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Everything posted by divinecynic

  1. Nah it is not too bad. Hit Dulfy find out where the right targets are and make a circuit. Took me maybe 45 minutes. No world bosses needed. Getting HK was far more work than this.
  2. You when folks talk about how op companions are now, I always wonder if they played with Treek in pre-4.0. In the Yavin 192 gear? With augments? Cause if you did this is about part for the course for companions. They just caught the rest up. Ok ok I kid. Yes they are powerful. Who cares?
  3. Don't expect any of the starter worlds. Alderaan or Manaan would rock
  4. Hey there, Well obviously this is the internet and trolls abound. Genchat is a terrible place to go for any sort of constructive discussion. I wish it were better and that you had a better experience. Alas it is one of the prices we pay for free speech, others can behave badly. That being said keep one thing in mind. Having issues with game changes and getting vocal about it is trollbait, especially in genchat. Why? Well because people have complained over and over again about anything bioware does. No one is happy. I don't know how many "Change X sucks, I'm leaving!" threads I have seen or how many times I have seen someone sit for hours on genchat complaining and complaining about this or that change to the game. I am not saying that this excuses bad behavior, just keep it in mind. So much complaining has made some folks in the community defensive. Either that or they saw you as an easy target to upset. Again this is the internet after all.
  5. Wait you honestly had trouble with traveling on low level planets that much? Like which one? The only planets that I have ever had much issue with was Makeb and Oricon (mainly Oricon). Mob dodging was never that hard to begin with on the lower level planets. However it does make old content relevant because usually maxed out characters run around endgame areas. My 60s do not hang on Balmorra they do ops or run the Yavin weekly etc. Lastly if someone just wants to level on a starter planet more power to them. Crappy way to do it but have fun. Not much different than folks leveling with PvP or KDY honestly. But yes it does make the game possibly a tiny bit harder. However, as you keep abilities and passives and are maxed levels I don't it. Wait that was what you were doing with your max level toons? Soloing world bosses and heroics? Really? Dude go get in an op or do endgame. Ok let's look at this a moment. One you have never been able to solo every world boss. Never. World Bosses really are supposedly to be like an op run, hence having an op associated to them. Two why would you even bother doing the old heroics before. They weren't worth it and not worth the time honestly. The stories on the heroics is ok but not that good. Hey I used to farm flashpoints for deco and credits. I can see that. That is getting changed too. So you mean you will have to get folks together to kill the Kaas world boss like you do with the Voss World Boss or the Yavin World Boss or to run an Op or tons of things in the game. Oh and being max level with all your abilities and passives means you will be beastly compared to the content. As someone who did a lot of rp before strongholds came out, let me tell you, there are tons of solid rp spots that never gets troubled by mobs on just about every world. Oricon and Ziost might be an issue I grant but not Alderaan. Not any of the main quest planets actually. The mobs are so spread out usually it is no an issue. Mob dodging is easy. Oh and they have the starting point areas as well. Actually you haven't said how this makes the actual story harder for you. Your complaints aren't about the story but a lot of side activity. I get it, you do not like the new changes and feel cheated. It sucks sure. However, let's wait and see what all this entails. It could be awesome, a lot of the changes are.
  6. I think it does. I have being saying as much. I think you are going to get missions on lower level planets for your Alliance. I actually think it will be more than just the heroic areas. This is why level sync has to happen and cannot be optional. So the new missions have teeth to them.
  7. You don't have to do that at all. Your max level character can do what they do now, focus on endgame content like Ops and endgame areas like Yavin and so forth. Most folks lvl 60s are not cruising on low level planets much if at all. This gives them new things to do. It adds options, it doesn't take it away. Making the planets and heroics relevant is not taking your freedom, it is recycling content.
  8. So if mobs are going to be a big issue with level syncing then they must be a problem on Ziost and Yavin right? I mean these are planets designed for lvl 60 characters. You cannot even get to Ziost before 60. So the mobs there must be a huge issue. In fact Ziost is a small space and the trash is everywhere. Except, it doesn't work that way. There is nothing on the highest level planet in the game that is even a nuisance. Except for op level content and the world boss. Nothing knocks you off your speeder. I just ran Ziost* in like 30 minutes and didn't stop to fight hardly anything. I ignored it all. Why would the level sync planets be any different? Let's not even get into the fact you keep all of you abilties and passives. Ok I get it, you earned the levels and you want to keep them, sure. It might makes things a bit more inconvenient. However it may be tied to a big new mechanic (Alliances) and the new Heroics farms are looking mighty fine. If it is tied to said mechanic then it cannot be optional. Most of the complaints are hot air anyway. Most max level characters aren't hanging on low level worlds anyway or rping there, not with strongholds, the fleet and guild ships. However if they do there are plenty of aggro free places on every planet. Most played max out level toons are playing in endgame content. Anyway the sky is not falling. We are out of coffins let alone nails at this point. Wait and play the expansion before you flip out. *I mean Ziost before the big cinematic.
  9. Well if it is tied to the new Alliance system then it can't be optional. The idea there being that part of KotFE is building an Alliance to stop the new threat and part of that is tasks given to you on lower level worlds. So to keep these new mission challenging they had to do something. This ways the easiest way to get the largest amount of content. Now this could not be how it works. We'll see more when they actually start talking about it more.
  10. Actually I can: Alliance See I remember hearing dev talk about how we need to form an Alliance to combat the coming of the Eternal Empire. So if we wanted the Mandalorian's help we would have to go do things for them. I got the impression this was where a lot of the more traditional mmo style content was coming from. What if the new system is also tied to that. So to get said Mandalorians help you have to go to a low level planet and do stuff. Well to keep it challenging you would something like level syncing. It allows the devs to basically dropped a crap ton of new stuff for us to do without needed to make new worlds or even new boards. This may not be how it works but if it is, it would explain much.
