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  1. How can i play class story, sry im stupid and i cant figure it out.... Thanks for advance
  2. This is another stupid question.... What class is fun to play and has good dps? I have trouble to deside which class i pick for my level 60 char. I play mostly Empire side and i have sorcerer and juggernaut. Now i wanna try something new. Thanks for your help!
  3. So i have opinion to make one lvl 60 character. Any suggestions what class i chooce? I have already Sith Jugg and Sorcerer. What is FUN class to play? thx
  4. hi, i know this sounds stupid but maybe i am... lots of new stuff and i like game, havent been playing for atleast 1,5 year. So im Lightning sorcerer and im gonna buy new campaign comm. gear. So please help me: which is the way to go: Force master´s or Force mystic´s or is it Force stalker´s? thanks fo advance! And im playing Pve most of the time.
  5. yes it is , dxun battle circle have like 100 active player in weekends , so i was waiting to get to PLAY after transfer, but Bioware desided other way.Im leaving the sinking ship
  6. Thank you Bioware for pathing up in my peek hours at friday night.I have more importsnt things to do that play your game.I just finished really ****** week at work(havent played at all this week,Thank God for that),came home started , dowloaded,and ofcourse there is maintance. So now im FREE to go have some beer and few joints and we`re all happy. Right ? thanks Bioware for saving my friday!
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