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Everything posted by divinecynic

  1. You know I have this feeling that Khem is not coming back due to the issue of player choice. Consider that they would have to a different voice actor so the Inquisitor who didn't purge Zash. Sure they could write so Khem go control back but then you are invalidating those character's choice and it would make no sense for Khem to then serve them. Hell there is the matter of Khem working for anyone who is not the Inquisitor anyway. Given Khem's nature that makes no sense either really. Likely the new dashade is his replacement honestly. Sucks, I like Khem too. Granted dashade could be the new HK and we might still get Khem but I doubt it. Jaesa is another one that is really defined by player choice. You are looking at a totally different character if the player is a light sided warrior. These are the only companions I can see being an issue and honestly I am not expecting to see them.
  2. It is possible that we get Rusk and Iresso as well.
  3. Darth Ruinous (my inquisitor) wants to find a way to bind Valkorian and then fulfill his plan and eat the galaxy to become a god. He is on the Madness discipline after all. Everything he has said and done has been lies and deceit as to his true intention.
  4. Well to be fair all of Star Wars is a fake universe... Look canon really only matters to the content producers. Use what you like an ignore the rest. If you want to write Star Wars fan fiction and use it in your own head canon do that. I have been paying and running Star Wars in various forms for decades now and that is what I do. There were points of the EU I never accepted. My only concern is how good the new material is. So far it's been a mixed bag but some of it is very good and I'm glad we have it. In the end Star Wars is make believe. Have fun with it.
  5. Ok on the 216 static reward, please make earpieces, implants, and relics available. Here's why it is a good idea. As of now as solo player, you actually only need two legacy armor sets in the game, one for dps/healer and one for tanks. This is not optimized by any stretch but it is more than enough for any solo content in the game. With a little cash and alts it is nothing to have all of your alts running in 216 armor, offhand, & mainhand. Now this becomes less so for earpiece, implants, and relics because you have to grind the crystals out on each character. This type of gear is static anyway and by giving solo/new players access to it you are actually helping them to get ready for raids and hm content in the gear not just in introduction to mechanics. You also improve replay value because it will be a good place for folks to transition alts. If you make them the equivalent of their crystal version, that's not a bit deal as the crystal version are not best in slot typically but should give the necessary boost for at least SM ops. If you don't do this or make them way worse then there is no point to doing the EC more than once. You can grind out crystals with Heroics pretty easily and fairly fast.
  6. Ok a few things to keep in mind about Kallig. In Legends canon, many races (I am hesitant to call them species) can interbreed with humans. This covers nearly all of the options in the game, including twi'lek (look at Jek Lawquane and Shaeeah Lawquane). Togruta are fairly similar to twi'leks so it would make sense they could too. So for the story to work all Kallig or one of his descendants would have to do is make babies with one of them and there you go. As to Cathar, sure fits less but in general there are issues with them as they were added as playable late. Then again sith alchemy created the purebloods to begin with (or had a hand in it). Who is to say it didn't work on some poor cather's ancestor? The SI being non-human and not a pureblood fits the story so very well. It is addressed pretty well and mirrors the overall shift of focus in the Empire away from the focus on sith ancestry. Look at figures like Darth Jadus, Darth Marr, and chiefly Darth Malgus. The Red Reaper flashpoint deals with this as well. The SI being non-human/sith even adds a dimension to the conflict with Darth Thanaton and why he found Zash so corrupt. Lastly, options are a good thing. Some of them may be less lore friendly than others, but if it gives players a better experience who cares? It doesn't really effect you. Edit: I won't argue that for the Sith Warrior a human, pureblood, or cyborg fits best especially if you do all the side quests. If you do play a pureblood they do note that in some of the dialogue. As to the Agent, Jadus was allowing non-humans in Imperial Intelligence. You may debate the wisdom of it but he apparently gave less credence to sith tradition. Perhaps it was part of his democratization of fear bit. Obviously he was a reformer. SIth lords tend to do what they want and he was second in power to the Emperor after all.