  11. Actually as I am looking at how it actually works, I am not seeing that big of an issue. In fact this is freaking great. Let me explain. They are making all the old heroics viable for endgame farming. You can even qt directly to the site. The actual power loss is not that big really consider what you keep in the sync. My level drops and my stats do too but I keep all my abilities and passives. That's will make you insanely strong even with synced gear. Should it be optional? Yeah I kinda see that. It does make mat farming a bit more difficult. As to drawing aggro, well honestly your max level toons have little reason to just hang out and cruise on lower level planets anyway, especially with the direct travel now. As to datacrons and lore objects, that is or will be legacy wide. Sure I guess you can go the lore object for each toon even after getting the achievement, but that is just a tiny bit of xp. As to rp locales, honestly there are plenty of places to play that you will get aggro at no matter your level. So I am seeing all these heroics becoming nice farming spots for my high levels. Maxing to 65 is going to be faster than ever. Added in more mats, comms...err crystals, and reasons to go back and look at heroics I haven't done in a long time. My character level drops but in the local environment they are still tough as nails. So I struggling to see much of downside practically. Is it a big change, sure it is. The games has been changing since launch. Edit: I get it. We earned the levels and all that. Ok let's be real here. I don't know about others but my 60s are not hanging on anything but endgame worlds as it is. They are doing endgame content not running around Balmorra for kicks. This actually give a reason to go back there. Now I am down with a toggle for the non-heroics areas. That would make folks happy. However leave the current stuff with Heroics alone, I want my crops of new farms.
  12. I said on another thread that if the enhanced rewards for heroics are good then this could be awesome. If they really do keep up with level, then it will be a farmer's dream. Less face it, low level heroics are not that hard at low levels. We'll see though.
  13. So I thought about this a bit and decided that it could be ok if these scaled rewards are good enough. For instance Chamber of Speech on Tython is easy when level appropriate. If the rewards given are decent in terms of credits and crystals (the new version of comms) it becomes a farmers dream. Especially if with the new way gathering nodes work. Low level heroics are pretty easy anyway. Sure might be a little less convenient but can't be worse that Oricon or Makeb were when they dropped.
  14. I hear some good things about the changes in Wildstar though I haven't check it out yet. Elder Scrolls Online is pretty solid and just had a big expansion. Just keep in mind it is a mmo and not like the previous titles in many regards. It is a fun game though.
  15. Well part of a what determines a fair wage is how much the labor done makes the company. The above mention fry cook food prolly isn't making the resteraunt 100 million dollars a year. SWTOR is making that and the VA contribute to it. We can debate how much but the fact it is fully voice acted has always been a draw. So the more the labor makes the company the more the worker should charge for it. Are they justified in what they desire, sure they are. Again we go back to the tremendous amount of money involved. The more my labor makes a company the better leverage I have to get better perks. It is not like we are dealing with non-profits here. No we are dealing with corporations who sure will work to make every penny they can. Why should the worker be any different? Now the real issue is how hard can the industry push back as PoliteAssasin pointed out. They may very well get screwed over it all. A bit of a caveat here, not all companies are the same. The video game industry runs the gambit from small indie developers to EA. While I admit there are great folks doing it for love of gaming (or whatever other voice acting project you want to bring up), many if not most of developers are in for the money. Workers should get the best deal they can. Corporations are sure trying to.
  16. So the work produced by professional entertainers cannot be art?
  17. That's a mighty big brush you are painting with. Unions and labor in the US is a very complicated issue. Not all Unions are the same and so forth.
  18. I tried to get into ArcheAge I really did and it left me cold.
  19. Well actually what if the line about the Eternal Empire being his focus is just screwing with you and Marr or for the benefit of the Zakuul folks. Vitiate easily could have just possessed Valkorian recently. The Eternal Empire invading means lots of war and lots of death and this feeds Vitiate. This fits together quite nicely. I could be wrong but it all of this is could be ploy.
  20. Well from the trailer we know Valkorian is not 1200 years old. He ages too much in it. So Vitiate was active long before Valkorian was born. This could easily all be part of his plan to devour the galaxy. What if Vitiate is just possessing Valkorian? What if his statements in the throne are to either mess with you and Marr or for the benefit of the Zakuul types listening? Vitiate feeds on war, we know that. So he gets the Eternal Empire to invade and kill billions for him. He feeds and that makes the rituals the knight stopped looked like child's play. Especially with the dynamic with Arkann in all of this that sounds very much like Palpatine style sith. The Eternal Empire is just another means to an end, like the Sith Empire, Revan & Malik, or the rest of it. That sounds worthy of Vitiate.
  21. Also I would even Bolster is dumbing down the game as it is old news. PvP has had it how long? It's not even new to PvE really.
  22. 90% of craftable items are obsolete now excepts as costumes and that is not going to change. In fact who knows what is going to happen with all the green and blue craftables. Changes are going to have to be made with the stat change. Conceivably they could make them more relevant depending on what they do. Obvious the endgame gear goes obsolete but that is every expansion. Crafting isn't rocket science now. The only hit we know it is taking is that conquest is not going to be a crafters games anymore. So not seeing any dumbing down here. Could you actually explain it.
  23. Both Mortis and Ravage were leading with Marr. Mortis definitely could do it. Actually he could a very capable leader from what we have seen. Marr seems to have respected him and Mortis is not a zealot for Sith tradition. Flexibility is a good thing. He also supported the Treaty of Corruscant which means he might be able to work with the Republic to drive Zakuul off. With Malgus maybe coming back, i am hopeful he takes the throne though.
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