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Posts posted by LyraineAlei

  1. That conflicts with what they had previously said.




    That's BW's prerogative to be wrong one way or another. Part of why I wish they just announced an end date from the start without pulling any "two weeks before KotET" or "before blahblah date". Just an end date and not say anything about KotET being tied to its end date.


    EDIT: Though Eric there did say "intend"...

  2. It's probably true for many parts of TOR. The guys who originally worked on something are no longer around, thus it doesn't get fixed or expanded upon. It shouldn't be like that though, assuming Bioware hires professional developers, as there'd be ample documentation left behind. But yeah, too many changes in the development team isn't beneficial.


    How hard can it be to scan through on the internet to find the general plotlines for every single class? Seriously, Fanfiction.net alone's got enough for most of the classes (Consular seems to be a bit lacking). Then again, I think BW should just hire Phyreblade and have her write the stories for every expansion coming up.

  3. I assume it just hasnt updated in a while, but id imagine the shifts are slowing down at this point too for a few reasons.


    -many folks have actually finished their legendary grinds at this point, which slows down light/dark choices since the "hard cores" arent playing any more alts to push through. Also, many people who arent finished are down to things like World Bosses, Hard Mode Flashpoints, and Operations left to complete which doesnt have huge impacts on light/dark choices. (other than a single choice in flashpoints, which is often a wash when half the group picks light and the other half picks dark)


    -now that we have double xp+legacy boost+xp armor, leveling is fast and the story is the least efficient way to level. With all these boosts and heroics/pvp/flashpoint being so great for XP characters can sprint to higher but have minimal dark/light choices on the route since they can just skip the story. Basically now a character can finish leveling and just stop grinding while leaving the vast majority of light/dark decisions untouched.


    The most logical answer.


    I've gotten halfway through my sixth DvL alt and just starting Coruscant, and have two more to fifty left before I decide if I want to try HMFPs, try Ops (Story Mode), or try WB hunting. If I decide not to, I'll just be running heroics for credits to fund the crewskill crafting for my non-Biochemists (pre-DvL and even pre-4.0 I had a lot of biochemists for cheap medpack making while going from place to place instead of buying them), hit LS V on Diplomacy, then go back to my pre-DvL characters and playing through their stories and leveling them up. And buying pretty CM armors that I like from various "eras" of CM packs.

  4. The Emperor is the main bad guy from start to finish in the Jedi Knight story, so the Jedi Knight has alot more history with the Emperor than any other class. Sith Warrior is a pretty close second, as you are the Emperor's favorite Sith throughout the entire story, but you have no relationship with the Emperor until the last chapter of the class story.


    I would also agree that Lana is obviously the canon romance. Her attitude and behavior towards the Out-lander feels more appropriate when there is something romantic going on between the two. She really does feel like the new Liara.


    Ugh, I know a lot of people were begging for Lana to be a companion and for the romance to go on back when Forged Alliances was being released and SoR was on the horizon, and then again after SoR, but seriously, she can back off on trying to be my "buddy" if my current character isn't romancing her. And y'know, act more like she did towards my Outlander who isn't romancing her before Outlander became Outlander and was just Hero/Wrath/Nox/Imperious/Occulus/Cipher/Champion/Major/Voidhound/Barsen'thor.

  5. So togruta has been playable for the past ~2 years? Could I hope we're due for a new playable race soonish with this seemingly 2-year interval thing going on?


    Since 3.2 or something went live, so almost two years.


    Developers have not said anything about anything regarding any new species.

  6. But like if I want to name my human character William I can't


    William Steeves


    Solved your issue. Put a space in the name, or a hyphen, or an apostrophe, then add a second half.

  7. He does.


    It's interesting that we still haven't seen these robes turn up in the game yet. We've had similar ones, sure.


    The Kreia set is (IMO) the closest to poor Alec's hopes and dreams, and it has a skirt. I would kill Darth Marr myself if it meant getting loose and more billowy pants that would "hide" the top parts of shoes. Or require those little boots most outfits with skirts require.

  8. Just curious about this. At some point during my 4 year hiatus togruta, and cathar became playable (good job). I'm just wondering if more iconic star wars races were on the table, or if there were talks about the possibility at all. Nautolan comes to mind as the next most likely candidate from the universe I can think of.


    Cathar became playable sometime around RotHC. Togruta came out two years later. Those were the two most popular choices on some poll some time back with Nautolans in third place. There's no timetable on when another playable race comes out, if ever.


    EDIT: Welcome back!

  9. It's the perfect cover. Also, you just used a sunglasses emote and Eric loves to use the rakghoul sunglasses emote. Conspiracy confirmed! :rak_03:



    You know, I didn't used to understand what people meant about getting lost in TVTropes, until I got big into writing. There's this magnetic pull every time I go on a page there... so many links branching off into new insights about tropes...


    TVTropes is a really bad place to get lost.



  10. I think this is the case, a few weeks ago i was over on the swtor sub reddit and saw a few people talking about how the voice actress for jaesa didn't want to do the voice for her anymore. :(


    Tanno Vik's died. But I think BW could pull off a Mordin Solus with these guys because I don't think Jaesa, Vik, and Scourge have said anything since RotHC, and while on a binge-run of the Mass Effect series, I didn't notice that ME2 Mordin Solus wasn't the same VA as ME3 despite playing the two games and hearing him speak in ME2 on the same day as I reached meeting hims again in ME3 in the same 24-hour period. Maybe even 12-hours. People may notice, but I don't think that they'll care by too much as a majority as long as the voice is too drastically different.

  11. haha I can't even get past the creation screen with the male consular. Definitely can relate.


    Same, Male Consular is just... I just can't seem to make one that I like yet.


