! Well, that just makes it even better!
  15. Well, now I just want to! But these are really cool! It's so neat reading what others have in their heads. I'm adding in my Bounty Hunter background, which is the only one that I've actually seriously thought about besides my Sith Sisters. My Bounty Hunter grew up on an obscure farming planet where the biggest issues were people claim-jumping land and shooting the original owners. Nothing exciting happened there. She lived with just her dad, who had a leg injury and was verbally abusive to her (not that she cared, she just shouted back at him) because he suspected that she wasn't his daughter because his wife had had an affair and ran off with another guy. Anyway, one day while my BH was out in the fields some guys came by and tried to claim-jump their homestead and ended up killing her dad. She ran off to town to find someone to help her, and of course she met an old-timer bounty hunter, and she promised to give him anything he wanted if he helped her. He did it more out of pity than anything else. They went back and killed the claim-jumpers in a terrific shoot-out, but the Bounty Hunter was killed, too. So she buried the bounty hunter, took what she could make use of from her house and the bounty hunter's belongings, sold the land and everything on it to a young family, and left. Then she went from place to place honing her skills until she caught the eye of Braden. And the rest, as they say, is history.
  16. I didn't romance any companion I didn't like, so my Consular was single when she met Theron, and I plan to stay with all my original romances. My Sith Warrior DID have an affair with Theron, though, because I headcanon her still having trust issues with Quinn which results in a pretty unhappy marriage. But now that's she's awake, she's realized how much Quinn means to her so she'll go back to him. I rerolling another SW though where she'll divorce Quinn and get with Theron.
  17. *grumble grumble* Fiiiiiiiiine. I really wish they'd release the chapter names for the rest of the season so we'd at least get hints as to what's coming next. When I saw the image of Aric on the chapter preview for Chapter XI, I freaked out my sister because I did an excited fangirl scream. I'm not proud of it. But it happened. I know it's going to happen again the next time a romance comes up, I just know it. Especially for Andronikus. I miss my pirate.
  18. That's how I see it. Also, there were like 20 troopers at one side of the bridge and a freaking ship on the other. I don't care how strong you are, you are not going to last under direct fire from 20+ guns and a ship's cannon, even a small ship. I saw it as my Force users looking for a weak spot to exploit more than fearfully hiding, and saying "Any last words?" as a sarcastic/joking remark to lighten the mood.
  19. This is just a thread that I wanted to make for fun, for those of us who like to make up little stories about our characters in our heads. I'm curious to see what everyone else's are, I think it's a lot of fun to talk about. People can be so creative when it comes to making our characters more personal to ourselves. I only have one real headcanon concerning my toons, and that's for my Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor who are long-lost sisters. My other characters just have generic backgrounds in my mind. So in this headcanon, their father was a Sith Lord who became smitten with another Sith Lord, and the two of them were so overcome with passion for each other that they married on impulse, because bad choices make life interesting. Anyway, things were great for a little while until their dad began to realize that his darling wife was pretty much a suicidal psychopath. It wasn't that she wanted to die- it was that she did really stupid things that got her (and by extension, him) into serious trouble with other, more powerful Sith. So their dad tried to calm her down to save their family, and when they found out she was pregnant, she seemed to settle down. But of course, after their daughter was born (who is my Sith Warrior), she went right back at it, ticking people off left and right, drunk on power and basically incapable of any kind of foresight. Her husband, seeing where this was going, began to distance he and their family away from her, so that when she went down like a flaming comet she wouldn't take them with her. And sure enough, his wife finally managed to make the Dark Council angry enough that they stripped her of her title, her authority, and her position, and sold her into slavery as an example to other Sith. Her husband, who found out about her arrest before it was made public, immediately began divorce proceedings to save he and his daughter's future, and thankfully it worked. Not wanting to risk getting dragged into the mess, he took off for his stronghold on another planet mostly inhabited by Purebloods. He eventually remarried to another Pureblood Sith, and they had a son of their own, and together they raised the Sith Warrior into the noble fighter that I know and love today. Meanwhile, his ex-wife was sold into a gladiatorial arena, where, during her first medical examination, she discovered that she was pregnant with her second child (this is like a month after she's arrested, so she wouldn't have noticed before then). Horrified, she tried to get word to her ex-husband, but because he had moved she didn't know how to get the message to him. She died in the arena shortly after giving birth to her second daughter, who would become the Sith Inquisitor. Yes, tragic, I know. Fast forward about 25 years to when both girls are established and powerful- the Sith Warrior gets severely injured in one of her battles and needs a blood transfusion and because donner Pureblood blood isn't that common they were forced to look for other Pureblood Sith who might be willing to donate their plasma. And then Quinn finds my Inquisitor, and the two sith look so alike that he starts digging into the Inquisitor's background where he discovers the truth. He manages to get a blood donation from the Inquisitor but saves a little for himself, and runs a DNA test. And lo and behold, he's got a sister-in-law. So they have a really weird and unusual family reunion, but they all end up getting along pretty well. Except for Quinn and Andronikus though. Those two get along like oil and water. So what headcanons do you guys have for your characters? Feel free to post them here and discuss!
  20. Uuuuuugh, how do you find all this stuff?! I wanna be able to tell the future!! I can't wait for Season two, but I hope we don't have to wait too long for it. Waiting a month in-between chapters is taxing enough as it is!
  21. I'm more neutral about Kira. Don't hate her, but don't love her either. Her annoying moments are outweighed by her occasionally humorous comments. Now, NADIA, I can't stand. My consular's first thoughts when we find her is going to be "Oh, god, of all the people who didn't die, why not her?" She's a creepy fangirl. At least Kira was independent and didn't fawn/drool all over the JK.
  22. The one thing I would have really liked was to have an after-chapter conversation with Aric, like we had with Kaliyo. I was expecting at least something where Aric talked about how happy he was that his wifey was back. Even a letter would have been nice. Other than that one point, I agree, the chapter was lovely. I have a question though- if he's a minor character does that mean we won't get any more scenes with him? Because that would be sad. I'd hate to get stuck with stupid Kaliyo as a main character who I have to deal with later, and not my favorite Cathar cuddle-buddy.
  23. During the invasion of Asylum in Chapter 8, when Senya and Vaylin were having their fight, Vaylin said something to Senya that surprised and intrigued me. She said "I liked you better when you were dead." My first playthrough, I didn't think much of it, I chalked it up to Vaylin being insane. But in my other playthroughs, I thought more about it and began to wonder if this hints at something that may have happened in the past. What if, at some point, Senya did actually die somehow, and what if Valkorian/Vitiate brought her back to life? If this comment actually points at some past occurrence, it could have a really big impact on something else in the story further on down the line. Maybe I'm overthinking this comment, and maybe it doesn't mean anything. But I can't help but think it was placed at such a specific moment, and it was such an odd thing to say, that it had to have some other meaning behind it. If they just wanted Vaylin to say something hurtful, she could have easily said some awful thing to say to a mother. Did anyone else notice this comment? Did it strike anyone else as odd? I'd love to hear other's thoughts on it.
  24. I would also like to have an advance class change option. I also have an SI Shadow, and while I'm fine playing as one, and I don't mind it, and I still enjoy the story, I prefer sorcerer. I decided to try Shadow after doing a sorcerer on another server, just to see if I'd like it more, and I ended up not liking it all that much. Like I said, I don't hate it, and I can still live with it and enjoy the game, but I would really love if I could switch her to a Sorcerer.
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