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Posts posted by LyraineAlei

  1. True story:


    I started SWTOR with a couple (let's call them Larry and Brenda) I met in LOTRO. We agreed we would level our main characters together. As a "stay at home dad" to my collection of partially-filled bourbon bottles, I had more free time to play, so I made some alts and tried out different aspects of the game. Thus, I was the first of our little coterie to gain any understanding of the equipment system ... particularly, moddable armor.


    We completed the first mission to reward with moddable armor (one of the Heroics on Coruscant that awarded a moddable chest piece). Larry was distraught over how "lousy" the reward was for the effort it took. "It's worse than the crap I've been wearing since Tython," he whimpered and I almost let him vendor the dang thing. I took pity and explained the concept of hollow shells and mods. As we progressed, he still never quite caught on to the need to upgrade mods (I'm fairly certain he was using the mods we got him at level 12 as far as Alderaan). Thankfully, Brenda was a quick study and she became quartermaster for them both.


    Another true story (on stuff getting easier):


    Yes, it's true. Doing something even once makes doing it again easier.<snipping anecdote that really is awesome> I'm almost convinced that the game designers knew what they were doing when selecting, as the measure of a character's advancement and development, the word "Experience."


    TLDR: NBC was right: "The More You Know ..."


    On my first character, I made the error of buying white armor on Tython. I learned not to do that because missions and quests reward better gear.


    Tatooine on my first character, I realize that moddable armor I had some DK mods on was better than the gear given for most rewards, and to get the better mods, I needed to save planetary commendations.


    Fifth character I learned that adaptable CM gear from the GTN (later, Collections once I realized that CCs were more useful there after unlocking appearance modification stuff and more character slots) was even better because I could make a good looking outfit and them mod it from the moment I got the armor pieces on (usually about level 12) so I ditched picking up armor pieces as the reward and instead went for Planetary Comms after missions.


    First character finally reached level 50, finished Corellia, started Makeb. And then I learned that as a Healing spec'd Skill Tree follower, I should actually learn to heal Torian instead of just throwing Powertech-type gear I picked up as loot onto him (though it did work quite well while I sucked as a healer), and then I still died a lot trying to finish Imperial Side with the Platform Mesas before going to storm the palace or whatever and after going into the volcano lab/base place.


    I took her to Section X at 53, died a lot, got EXP in fights, eventually (somehow) reached 55 and mowed the place down, went to Makeb and destroyed that guy (honestly, I still have no idea how I kept dying to him, since her I've not died when facing him, even without using the GSI probe when it was there), wrapped up the Makeb story (the Isotope droid thing was a pain, but I did eventually work it out by reading other people's complaints and advice on it) for Imperial side and then vowed to never touch Makeb on my (now) old laptop because even on Low graphics, Makeb crashed it.

    Further anecdotal bits here:


    I developed a lot of my leveling habits I use now during the first 12x EXP event (though those have also changed since then) of running every non-Heroic side quest until I hit (then level cap) 55, taking only commendation rewards for buying mods, and leveling up a Cybertechnician to mail mods around in the ugly Legacy StarFighter Gear sets. And slicing to buy stuff if I needed it, though my Biochemist did wonders for keeping the medpacks well stocked so I didn't spend much in credits for medpacks.


    Then SoR went live, and I went on with the other stuff I'd been doing, running every non-Heroic quest along the way, running grey Heroics once a day for comms and credits (and in some cases, gear to rip mods from), making and buying mods, making medpacks.


    And then KotFE happened. I leveled doing quests, PvP to level and try to get close to valor 40, Heroics for gear while accepting bits of gear for looks as quest rewards if I don't already have that full set for appearances.


    Now during DvL, I've gotten into FPs while leveling, more PvP, GSF, and of course, questing, and heroics for gear until 65 when I just buy PvP gear for the set bonuses. And the LEveling shells.



    Somewhere there was a fight I could not win, other than on Makeb, and now I cannot for the life of me remember what that fight was because I've now ran multiple characters through their stories and haven't since that first run on that class had trouble.


    Too lazy to read: Thor's right, doing something once gets you EXP which makes doing it again even easier.

  2. They do count.


    So far they have counted for everything that required a subscription.


    I got this email, too. I am subscribed via time cards. Canceling subscription now won't change that on Oct 5 the current subscription is still active. I will just see what happens. People who were subscribed and got the free bonus coins promotion also simply remained subscribed and got their coins (even though some only got them after contacting CS).


    AWESOME! I got distracted by the other stuff in the email. A free month's not too bad, that'll make my $30 for 60 days become $10 a month for three months.