    And as others have said for themselves, Togruta are hard also for me to put together enough for me to like. So are Zabrak (due to limited options and awful hair styles in general) and Twi'lek (seriously, I think one would finally look "right" if she were purple/light lilac). And Rattataki. Or Miraluka due to the limits on the masks. And I make four Cathar, pretty much - Pixil, Jarote, Sher'ika, Jax'ika, and I think they're pretty much all I'll make even tough I love Cathar.


    Cyborgs are fun to roll, however, because of all the options (though easier as female because males have to contend with face fur and tech which cuts out some other options).

  12. It just makes me hate that Jedi wannabe pinhead even more. I wish they'd fix Vector and Scourge's armor issues, and give Scourge the proper voice on his healing stance, instead of Rusk's.


    Part of me was hoping that since Ashara's was fixed it meant that she'd be returning soon because none of the comps who have returned during KotFE have had their voices mixed.


    But still -!- I'm sure there are dialogue lines that those companions use that out of context could work for healing purposes.

  13. So Eric's response to my previous thread about the removal of the "Suggestion Box" sub forum really got me thinking.


    Do you think the devs possibly use regular player accounts to interact with the community to get insight on ideas, or offer alternative suggestions to issues, etc.? A sort of incognito data miner of players, that has more interaction and granular control, rather than the posting constraints of posting as a dev.




    I hope so. Though it would be nice if there was a counter of sorts like "Seen by a Developer" on threads in Suggestions Box that doesn't give away who looked through the thread or how many times, just that it was looked through.

  14. I had rolled an alt (JC) not long into January, decided I didn't like how she looked, set her aside until I finished leveling up other alts to keep her name, then names with spaces came out, and I found a look that I liked more, so rerolled and was on Tython still when I learned about the DvL event. And I only had seven slots left on that server. So I deleted her on the first day of DvL and rerolled. She is an alt I've been invested in before the first delete, but I was able to easily reroll and recreate the investment since she was originally part of the set from the beginning.


    Other reasons? Didn't like the name. Didn't like the appearance (especially when under "natural environmental" lighting).


    And that DAI meme is why I've not actually finished DAO yet - trying to make an albino Elissa Cousland who doesn't glow (okay, yeah, mods) under "natural environmental" lighting. Even Vanilla DAO palest glows.

  15. I'm currently working on parts of Legendary Tier (some parts I suspect I will not be doing, but I'll do some parts of it). My system was:

    • Level classes to 50, save for a couple I would level to 65
    • While leveling classes to fifty, queue for Flashpoints, PvP, and GSF (seriously, those intro missions and the dailies/Weeklies give out tons of EXP) and the Flashpoints are part of the tiers anyway
    • Run Black Talon/Esseles or whatever the spelling is, Solo since you'd likely have already outleveled it for tactical queue by the time you reach Republic or Imperial Fleets
    • Run Shadow of Revan and the Prelude
    • Run Ziost
    • Run KotFE on one of the 65s you leveled once you finished the Flashpoints
    • Finish Chapter IX of KotFE, go to the terminal and pull out your highest influence companion (in my case, this was a Sith Warrior I ran to finally get around to rolling a DS-enough character to get DS Jaesa, so I finished the class story with a level 20-something influence Vette) with this high influence companion, go to Zakuul and run Eternal Championship as far as you want, Round Five at least.
    • Finish KotFE's chapters, skip Recruitment Alerts because you can do those later or something.
    • Meanwhile you were originally leveling, pick up the Crew Skill Training mission on your first trip to Fleet at level 8+, pick up a crafting skill and craft those assembly compenents and similar things, the fancy weapons/gear/dyes/whatnots you don't need to work with as much if you're speed running. It'll also save you credits.
    • If you do not plan on getting attached to these DvL alts, sell the "out of level range" gear for the credits
    • Mail extra credits you have once you reach Crafting Skill's 550 to another alt you were leveling to work on his/her crafting missions
    • Have Diplomacy on a couple of characters or just one depending on your choice making preferences to drag you to LS or DS V (Diplomacy doesn't shift the meter for the companion stuff, so if you're more inclined for one companion or another...)


    Okay, that system got a little mixed up, basically I rolled eight new characters, six of them will/do have crafting skills, I had PvP'd, GSF'd, and Tactical FP'd while running every mission on a planet to boost my leveling as quickly as I could. I did run one character all the way through his story and onto KotFE, but that was because he was a mix aspects for a class I hadn't already played (Dark Side, Marauder, Male Sith Warrior, I prefer LS Jugg FemWarrior) and KotFE auto-ends/abandons old Class Story stuff (the initial class story) and SoR/Ziost. What took longest was running the class missions and then SoR/Ziost. Everyone else just runs Hutta-Ord-Tython-Korriban/DK-Coruscant/Maybe Taris-Balmorra if I hadn't hit 50/65 yet.

  16. *browsing browsing browsing*


    Wait, someone uses the main website for updated information on the game?


    *slinks back to Dulfy and other third-party sites as she falls into a clever trap by EA to drive people out of the website by claiming no one plays the game more*


    Hey! My tinfoil hat! I'd been looking for it.




    The main website doesn't seem to be truly updated ever. There's still the claim that the latest "Game Update" is ... Ziost. So they (whoever They are) just add stuff and paes without actually updating them often enough to really matter. I'm still trying to figure out what System Alerts even are.

  17. I fully expect to see them offer the losing companion for sale on the Cartel Market at some point in the future.

    I mean, they went through all that trouble to make it anyway so it'd be a shame if it never saw the light of day.


    This way everybody gets the winning companion for free and anybody that wants the losing companion can complain about having to buy it.

    Like Ian and yourself, I can see this happening.

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