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Everything posted by James_Mcturney

  1. Yes i actually thought of that, i don't know why i didn't say anything. Maybe all tanks should have a passive related to guard (when guard + tank stance is active) that reduced taunt or global taunt (or both, or one each time) cooldown by 1 sec each time you took damage (including guard damage), this can't happen more than once every... idk... 2 or 3 seconds? I.e. It reduces the passive ammount of absorption a tank can take, which requires few skill to utilize (guard switch should be easy with the right hotkey optimization) and increases the difficulty (more APM/decision making required to use taunts more times and on the right targets), specially since guard, even nerfed a bit, would still need to be switched. Another idea that could be applied with this, make guarded targets receive the buffs (probably from defensive cooldowns activations or adrenals/medpacs) when the tank uses them, this would increase the difficulty but would enable greater outcomes the greater the player level, also lots of strategy could come of this. [took this idea from IO > wisp (a hero) from dota2, google if you want more info] In this case though, i'm afraid guard would require a bigger nerf.... Maybe taunts could apply a small cc to ppl atacking* guarded targets, unless they also dealt a bit of damage to the tank in the meanwhile... There are many ideas which can make guard mechanic more dynamic and less ubber, being the only reason to play tanks in pvp;
  2. As it stands now, in live, almost 0 tanks (experienced ones) utilize shielding because of how it interacts with crit (fyi, crit basically overwrites shielding rolls) and defense doesn't increase force and tech resistance, which implicates that many classes need 0 accuracy and will easily overpower those tanks, since they are simply not affected by it. So, we have lots of tanks with dps gear doing damage, WHICH IS OK, and if you are not doing it, it's surely undermining your capacity. If they invested all the points they had avaiable, the problem in here is CHOICE, why not let tanks gear defensively and give them a decent effectiveness/usefulness for doing so? Guard absorption should be nerfed, because every time a class is outlying the others in power, tanks combo very strongly with it because of the huge 5% DR + 50% damage redirection they grant, 100% of the time. At the current momment, this class is sage healer, which lead to very boring and slow paced matches, most of the time very one sided-- usually the premade side, at least in my server, and this is not even my opinion, but a concurrent argument that i have with my ranked friends, and if meritocracy matters here, most of them are gold ranked for many years... My theory is a reduction of 50 to 35 or 30%, it can be counter balanced with a small increase in it's range. Maybe another rework, a reduction in taunts cooldowns (only for tank the specced), etc to compensate. The result of this changes would be a increase in build options and strategy variances; as it stands now, the current meta is almost always Vg tank + Sage heals in granked, tank + sage heals in regulars. What you guys think? I took this out of another thread because people usually only read the tittle, also it were bringing much nuisance, lots of trolls, wow
  3. hmm its a matter of opinion maybe... good to know you like regulars though, don't forget to mention/make implicit that it is your opinion and not a fact ;p
  4. Just coming to say cause i can't resist. I never said to nerf tank damage LMAO. I have no idea why people are arguing over this.
  5. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8701196#post8701196 this is the thread you are looking for, bump it so bioware can see, they are kinda blind sometimes.
  6. is this a known issue? advanced critical 40 augments not showing, when i had them being sold in multiple toons. STEP IT UP GUYZ, CMON, TIME TO FIX THIS.
  7. Raging? Wow you guys must be very freaking calm and annoying then, because i'm very restrained if taking into consideration the ammount of offtopic posts, people not reading the main thread, ad hominem accusations, like the one in your own freaking post that i decided not to quote entirely because i simply don't care about this forums anymore. Hope = lost, swtor playerbase, you get the ****** game you deserve.
  8. Wait, what is this? Is this prejudice or something? if tanks can wear dps gear and overperfom, why can't dps wear tank gear and overperform? OH YES, RIGHT, dps classes are worst, specially because they can't combine with healers and become godly because of guard (which, again, is the only thing that should be nerfed while buffing tank gear/stats/ how it works).
  9. So it's like 4 tanks could beat the usual 1-1-2? lmao that would be awesome. Such balance, valve should hire everyone in here to patch dota2. Edit: also, maybe, just maybe, i only played granked with the usual 1-1-2 against the usual 1-1-2 and never noticed it could be different.