  3. It wasn't just F2P. I've been subbed for quite some time and I got the email today too. But I use the 2-month at a time, non-recurring cards, so maybe that's why I received it.


    I'm fairly confused by it though. Do I need to just be subscribed on the date in question to get the free month? Or do I need to switch to a recurring sub to qualify? Any clarification from Eric or other BW folk would be most appreciated.


    Edit: Never mind, I saw in the fine print that it needs to be a recurring sub.


    ^ I do the same thing, and I'm bummed that the timecards done count (don't have a creditcard/paypal/whateverthing, too broke for that and this is cheaper than a couple of nights in a bar), because I got the email too. =(

  4. Hum. I guess I hadn't noticed those comments from the characters. I did think about the class stuff and how all of them are potentially roles that would learn a lot of languages... that is a fair point.


    I was thinking it largely wasn't addressed in-game, but maybe I've just missed it.


    Only two had the comments, and only if you picked the "correct" dialogue option in one Flashpoint, as far as I remember. An easily missed bit.


    With the Voss being "newly discovered" within the last few decades or something, I'm more surprised Garza/Agent's Mission Giver Person didn't demand Trooper/Agent to return to Coruscant/DK or Somewhere to get the implants updated with a language they're likely still working on.


    I kept hoping that BH/Smuggler would wind up with a moment or more where languages were an obvious barrier, but that might have messed with some people's immersion.


    Oh! And I figured Cyborgs would just have a Translator implant of some kind put in while they were doing stuff anyway, or a person in-eye HUD with a text translation.


    EDIT: Oh, sorry about hijacking the thread.

  5. I do think that either way, it evens out after starters. Especially as you get into the high 20s / early 30s, the XP gain starts to feel a lot slower, which I think is largely due to the planet content involving more travel time and less "go to this 2x4 area and complete four missions at once." It's hard for me to remember whether it fits like a glove, as many of my non-XP-boosted toons were leveled in part during the may 2x event. But I distinctly remember doing combination of planet story and class mission without boosts and just about being where I needed to be. Maybe a little over if I did every single planet story arc mission, as some of them are rather extensive.


    The size scale of planets does slow the rate of leveling per hour, Tatooine, Alderaan, Hoth, Belsavis, Voss, Corellia, are larger and more spread out with the missions.


    And Makeb is huge, if you're not at max level by then.

  6. Speaking of Babelfish, am I the only one who finds it odd how every character in SWTOR seems to conveniently know any language they need to know for the situation, no matter what it is?


    In KOTOR, I remember there was lore about Revan pulling a language from an alien's mind so he could understand them and pushing his own inside of theirs (re: the Rakata). And there was a situation where you literally just couldn't understand what was being said and needed a translator (Sand People).


    In SoR Depths of Manaan, Smuggler comments to Deefour by saying that s/he travels with a wookiee and knows Jakaaro (however the name is, too lazy right now) didn't say what Deefour said he said. Trooper says that a lot of people really underestimate the thoroughness of SpecForce training and says something about knowing what Jakaaro actually said. I don't think Impside gets the same lines, been a long time since I ran Depths on a non-Forceuser, so my BH and Agent lines aren't being recalled offhand.


    I think Revan's ability is a common one for Force Users.


    Sandpeople are still untranslated.


    I personally suspect everyone gets a Babelfish device if they aren't a Sith/Jedi, and if too poor, they have to learn the languages the hard way, and languages have to updated on a regular basis, so the cheap ones are horrible and the expensive ones are better (so Smugglers and Bounty Hunters get what they can and understand a bunch of languages in Han Solo style of not necessarily speaking them). Imptelligence wouldn't (logically from my naive PoV) skimp out if it meant getting back intel, so Agents would have them put in. SpecForce also can't afford bad intell, but those guys are soldiers, so they don't get top-of-the-line translators, but still really good ones and language courses in training that continues into active service.


    Sith and Jedi have the Force to translate for them sort of. Or also have decent translators (depending on Master, better ones, if Sith, Jedi all get really good ones).

  7. Would be nice with a Checklist you could access via (Y)



    [ ] Started a Romance with y.

    [x] Blew up Planet X.

    [x] Told Koth to stuff it.



    etc etc


    Or [L] for the mission log and then the Codex could have [Class] [Character Name Here] Act One (Summary list of Class Mission Choices Character Made), and so forth for the others up to KotFE where we'd have [Class] [Character Name] Chapter I (or whatever) (Summary list of choices "That Will Be Remembered" according to Companions as well as other things).


