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Everything posted by James_Mcturney

  1. I hope it's so bad that they will be worst than 3.0 snipers ever were, until so long that this game gets outdated and a new one replaces it. lol There should only be dps in pvp rly, its the most fun, kill or get killed, maybe all classes should be dpses ;p with self heals and temporarily tanking skills hahaha that would be an awesome game xD
  2. Hmm, i think sentinel/guardian could use this as a buff ;p Also force sweep should reapply/reset dots durations if it hits more than 2 targets affected by them.
  3. I'm getting so mad at unbalance and lack of dev work, first i gave up diablo3 which i loved for some reason, now i'm considering giving up swtor, a shame i love star wars so much, the movie is just around the corner and i just bought another 2 months ........ lack of time to find something better/forfeit my love for lightsabers.... If they just trolled the FOTY (flavor of the year) classes to the ground and let them die i would find it better (and funnier) than a few decent nerfs to make everything better.
  4. If the main target dies in the force sweep/vigilant thrust, why the dots that may be spread don't get spreaded? O.o
  5. Agreed, they should make self healing inherent (and useful) to the class like operative/mercenary/sage and following many ppl's here opinions: guardian/juggernaut xD
  6. Yup, their logic into figuring out these utilities just make my mind crash sometimes, it's almost like i'm (and other people who know what class problems/unbalance are, like you ;p) smarter than all of them togheter and could balance the game solo if i had direction O.o like just give me 15 minutes LMAO. I'm eager to see myself getting bursted down in a 6~7 second stun by pros without getting the any chance of popping my dcds because i don't have guarded by the force while cc'ed or free rebuke on cc (without needing to spend points in a bad utility)... or to see those healing numbers doing like 1% effectiveness in a ranked match / 2% in a 8v8 regular xD Or just getting kited because i wasted some utility points on improving my dcds so when i manage to pop them before getting perma stun i won't lose 90% of my hp but only 60 ;p
  7. If you know how to use it, you can get a huge crit by having zen+2 piece set bonus buff activated.
  8. Two very good dps should be able to solo and maybe even burst a very good healer. Or maybe one very good dps after many minutes of bursting through the healers CDc's perfectly until he runs out of power/energy/force/etc. This is valid to some point. Agreed? Instead what we have are Sorcs that require: 2 dps, 1 nuke, 1 death star beam, the power of a star forge on 110% potency, 2 super novas and half a super massive black hole to kill them. If that's what you mean then yeah, we all know that sorcs should be nerfed asap.
  9. Then nerf sage/operative self heals too please! =D Or buff ours, 40% of damage dealt should be enough. Lmao... just a 175% buff increase. Maybe make it 45% leech on first target and 15% from other targets (spreaded with force sweep for instance). Completely offtopic? I think sentinel/marauder self heals should be higher because they can't heal without target's, while all other classes with self heals can. Therefore it should be on par or even better. Also undying rage 3 minutes cooldown is bad enough in a 1v2 or 1v3 situation... if ppl have that number advantage against a single sentinel and are not kiting him/ccing etc then they are just bad.
  10. 141 heal dots maybe 243 heal dots.... wth geezus. (15% of force melt/cauterize/OS damage, if spreaded to ~4 people: 600~1200 tops, while 4 people hit for 30k+ total Hp each global cooldown) Have 70666 Hitpoints atm, bioware, hey, what about this, remove this useless ability and give us anything better like, 0.00001% overall damage increase... that would be much better. (edit) Agreed with many people's opinion: nerf group heals/remove group heals, greatly (150 ~ 200% increase) increase self heals. Operative/Sorc/Merc have amazing self heals as dps, nerf those or greatly increase sent/rauder self heals because those require targets while the others can simply run away while healing, which is much easier to do.
  11. I think ranked will be awesome this season, hope they keep the warzone comms when the season 7 tokens come out... lets all try the offseason guys!
  12. Just a notification, updated the thread because of 4.0 changes: anihilation big changes, other specs small changes, no defense/mobility buff except for that blade blitz with its huge cooldown and no inherent root breaking capacity.
  13. lol this is awesome, keep doing it bioware, ignore the elitist sad boys
  14. Why is it so important to show everyone that you got gold rating (and only a few people did so)? I think the problem is not with the game mechanics but with you man, just relax and enjoy more, find stuff more important to talk about like class unbalance. Those people spent hours upon hours farming the tokens because they couldn't get silver/gold...
  15. Yes, but you forgot to add heal % every X seconds when being hit, like the heroic utility for blade ward. I agree sentinel need some changes (the defensive skills cooldowns need to be reduced, yes), not exactly how you said but... specially some extra defensive cooldown while stunned like the guardian, free of charge since guardians can use focused defense while cced since a long time ago.
  16. SO how is this going? How many people joined The EBon Hawk for season 7 and further? Post here if you did!
  17. It needs to have it's cooldown reduced or something else added to it, for now you have to use it because you have no other option but the kiting problem persists most of the time. At least make alacrity reduce it's cooldown + reduce it by 10~15 (or reduce the CD baseline by 5 and then 10 with utility) seconds with the heroic utility that removes root, make it a masterful or skilful utility would also help. As it stands now wasting that heroic utility point is pretty much not worth it for either guardian or sentinel (sentinel can simply use transcendence heroic utility which is much better)...
  18. Imo it should always be taken even in pve for most fights... Should be baseline, i'm getting tired of repeating myself; sentinels/marauders need to get a free utility point somehow, by making one of those very essential utilities from heroic/masterful (both pve/pvp) baseline. Otherwise the choice is going to be very limited, because some (many, different from other classes) utilities will simply be 100% more important than others.
  19. Well, nice nerf to force speed on sage, 10+ sec cooldown is much worst than a phase walk imo... specially now that ANIHILATION IS BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK. And looking awesome. Also i heard force camouflage is breaking roots baseline? gg Wp lets crush, pvp will be awesome again, pve is looking awesome, story is looking awesome, FPS and graphics looking awesome, S6 rewards looking awesome (didn't get enough for gold green crystal... underestimated it, will get the good one next time xD). So; more subscription time from me Bioware!
  20. did you actually checked the skills? you should start doing that. sorc/shadow speed buff got a +10 sec cooldown delay, didn't get bubble on the move and i think some other stuff. For me those were very important nerfs. Sorc still is top though, i just hope other classes can catch up, a few weeks of pvp will tell.
  21. You can't RE the 40 versatile hilt from vendor, the artifice vendor has no new recipes... The guides/patch/forum stuff say that you should be able to RE into 216 gear from vendor stuff... Great, how? I think the recipes are missing/bugged.
  22. 20s cd breaker? you mad? mad blitz cooldown is 45 mate, if it was 20 then wasting the utility would be worth it. also undying rage cooldown should always be 2.30 minutes and it should always last 6 seconds imo... so i guess sentinels need literally 2 free utility points; 2 utilities need to be made baseline xD
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