  7. Ok speaking as a primarily solo player, if the second tier (7 wins) and third tier(10 wins) drops less than a 216 piece there is no point. 216 gear is already seriously easy to getting between credits and crystals. This is further added to by the fact that if you are not doing group play, all your max level toons can run on one legacy armor set. I do agree it doesn't need to be 220. Granted 220 isn't that hard to get, you can buy it on the gtn now. A suitable reward that is not too over-powered would be 216 pieces I cannot pop into legacy gear. So earpieces, implants, and relics. That would be a good reward for say the second tier (7 wins). A mainhand would be a good reward for the third tier (10 wins). For the lowest tier go with 208 hilts/barrels, mods, and enhancements. Granted those are a dime a dozen but that's the drops in Star Fortress now and that's the easiest content. Oh and toss in some fun pieces like mounts and pets.
  8. Calling any movie that makes over a billion dollars (even with current inflation) a failure is silly. Oh let's not get into how much all the licensing and toys and other bits sold are going to make.
  9. See I am right there with you. As to Heroics, they fill the grind niche nicely that the old dailies (Section X, Cezerka, Oricon, etc) did honestly. Yes they are easy but they are set up to be the new endgame grind. Even before 4.0 most folks I know were doing OPs about twice a week at most.
  10. Everyone else is coming back why wouldn't she? Is this honestly a surprise to anyone? As to Kaliyo the character, some of my characters will like her and others not. I am happier to see her come back than some of the other companions. Edit: She does give me a chance to do an experiment. What happens when you get a companion back who you maxed influence on before they do KotFE? Prolly nothing but might be something.
  11. Wait what? You mean someone actually pays real money to going on games' forums and talk smack? That has to be like the easiest job ever. I totally got into the wrong profession.
  12. I ran it with my corruption sorc with Lana at Affection 50. I had her dpsing and I did off dps. My gear was a mix of 216/220. The only fights that were challenging were the ambush with several golds backed up by a couple of silvers and the last room before you do the boss fights. Nothing was really bad as the fp is balanced now.
  13. I do love the fact it has a lot of water. Luke was obviously sick of sand lol
  14. Actually why does geek cred mean you opinion matters most? Seriously if folks love the movie and honestly most do overall, does it matter if some of the hard core fans didn't like? The funny thing is a lot of hard core fans love the new movie. So let's see here it has broad critical acclaim, mainstream success, and even a good portion of the hardcore fan base love it. I would say that qualifies as a good Star Wars. Disagree? Feel free to. It doesn't matter. In the end either like it or don't. It is and will continue to rake in tons of money and set the tone for everything Star Wars to come. If you do not like go live in the EU, there is certainly a lot of it.
  15. Ok you had a lot in there, but you seem to be saying that for the Original Trilogy to be any good, the Star Wars universe had to have a fairy tale ending. Luke and co. had to fix the galaxy for good. They did succeed. The New Republic and the Galactic Concords brought peace to the galaxy. Luke was training a whole new generation of the Jedi. However like always the dark side (evil) comes back. Cycles are a big theme in Star Wars. Balance did come to the Force but it didn't stay because it never does. Malgus' quote about the Force being conflict has a strong seed of truth. Well perhaps better to say the Forces is always in conflict.
  16. I think Rey was given to Lor San Tekka who is in the Church of the Force. I would not be surprised to find out he has been training her. Nothing so far says he is Force Sensitive but that does not mean he couldn't pass some stuff on, like her combat training. Maybe Rey is less out of left field than it appears. Hidden like the twins and with the Chosen One's good genes.
  17. Got that would be epic no? I just get this image in my head of him commenting how is his young apprentice (Sidious) thought he killed him. I want him to say something like: "My time has come. For decades I prepared, grew stronger. While my apprentice rested in his cradle of power believing his people we safe and protected. He was trusted to lead the Republic but Palpatine was deceived, as my powers of the dark side blinded him. Vader was mine. I forged the instrument of my arrogant apprentice's death. He was deceived and now his republic shall fall."
