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Everything posted by strallart

  1. Have to be level 60, then go to ship
  2. Yes it so is. It needs to be permanent. No reason why it shouldn't be. No one is forced to do it. If you're worried about flashpoints not being run, stop worrying. They were dead even without 12xp.
  3. WoW's engine. Runs on anything, but terribly, but actually works. SWTORs engine. Runs on anything, but HORRIBLY, and nothing works.
  4. Welcome to content the original SWTOR team had nothing to do with. Makeb was great, that was all them. Anything else afterwards has been mediocre.
  5. For the 1000000000000th time. You will NEVER get the ability to change advanced classes. It will NEVER happen. New class stories is more likely to happen than this.
  6. I leave arenas because they give really bad XP. They should be pulled from unranked, or should reward significantly more XP.
  7. Probably because ranked queues are very long on a lot of servers?
  8. Funny how people think the quality of players hasn't always been god awful. There's just more people playing. If you feel that you team is always under performing, form your own group. Oh but you won't do that since you want premades gone from unranked.
  9. How dare guilds get together and do warzones. I mean who do they think they are?
  10. I solo queue, yet I don't complain about premades Why? Because 99% of them are not all that much better than pugs, they do well because they communicate. You have a keyboard, use it please.
  11. Always turn shadows to low. Big FPS gain.
  12. SWTOR will end once a new Star Wars MMO comes out. That's how it works with MMOs that have licenses.
  13. Are unorganized pug raids the only WPVP you have ever seen? Really seems like it.
  15. World PVP has always been a joke in SWTOR. The crap HERO engine can't handle it. SWTOR does not have the means to support WPVP. You can have little duels, but don't expect to be able to do anything else, ever.
  16. That's not the point, Bioware has a long history of incompetence. If they once again can't fulfill their promises, there's some lazy management that needs fixing This game deserves better than a never ending period of mediocrity
  17. Never ceases to amaze me how shoddily run this game is. It's one of the top grossing MMOs, yet it can't afford to do patches and events correctly.
  18. No!!!! First Pokket, and now you! =( I wish you the best of luck at being a writer, I can't wait to see what you create,
  19. Lol, people are actually angry about this? I'm so sorry you can't grind a level 10 FP over and over and over again to gain a significant advantage over most others. I was getting pretty annoyed over several guilds on my server who were obviously grinding BT over and over nonstop every day, and being so far ahead of everyone else that it was pointless to try and compete with them. If you're upset that you MAY have to do some PVP, then this content is not for you.
  20. You know what would be nice? Another huttball map. Yes, that will do nicely. Those who hate huttball must suffer for their crimes.
  21. My guild got our ship just for the sole purpose of it being a guild hall, the planetary conquest is just extra fun for us. We do want to conquer a planet to check out the walkers and other things, but it'll be awhile until we can plan some grinding. Should be no problem racking up points once we have a plan, one of the most active guilds on The Bastion.
  22. Only thing I agree with. Come on Bioware, what's your ridiculous reasoning on why we can't do this?
  23. Looks like someone is bad at huttball. Huttball is the best thing SWTOR did, besides class stories. It's the most exciting and fun instanced PVP I've ever had, and still continue to have. You people need to chill out. You can wreck ANY pug in ANY WZ with a premade. It's not a valid reason to hate huttball because of how easy it is to wreck pugs with a premade.
  24. How are guilds getting so many conquest points? For example, my guild is at #5 on the leaderboard for Hoth, but there's a guild that's #1 with 500k more points then we have. How are guilds gaining so many points this rapidly? We're doing objectives nonstop and have only reached 440k. The guild at #1 at 900k points. One theory I have is there's one crafting objective that's repeatable, maybe they stored a bunch of mats to prepare and are constantly repeating the objective.
  25. The new huttball map is the best WZ/BG I've ever played. I don't get the hate for it. Maybe all the haters are melee who only queue for pugs?
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