    I swear, in IX I told Lana to watch the Lady of Shadows. Didn't I? Yes I did. I also told Theron to put Firebrand on the Watchlist as well. Did either of them listen to my smart agent who knows both of those people quite well? No! Well, not the first one anyway.

  8. Why do I get this reference. I've turned into a geek. :(


    I'm sorry, I think my Babelfish failed in operation just now. Did you say that with the intents of the word "geek" to mean a bad thing? Whyever would someone do such a thing? That's it! Where's my towel? What do you mean it's falling into a black hole? Well, go get it! Stop telling me the odds and just get the engine working so we can go get my towel back!

  9. Every single thing you are suggesting to opt out is part of the core game play and game design.


    All in all you are just saying: just don't play the game at all.

    I was intending it to be a list of options a person can peruse through that I've seen people suggest in other similar threads.


    In a way, it would be similar to Pokemon where fans have put together variations of a Nuzlocke challenge.

    The premise is that you start off with a team, fainting is the equivalent of death.

    That takes away a whole key part of the game mechanics - using a Pokemon Center to heal your fainted pokemon, and Revives to heal your fainted pokemon.


    Others have applied other aspects such as

    • Must have a full team of six, even if the team is all pokemon people would consider "poodoo"
    • As soon as you catch your first pokemon, you store away your starter pokemon to never be used again.
    • To avoid temptation of retrieving "dead" pokemon and using them again, release them instead of storing them in storage
    • Do not use potions to heal your injured/weakened pokemon
    • Do not use the Pokemon Center to heal non-fainted pokemon
    • Do not buy things from the Pokemart Vendor
    • Do not evolve any pokemon on your team
    • Do not add abilities learned by the pokemon, or by the teaching devices in the games except for the ones vital for moving forward in the plot/gym sequence
    • Use only one pokemon ever.
    • Limitations on what pokemon can be part of the team (variable, can exclude Legendaries, or OverUsed, the UnderUsed, depends on what the variation the person decides on)

    Anything on the list could be considered opting out of a core part of the game play and game design. All those Nuzlocke players are saying is, and I quote from your turn of phrase "just don't play the game at all."


    I will say that I never said it was the best list of ways to make the game harder, just a list of ways a person can alter the difficulty of the game for themselves.


    Although if it means ignoring a part of the core gameplay, wouldn't that mean the game would be harder for not using it? Like playing Mass Effect on Nightmare without using a screen to look at. Or not keeping companions' gear up to date (Seriously, watching Kaiden die every other fight or so wearing the basic gear and not upgrading his abilities or armor, while my Shepard was level 40-something was pretty fun. It was like Garrus and I were running things as a two-person team instead of the default three-person).

  10. I have stumbled headlong into a steaming pile of deja vu. I swear I remember a post almost identical to this by someone this time last year ... using the actual start/end dates of a season ... making the point that we long ago learned not to set expectations ... remaining "neutral" until the new content releases before losing our collective shi ... minds.


    So, either Andryah cites a common theme or is a dirty, dirty plagiarist.:mad:


    Common theme. Pops up often enough throughout the year to not expect things, and then the "Fall" season doesn't actually change dates on the calendars (unless you're southern hemisphere, in which "Fall" is actually "Spring").


    *ducks under the ball named "The Point"*

  11. Reminds me of old Qysen, or of Khem Val. "Hm, interesting."


    Ashara with a female Inquisitor/non-romancing Inquisitor was punishing. I managed to bring an Ashara up to Affection 10000 or whatever by running The Foundry over and over again (at the time I couldn't - and can't right now - recall if she had any gains to earn through Boarding Party or not). "Hey! Let me help, oh-kay, you're just gonna try and kill me like you did the last forty-three times, eh, Revan?"

  12. It's poorly designed IMO.


    We have the common issue with needless rear-flaps on the legs, and other pieces retain needless doodads and platings, but he biggest issue is that it simply does not dye very well. There are only a few combinations of dye you can use effectively because there is a lot of texture 3 on this armor, which cannot be dyed.


    Better to just mix and match some different armor sets these days to get what a player seeks. Ventilated Triumvirate legs being the current best of the best for skimpy leggings IMO.


    True about the dyes. BW keeps making tertiary colors the main ones and stuff.

  13. True story:


    Every weekday during my childhood (circa mid-to-late-70s; i.e., ages 8-14), during summer break from school, my father would tack two lists to the door of the bedroom I shared with my older brother. One list enumerated our chores for that day: wash Mom's car, mow the lawn, weed the garden, etc. The second list was our homework for the day.