  18. Yeah I can totally see it going that way. Makes a ton of sense if they do. Whoever kid she is, I am beating someone hid her on Jakku with Lor San Tekka (Max von Sydow). I am inclined to think Leia did it.That would makes his line about royalty make a lot of sense. Hmmm what if she is Han and Leia's? What if Han never knew? Luke and Leia decided to hide her maybe?
  19. There was something I thought I saw in the fight between Rey and Ren that no one else seems to mention. Or I am just missing them mentioning it. When Rey has her moment before she beats him down, the moment of clarity or what have you. I swear her eyes changed and they matched his. It felt like she just reached in his mind and took his training or learned it. I got it as part of bit where he reached in her mind before and she turned it back on him. Part of me is still hoping they are twins. I doubt it for timing and other reasons but damn it would add a lot to what is going on between them.
  20. I doubt it is too be honest but who knows. Taris is apparently canon now.
  21. Sure it rehashing a lot of ANH. Disney hit the nostalgia notes hard and the tried true fomula. They wanted to make sure people came back to the theater. Let's be honest for a moment, I grant that there have been some bright spots, but overall Star Wars since RotJ has been mostly crap. I think Lucas' divorce may have contribute a lot to it. Marcia Griffin did a lot for the OT. So yeah they went back to old ideas and worked to make them a bit new. Many of them even make sense. For instance a lot folks don't like Starkiller base, but what else do you expect a bunch of Empire fanboys to want to build but a more powerful Death Star? Yeah the plot was thin and drew heavily on ANH but they covered it with engaging characters, good acting, good dialogue and so forth. ANH did the same thing, just different sources. TFA has its flaws, no question. The music being a huge one. However, Star Wars is back. Edit: Yes keep it away. TOR is thousand of years before any of the movies. It really is its own thing and I love the setting. I loved the movie but I love TOR too.
  22. You know I don't agree with you overall assessment of the movie but this is spot on. The music was just forgettable. I barely noticed it to be honest. I think Williams needs to retire to be honest.
  23. 1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies? It is a solid 7. Best Star Wars movie since Return of the Jedi. I actually did the marathon of the first 6 first and I got to tell you, the Prequels were painfully bad. I had forgotten just how bad. 7 did a much better job. That being said I found the pacing too rushed and the music was not up to par. 2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why? Po is the one for me. He fits the Ace archetype that has been floating around but never really had a SW main character before. 3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why? Phasma, they need to do more with her. 4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance? Harrison Ford. He was amazing. 5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie? Han's death for the emotional impact of it. Nothing like it since the OT. 6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie? There were so many....do I have to pick one? Ok ok, the BB-8 thumbs up was good. I got the biggest laugh out of Han asking about a garbage chute and a trash compacter. Fan service though it was. 7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter? More than like she is. The movie worked very hard to make us think she was Han's daughter. 8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently? Han Solo knew he was likely to die. He went alone, no buddies, no space magic, no fancy tricks with a blaster. He walked out on the bridge because he loved his son and was willing to risk death to bring him home. It is one of the most heroic things seen in Star Wars. I don't care if they telegraphed it. 9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels? Honestly I would have to say 8. See fancy choreograph kung fu with lightsabers is not what I want to see in a Star Wars movie. I love Wuxia but I want depth in my duels. In this movie they were brutal and each one actually brought something dramatically to the table. Look at the duels in the OT, the drama was the point. In the Prequels it is more a cool lightshow. Sure Maul is awesome to watch do his fancy footwork, but as a character he is boring. 10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it? The soundtrack was a fail. There was no stand out theme. 11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be? The music most of all. The rest I can forgive. Hell we all forgive a lot with all of the Star Movies. 12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive? At this point no. I think he was trying to help but is an amateur, hence him doing so bad.
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