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Posts posted by LyraineAlei

  1. Why doesn't cartel market full armour sets not unlock in collections. There isn't even an option for them.


    Some sets do, the sets with stats in them don't.



    • Waywards Warrior Mask
    • Eradicator's MAsk
    • Ghostly Malgus Armor Set
    • Eradicator's Warsuit
    • Exterminator's armor set
    • Thorn Sanitization Armor
    • Torh Containment Armor Set
    • Gold Scalene Armor Set
    • Humble Hero
    • Sand People Pillager
    • Huttsbane's Garments
    • Turncoat
    • Thermal Retenton
    • Kuat drive Yards corporate set
    • Vintage Republic Military
    • Heartless Pursuer
    • Sanctified Caretaker
    • Malevolent Interrogator
    • Valiant Jedi Armo
    • Interstellar Privateer Armor Set
    • Clandestine Officer
    • Sith Raider
    • Stalwart Protector
    • Covert Pilot Suit
    • Experimental Pilot Suit
    • Lifeday Robes
    • Revanite Champion Armor Set
    • Battlefield Commander's Set
    • Festive Life Day Robes
    • Thexan Robes
    • Zakuul Armor Set


    The others from the cartel MArket itself are not unlockable in Collections because they have mods for stats and level restrictions.


    Don't unlock:

    • Dark initiate's Robes
    • Redeemer's Harness
    • Saberist's Body armor
    • Wayfarer's Robe
    • CZ-5 Armored Assault HArness
    • MA-35 Forward Ops Chestplate
    • Street Slicer's Longcoat
    • Outrider's Flight Jacket
    • Dire taskmaster's Robe
    • Honored Master's vestiments
    • Dire Overlord's vestiments
    • Honored Champion's robes
    • Dire Warmasters Body Armor
    • Honored Saberist's Harness
    • Dire Eliminator's Chestguard
    • Honored Adept's Shroud
    • Guard Captain's chestplate
    • MA-52 Med-Tech chestplate
    • CZ-27K stealth ops suit
    • Emergency rEsponder's overcoat
    • CZ-18K Avalanche Chestplate
    • MA-52 Overwatch chestplate
    • Investigator's Armor
    • Noble Commander's Armor Set
    • Destroyer Set
    • Pathfinder's Armor Set
    • CZ-13K Guerrilla Armor Set
    • MA-44 Combat Armor Set
    • Outlaw's Armor Set
    • X-3 Techmaster Armor Set


    All of these have level requirements because they have stat mods.

  2. Yeah, well that's it isn't it? The only reason that you are cajoled into this commander job is because you have no choice and you basically are a puppet to the npc's around you and not actually the clear leader and driving force of the Alliance. My inquisitor certainly never wanted this job.


    My wish for KotET would be that the Alliance fails or I leave it in the hands of theron and lana to play around with and get back to being a ****** sith again.


    My BHs are starting to be more interested in finding hisher old crew again, taking back the Mantis, and then flying off to send Shan and Beniko the bill for combat and command services rendered. Plus interest.


    That's highly likely, which makes me sad. I love the story but it's clearly written for Jedi Knights.


    Didn't you see the metrics? People play more knights than any other class! *eyeroll*


    Be careful what you wish for. If Koth dies, his replacement will be a certain Gungan....


    You mean his ancestor. Jar Jar won't be born for another 3,660 or so years.

  3. so I recently just got the entire set of Darth Sions armor on my main but its not unlocking in collections for me to transfer to my other char.


    *** is happening?


    Customer Service ticket?


    You won't be able to transfer the item from one character to another, but you can unlock it to collect a set on the other characters, if you were meaning "I can't mail it to my other char"

  4. I thought this was one of the best things about this event. Part of its design is to get players to experience parts of the game that they would normally avoid. I'm not a PvP player, but I found my PvP experience to be generally a good one. I loved doing the Ops as that is also not something I normally do as well. Galactic Starfighter can go die in a hole, though. I'm never doing that again.


    There's a reason all those achievements are in the Legendary category as well, as they're not for everyone. You can still get the new companion by completing the Eternal level, you only go that extra step if you want to.


    For the record I want to. I hit Eternal level myself this morning, but I've been working on Legendary achievements along the way. Now all I have to do is get 6 more toons to level 50 (2 @ 65 and 1 @ 41 so far) and do the hard mode flashpoints, which is going to be a grind but I want to finish it, goddammit!