    Dad would mimeograph math problems for us to complete before he got home from work. He included 10 obscure questions that (he claimed) could be answered by using the family copy of Encyclopedia Britannica. We were required to write a few paragraphs in response to each question. Last, but not least, were the five vocabulary words, which he expected us to know how to pronounce and use properly in a sentence by dinner time. Every. Week. Day. All. Summer. Long.


    Chores and homework occupied about half a day, so we had some "free" time to roam, rampage, and gallivant with the other kids. But my brother and I loathed Dad's assignments ... to the point of looking forward to school resuming in the fall. Of course, over the ensuing years, I realized how fortunate I was to have a Dad who took the time to do so.


    Dad wasn't a teacher back then (though, he became one later in life). Dad was active duty military ... a career that spanned from the day he graduated from college in 1962 until the year I graduated from college in 1985. Any erudition, eloquence, articulation, or lexicon I possess have their roots with my father and those lists tacked to our door.


    Mandatory On-Topic Comment: Gold sellers are bad, m'kay?


    Awesome Dad for the win.


    *shifty eyes*


    I'd like to see those gold/credit-selling companies shut down eventually somehow.

  14. No one should have to actively handicap themselves to make the game normal difficulty level.


    Game is broken.


    The leveling system is also practically (if not certainly) designed to get people to max level and supposedly ready for "End-Game" as fast as possible, despite the level 60 token character things being an option.

  15. 15 minutes, one hour? Hmmm, it takes me like 3 hours to get to level 10. I wonder why it takes me so much... ooooh look there's a sale on Amazon...Ugh, I don't like this channel, there's got to be something else on...I'm hungry....wait, what was I doing? Oh yeah leveling a new character...


    Once I'm past level 10, my leveling slows down to watch TV with family, talking, food eating...

  16. As the title says, SWTOR is too easy now. Since the KOTFE expansion leveling is so easy that you can level up to lvl10 in 30 minutes or 1 hour, even if you only do your class story. The leveling is so easy that you don't need to do the planetary missions to lvl up fast, what a waste of some good mini stories.But the thing that bugs me most are the DAMN SUPER OP COMPANIONS!!

    Now your companions have a lot more of life than you,more damage than you and they heal you for lots of HP so you never die and you don't need to use medpacks because,why use medpacks when you have a companion that heals you for the double or triple HP than a medpack??

    I hope swtor changes this because I'm practically invincible with my OP companion XD

    Level ten in an hour? I guess that makes me a speed runner for hitting it in fifteen minutes, tops, these days.

    There are ways to make the game more difficult for yourself.


    Wear no gear. No weapons.

    Dismiss companions/set companion to passive.

    Wear out of date gear from Starter worlds.

    Don't pick an Advanced Class.

    Don't train yourself into new abilities that aren't auto-taught through Disciplines.

    Don't pick a Discipline for an AC.


    As for the medpack thing, save the credits for the 51+ ones, you're more likely to use those at later planets.

  17. I can see it now:

    "There was one sidequest in KotFE... Uh... Assembling the speeder thing. Yeah. And uh... Star Fortress, and TEC, and Alerts are all sidequests. Yup. KotFE has sidequests, but they're all streamlined so that you're level 65 before you get to the first sidequest. That's what sidequests in game are usually for, for leveling up help. Yupyup."


    I miss the sidequests too. Gimme a reason to come back to Zakuul and want to explore it, please. Or Denova (whatever the desert planet we were on for Mandalore's), which had a nice open zone that wasn't all phased for one person. I could see hitting the planet making more skytroopers for more weapons and stuff while "preparing" for the next stage of the story. Or that planet for Gault and Vette's chapter, which had potential too. Gangs to fight and stuff.

  18. I'd like to think they learned not to release things in December and have such a long wait to fix things but they also cannot wait till January 2017.


    However, we lost our last raid group last night because of the massive amount of stagnation at end game SWTOR has for players that have actually been playing. They cannot wait till January for new content. Things are drying up now and have been for a months and there are currently more interesting games out there with newer content.


    November is pretty bad but doable if they pepper gamers with enough interesting information come October to carrot on a stick them just a bit longer. A month and a half might be achievable without much more loss.


    IF they pull that garbage in Oct of highlighting what they will talk about at another date in the future God help them as I doubt many gamers will.


    Waiting till the new year seems like a really bad business move for the state SWTOR is currently in.


    That's true as well, but I really doubt a number of people are willing to give up holiday time to work and fix bugs that are enraging a community of mere gamers who do this silly subscribing and purchasing Cartel Coins thing, let alone buying Warzone/FP/Operations passes or even that thing about running through Operations.


    Sarcasm aside, I'd rather that they learned the same lesson as you hope, but somehow I suspect they had not.

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