  10. Good to know that both of you never played rank, cause if you did, you would know that only similar role teams can get queued against each other. ^_^ i.e. only 1 tank+3 dps vs 1 tank +3 // or 4v4 dps // or 1 tank +1 healer +2 dps vs 1tank+1healer+2 dps.... Now for some reason, i will put this word here, i really don't know why, anyway, here it is: scrub'd. So i guess all experienced players from now on can ignore all those accusations and misinterpretations of my thread, walk in the shadows my friends. LOL Problem is when the mix of tanking with ZERO TANK can 1- make sage healers too strong, beyond the overpower they already have 2- being much harder to kill and protecting everyone around them, while debuffing/ccing the enemy in a effective manner. 3- overperforming dps because of problems 1 and 2, which greatly increases their uptime in any given match (and by uptime i mean not having to respawn > run back into the fight), problem is obviously aggravated in ranked since they die last, but shouldn't be a problem since the team roles composition is equal. Instead we get many very slow-paced matches that end in sudden death phase, always favoring the sage healers obviously with their godbubble. In other words, it may reach a point where the least used role in pvp is DPS, which will greatly reduce the selection pool and make this game ungodly boring full of stalemate matches, if you like this kind of game, then go ahead and keep complaining and trolling this thread. Also, the ONLY nerf i'm suggesting to tanks is GUARD ABSORPTION REDUCTION. If people didn't notice, i'm even suggesting buffs to shielding/defense/absorption, which will greatly benefit tanks even if they don't use lots of tank gear.
  11. I never complained about dps, it's funny with the ammount of ad hominen falacies.. \/ and bad interpretations, or people that use this forums but don't freaking read the mainthread AT THE VERY LEAST.... If a tank is using full dps gear, then ok, the numbers are reasonable. Problem is when they can outperform dps because they don't die, while at the same time making 1 healer (sage probably/mostly) invulnerable, thus, by doing that, they also become raid boss level diehard. PROBLEM is not about dps. GOD how the hell could i screw up this thread so much because of the tittle, it seems like it's the only thing people READ. :mad:
  12. Of course, game is perfectly balanced, the only reason everyone is playing multiple tanks with dps gear ONLY (a mix i would understand but, FULL DPS GEAR, except maybe for the set bonuses) + multiple sage healers all the time is because they have the hardest skill cap and therefore the most funny. Maybe the dps in my server are bad, The Ebon Hawk is a RP server, but if the most played classes are well known 1 or 2, amongst 8, then something is wrong.
  13. I like the fact that tanks are doing nice damage when geared for it. Problem 1 is: gearing as dps is the only viable option considering how absorption/defense works. Problem 2 is: sage healer + tank dps is a very strong combo, only very good dps/team can deal with this, and imo it requires 3 or maybe 4 depending on the class combination (net +healing debuff should make it easy, but again, this is only a regs cenario) if their skill level is equivalent to destroy the tank+healer combo... problem is, how long does it take? reinforcements will arrive and anihilate what is left of the dps if they don't have tank + healers themselves to back it up. Or if it's 4's, the game will mostly end in acid - sudden death, which, i don't know, is a huge sign that something is wrong!? Anyway, i don't know, seems like you guys like stalemates so much, playing lowbies is awesome because how fast people die... it doesn't need to be that fast in 65's but nor so slow/immortal in the current metagame. maybe i just screwed up another good thread/idea i had with a bad tittle? since people are not adressing my main points again lmao.
  14. Would actually trade all my rewards, even if i had like gold rank + thousands of tokens to use, for more pvp balance. hehe, or get the next sabers for participating in ranked, weapons are really cheap, maybe they will make similar ones with a nice effect. I love my predacious, everyone loving on furious is so mainstream, almost seem like an excuse to avoid ranked... Lots of fear we have in the playerbase maybe?
  15. who said 1v1? O.o Guess if we had more of the good players in the forums complaining, our chances of happyness would be greater. Gr8 post m8. o/
  16. Oh they probably can, the thing is, if they don't die first/get interrupted/cc/pulled/pushed in crucial moments, etc.