    I found myself truly enjoying PvP when I jumped into the lowbie/midbie PvP instead of into the 65 PvP.


    I found myself enjoying GSF on Shadowlands.


    I found myself enjoying grouping for tacticals.


    World Bosses, Operations, and Hard Modes are a bit too far out into the deep end of the swimming pool for me, though I do plan on peeking into them, and I have no doubt I won't get the final tier finished in time. But that last tier isn't required for the main rewards in the event. But at this point- I have to run SoR, KotFE, finish the crew skills, level my last three to 50, level my JC to 65, the EC, Ziost (though I think it's part of SoR, IMO), LS V, DSV, the other four special datacrons (working on them with my KotFE DS SW), HM FPs, Ops, WBs.


    It looks like a a lot of stuff to do, but I've been collecting mats for the crew skills to reach the max as I level them to 50 and shuttle credits around to pay for it all. I doubt I'll complete HM FPs, ops, or WBs, but the rest are all easily done with what I've got.

  5. There's been a lot of discussion recently about the model used by SWTOR. One of the suggestions is that the sub perks are improved and the restrictions on lower statuses (preferred, F2P) are reduced.


    For those of you who feel that you'd unsub if the restrictions were lessened on preferred, what sort of subscriber perks might change your mind and convince you to keep subbing?


    In other words, what "bonuses" would you pay for?


    More character slots.

    Legacy Storage Subscriber Expansion (?)

    Character Storage Expansion.

    Of course the unlimited credits in my characters' wallets as is in the game right now.


    I admit I subscribe also for hiding headslots and unify colors right now as well...


    That first one is my main reason to subscribe, however. I have a spreadsheet of 60+ characters.

  6. You realize SWTOR is like 2995 years prior to the movies right? Yoda was only 800 years old...we'd need to be frozen in carbonite a helluva lot longer than 5 years. ;)


    I wonder if Fleet would change in that time frame?


    3695 or so BBY (Before Battle of Yavin IV/ANH), actually. KOTOR is about 4000 BBY, and SWTOR is 300 years after KOTOR, to it's somewhere around 3700-3650 BBY. And the Prequel movies start at about 30 years BBY, so the game is at most 3670 years before the prequel movies even start.


    uh.. *shoves THE HOLY TIMELINE out of the way*


    The rest of your point stands.


    EDIT: Fleet stays the same, it like the general way of the galaxy. Depends on when there are more people or droids at locations though.

  7. You still have to spend the time to playtest it, and run the entire suite of QA for a class boss mission. Depending on their current protocols, their tools may not even be set up any more to only run one class's worth of tests.


    The point of my suggestion to bump them up to Elites was that requires the least testing, because it's just a stat boost, though IIRC Elites get immunity to physics normally, which they don't currently have as Golds.


    True true

  8. You might I would not, I pretty much have all the cartel stuff I want, not opposed to getting more as freebees like from the DvL event but buying CC? Had some this month but first lot in almost a year. most Items I have are all from complementary CC either by way of monthly CC or the added CC though special promotions and security key. I don't even by cartel items from GTN any more. The CC I did buy is no where near the amount of sub I pay.

    You are making a huge assumption here, may well turn out to be right but a huge gamble on BW part if they did it. If they did and it did not work the game would end without really any notice. Kind of like a shop that's gone under, some have a huge closing down sale (which would be pointless on a game) other just have a note in the window saying closed. If this went under you just wont be able to log in, it may be mentioned on the news as star wars galaxy was but other then that servers would just be gone.


    ^ I'm not saying that I'm cheap and wouldn't pay if I thought I could get away with it by having all of the perks a sb gets now by being a preferred, but for whatever logic reason in my head, paying for a subscriptions feels like a better use of my money than getting the whole game and then just paying for CC. Then again, unlike someone else in the thread who only plays about four or so days a month, I play at least a day every week if not every night with the occasional two or three week break playing another game for a while, so my $30 USD for 60 days comes to 50 cents USD a day for me.


    Like the poster I quoted, I generally don't buy CC. I bought CC three times in the three years I've been playing this game - to see what being a pref was like and to decide if I wanted to subscribe just yet, to buy the Clandestine Officer's outfit, and to fund a massive shift around during the 90 CC server transfers for my alts to be consolidated to their respective "sets" and the spread my achievements around that I didn't want to do over and over and over again.

