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Everything posted by strallart

  1. Don't ever expect a community manager to be good. Their job is managing the community, not development, not programming, not a game designer. Hell the only WoW community manager(blue) I know of that's any good at something is Lore for obvious reasons if you know about him.
  2. They still using those ******* spreadsheets to balance? Is this a financial firm?
  3. Yeah *** with those nerfs to pyro? There's like zero buffs since every ability they buffed, they just nerfed it at the same time. At least AP is showing promise.
  4. Several other classes have way better dmg than PT's. PT's lack surv unless you spec for it, but you lose even more dmg doing so. Your forced to go hybrid if you want to do max damage, full pyro is worthless. Full AP is bad also, but it's what gives you more surv than pyro. It's slightly harder to play, that's throwing the bandwagoners that rolled PT's pre 2.0 off. Tank wise PT's are fine, it's their dps part that sucks balls. Also your playing regs, your always going to wreck faces on any class in regs. 90% of people that queue regs are not good or just don't care. PT's have no place in ranked unless their BC's.
  5. Well at least they can do regs. But face against any decent opponent, and you'll get destroyed unless your freaking amazing. Bioware, nerfing a class doesn't mean completely gutting it. Stop using your stupid spreadsheets to balance and actually play the game.
  6. Once again saying PT/Vanguard just to let people know how screwed up they are right now. It's so bad that a hybrid spec is the best spec. It's completely worthless to go full pyro, and full AP does **** damage but with a tiny more surv. Why can't Bioware just stop overnerfing classes? Are they just too lazy to nerf properly? Or do they just not care at all. It took over a year for scrappers to have any luck in WZ's after their mega nerfs.
  7. Pyro/Vangurd. /thread closed. Seriously thread closed, their the most terrible pvp class atm. You can still own *** with one, but only in regs because in ranked you won't get anywhere.
  8. Just buff pyro and everything will be fine.
  9. Arenas will be same as WoW's. 99% of teams will have the same class setups. I'm waiting to see just how ridiculous arena balance in SWTOR will be. It's what ruined WoW's balance a crap load.
  10. Don't get PT's any hope. They know they suck. Your an evil person for saying otherwise.
  11. I'm always having to guard the pylon, as a freaking gunnery commando, because everyone else just runs off when they cap it. No one helps me defend, they just want to go to mid and die to feed the other team. Hypergate is my favorite WZ as a stealth class for that reason, lmao. It's so damn easy to double cap and troll people.
  12. I just dont understand how people can be so bad. SWTOR PvP is so damn easy, it's easier than WoW's. Btw, most pugs don't care at all about the objective. They just want to kill people. Which is why Bioware should add a damn deathmatch WZ.
  13. Probably should've let you know I was level 34 in that S.S. And no, I wouldn't dare step foot on a PvP server. Their loaded with even more morons.
  14. Oh but it's totally normal for Repub on Harbringer. Here's a game where a couple of my teammates weren't mindless monkeys. It's a rare sight to behold. http://i.imgur.com/Ta8viPr.jpg But here's the worst post game scoreboard I've ever come across: http://i.imgur.com/BUOospK.jpg
  15. http://i.imgur.com/pPnSCPx.jpg Not enough guardians and commandos. Btw my team just decided to sit on 1 turret the entire game for w/e reason.
  16. :rak_02:Don't know why people waste their time PvPing here. It's awful, you know it's awful, go play another game. SWTOR's PvP balance and decisions altogether are worse than WoW's. Now that's a milestone there. But I'm pretty sure that people are still playing because it's freaking Star Wars. I mean, that's like the only reason to keep playing. Once I'm done with all the class stories, I'm outa here.
  17. No body should be complaining about DPS scoundrels. Their all complaining about healer scoundrels that never die, which is true if their good enough.
  18. I sometimes wish someone would hack in a bad huttball match just to get it over with.
  19. strallart

    So just arenas?

    Would you mind loaning me some of your lipstick, Bioware? Because I wanna at least look pretty the next time you decide to **** me!
  20. It's opposite day today. So what he's really saying there needs to be less stuns.
  21. Premades wreck non ranked because 90% of the low lifes in non ranked are incredibly bad. It's so easy to win, all it takes is 2-3 people that know what their doing.
  22. We had west and east, but people just kept leaving and fighting on the grass, or ran to south to get murdered.
  23. Example of half the team being useless, I get these a lot. http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/6598/o8kj.jpg I'm by no means great, but I'm decent. Don't know how being reasonably competent is difficult.
  24. Finally got a game where the other team was nice enough to let us score. It was simple really. I grabbed the ball, one of my teammates was waiting on the throw. We scored 6 times. This game requires little skill. Just depends if the other teams wants to try or not. img198.imageshack.us/img198/5967/byai.jpg
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