  17. Yes, we could have like 3 or 4 set slots, unlockable with CC ofc... They could also be made legacy for same/equivalent classes if you have them, through the utilizing of legacy gear/shells.
  18. Tanks can overperform (be more effective, not dps numbers) some dps in PvP or do just as good, while redirecting loads of damage + being 2x harder to kill. Does BW want PvP to be only tank + healer (sage mostly) groups with the eventual sniper+ merc/commando for debuffs or something? The current gameplay is the epitome of boredom, pvp is about action, quick thinking, quick reaction, creativity, juking, coordination... but atm the game is like hitting parse dummies-"month"-flavored that don't really need to move, therefore people with the most boredom-resilience + best parse player/class will win matches. Some very slow, repetitive and stalemated matches that can go for hours (hypergate, denova..). The most fun matches i ever had in pvp were 4v4's KILL OR BE KILLED, DpS only, hope more people agree to this. A possible solution is to nerf guard PvP protection, which won't affect PvE obviously. Another option is to nerf sage's, specially healing spec, but the problem can return later in a similar way because guard is very strong. Currently an obnoxious 50% of all damage. Second you must improve how shielding/absorption works for PvP, while maybe changing defense overall, http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=857264 on this thread there is a solution which makes lots of sense (imho haha xD). Beause atm only dps geared tanks are worth anything in PvP, and by doing so, the old 1 tank = 1 dps is not true anymore even in a non healer-scenario, while allied with healers, it might as well be 2.5 dps worth (not talking damage numbers, but effectiveness). People can come and say "but the most skilled, most godlike and pro ubber players with perfect dps kill those healers and win matches easy on my server, for i am one of them". Well, confreakingrats, the point in here is, sage healers (when properly guarded) can faceroll the keyboard while healing awesome numbers, i.e. they don't require the ammount of skill needed for a select group of dps to kill them, and it's not a small diference: That is the definition of unbalanced gameplay. For ranked solo, btw, ppl don't want to be queued with the non-sage healer*, which brings another common sense that anyone with the brains/experience knows (if they are not biased...), and that has enough threads to talk for. *Just check ranked season's average scores; conclusion - last balance patch was decent but we need more changes ASAP.
  19. phase walk is cool, once my sentinel zealous leaped to a shadow just as he used it, therefore i was "teleported" with him and nailed it xD godbubble is stupid agreed, nerf it's duration imo, that + one or 2 other nerfs on sorc/sage defensives + AOE heal and they will be on par with other healers.
  20. If he is guarded (which he will be in more serious matches) then you can put 3 dps on him and he won't be out of the fight, even if he is the other team just invested 3 dps 100% effort into it....... it's mindless. One of the solutions is to put like a sentinel with -20% heal debuff and a merc netting (if their dps is any good ofc) might generate a kill if the team doesn't help properly;;; in the end it also comes with great sacrifice as those classes are very squishy/very long defensive cooldowns. In ranked it may not be doable, but i'm not sure after recent nerfs to all those dps. My guess is that 4's will end with acid 95% of the time and the sages/sorcerers will win if they use invulnerability last (invul on acid phase is also ludicrous).
  21. Nerf tank guard absorption and sage heals. Or Increase solo queue warzone rewards (make a new reward daily and or weekly) specific for solo queue. And enforce that solo queue warzones don't get matched with stupid premades rolling tanks + healers with 1 dps. It's getting beyond retarded, the only way of winning that would be with ubber superior players against bad players, which won't happen with pugs. Therefore premade = auto win 99.9% of the time. If none of those happen, i see people simply stop playing pvp and then the game in the future, soonTM.
  22. Just to be sure, don't you guys think that those reddits may be fake somehow? =///// Imo they should just delete all accounts with more than 2 or 3 billion credits, unless those credits have been there for a long time and they know how to check it.'s source This game doesn't have too many players, it shouldn't be hard to somehow CONTROL +F and start analyzing... anyone gaining more than millions each minute, at a steady pace, must be a exploiter.
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