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Everything posted by strallart

  1. And there's the reason why the quality of this game has plummeted.
  2. If Bioware's goal was to make FT more intuitive to use, they should have just reduced the channel time and made it usable while mvoing. But apparently they thought removing it was the better solution. Are WoW devs infiltrating Bioware?
  3. I've been going through KOTFE on my male Trooper, but his voice acting is just....eh. He just seems so disinterested in everything, It's really killing the mood. Did not seem to be this way during 1-50/Makeb/SoR. Is this a problem for anyone else?
  4. Troopers weren't safe from this ******* change either, their replacement is just as bad visually.
  5. New Flamethrower and Death from Above replacements look absolutely terrible...good job Bioware, in one fell swoop you've destroyed a good portion of my enjoyment for this class.
  6. Is it very much normal for most MMOs to close/merge servers after the launch hype dies down. A lot of people don't stick around for very long. But SWTOR is a special case, It was one of the most if not the most anticipated MMO ever. Literally EVERYONE was going to play SWTOR, and they did. Bioware had to open a lot of servers because of the very high population, but the game had some problems, clearly, so the populated dwindled and has continued to do so.
  7. Server transfers and appearance changes. Don't much care cosmetics off the CM all that much, most of the armor I like I can buy without CC. But over the years I've bought several of the class CM armor sets and legacy XP perks(what a waste those are now....).
  8. If you're wanting fun....PT or Merc. Bounty Hunter's are never not fun as hell. Also you can try out any class with your 60 boost. Just don't level past 60 and you can delete it and regain your boost....Unless they got rid of that, It's been awhile since I've last done that.
  9. Male body type 3, same face and facial features on every character. Male body types 1 and 2 look like children...and obviously 4th is a fatass. I do the same face because all the other combinations don't even come close to the one I found.
  10. The story is and will continue to be built for force users now. If you're thinking the next expansion will be different, you will be disappointed.
  11. To skip the story that's still worth doing faster..duh...
  12. Ok it turns out ALL of my companions on my smuggler are having this problem......ugh. I'm level 47, that should be more than enough.
  13. On my Smuggler, I'm half way through Risha's missions, but the other half arnt popping up. I have more than enough affection, so I don't know what the problem is. I'm on chapter 3 and I'm darkside. Is she bugged? Or did I do something wrong?
  14. People are too retarded to able to complete a tact flashpoint. I am sick of seeing never ending amounts of DPS that have no idea what to do. Especially sorcs that spam force lighting and literally nothing else... The game isn't helping with this by constantly making groups of ALL DPS....which is an instant fail with the quality of the DPS. I would say that this level of stupidity has been here since launch, but It has 100% gotten way worse since KotFE.
  15. You can use it again after deleting providing you don't level to 61. But the token is bugged to hell right now for a lot of people. Creating level 1's, and the token not given back after deletion of character.....
  16. No, they'll just take an hour to pull up your account info, then proceed to tell you to make a ticket in game about it.
  17. How do you make the Companions and Contacts icon stop flashing? Besides completing all of the alerts?
  18. My 60 token didn't work either. It did the first couple times I used it to try out classes, but now it's just creating level 1's and placing them on the fleet. To make matters even worse, I lost my free 60 token after this happened.....So I better get it back....
  19. It's been fixed, can log on now.
  20. Still isn't fixed. I can't log in, stuck on loading screen..... I have xfered 4 characters to Harbringer, and all but one can log in. ***? And that one character happens to be my main.......he is stuck on corellia. Can't get past loading screen. Just when I thought Bioware fixed these crippling problems, another one pops up.
  21. A new patch coming in like 6 hours.......will fix this problem http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8560897#edit8560897
  22. Are we going to get ANY updates on this? Or do we just have to give up and play another game that isn't bugged to hell.
  23. Class: SW/Jug I started KotFE today. When will this be fixed? None of us can progress further. Now all the content we have is twiddling our thumbs waiting for this nonsense to be over.
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