  9. Creative. I like it. You've got the "reusing assets" spirit of game design going on. :p


    I just used the DA Wiki for speed since I don't have a script somewhere. But it works! Well, I don't remember exactly how FemHawke's voice had everything in terms of inflections and emphasis (so the emotion behind the lines might not match quite right) but I got the jist of what I was think of across. =D



    I was hoping Lunafox would catch my subtle convo lead as well. "Might have something to say about you and the Emperor" =D


    I agree completely with this 1000000%


    I love watching and listening to the properly animated cutscenes, and I like hearing my companion speak. I don't want to pick from a list of multiple choices with no voice. Swtor has spoiled me and I can't go back to that way of being.


    That and I want to have a proper chapter dedicated to Scourge with proper interactions and I live in fear that he will be relegated to one of these crappy companion recruit things.


    To put it bluntly, I hate Classic Conversations and not being able to properly interact with my toon.


    If I could have my character voicing things again, I almost wouldn't mind the following compromise at a minimum.


    How about a middle ground?


    Keep the over the shoulder static shot and just have the VA read the lines as written?


    I'd sacrifice dramatic cutscene animation for actually hearing my toons speak. Not having to choreograph and animate and lip sync all those convos would save hugely on time/money/effort.


    I'd also like to say that I like how the Clssic Convos have the dialogue lines as exactly what the character is "saying" so we don't have


    "Welcome to the crew, Skadge!."

    "No. Over my dead body. Preferably your dead body."

    "Give me one good reason to let you on my ship."


    And then get these as the dialogue results:


    "Welcome to the crew, Skadge!"

    "Blast, you have a small blaster pointed at me, fine, welcome to the crew, Skadge."

    "BECAUSE BIOWARE SAYS SO AND YOU HAVE A BLASTER. Welcome to the crew, Skadge."

  10. Haha. :D


    See, conversations can be put together from clips of dialogue from other games as well as this one.



    Example: FemAgent Outlander


    Concept Scene- Just after Ch XVI and trying to figure out what to do next with a more specific plan, on Odessan's base.


    "So, Commander, we've failed to eliminate Arcann, Vaylin took the throne, SCORPIO ran out on us, Senya's betrayed us. What do you have planned for us to do next?"


    Option-"Where are we going? How should I know? Do I look like the leader of this merry band of misfits?"

    Option-"A new base of operations" [dialogue line was cut because the rest involved Kirkwall and mages, not SWTOR material)

    Option-"I'm not always sure I want to know."


    "(Option one taken) You are the Commander of the Alliance.

    "(Option Two taken) We don't have time to relocate all at once like this, considering Koth stole the Gravestone. / I'm not sure the Gravestone has enough room to move everyone at once.

    "(Option Three taken) You mean you don't make plans ahead of time? No wonder we lost like this

    "(Regardless) Before Arcann attacked, Theron received word of another contact we should look into. This one might also have something to say about your situation with the Emperor."


    "(1)(Sighs) I'm going to regret asking you to continue, aren't I?

    "(2)You know I hate it when you do that.

    "(3)It does feel like some unseen force is manipulating my fate."




    "I really hate [name of guy, doesn't matter who]."

    "If you like, we could leave a strongly worded note on his sarcophagus and go."




    Fem "Agent" lines stolen from FemHawke lines in DAII.

  11. Now I'm imagining, like, Khem Val in an alert, "Puny Smuggler, you think you can convince me to join your alliance? I will eat you whole."


    Smuggler, "I could charm the horns off a krayt dragon."


    "Blood and mayhem await!"


    "My trigger finger's itching."


    "A Jedi's strength must always be tested."


    "It is the Jedi way to serve."


    "Nothing can stop me."


    "I should go." (FemTrooper could easily recycle FemShep audio for that. I'm sure there's enough FemShep sound bits and recording lines to be easily rearranged into a full FemTrooper dialogue.)


    Actually, while I'm stealing lines from other BW games....


    "Yes... Swooping would be bad." - MWar


    "What is it?" -FemAgent


    Uh... I got no other games offhand..

  12. Hutta

    No Guild Controls this Sector



    I assume this is EXTREMELY important as it won't go away and I can't find any options in the interface to to turn it off. So passing the info along. THE PEOPLE MUST BE TOLD!


    Yeah, there's not way to turn it off except to wait it ut or use ctrl and u to make the UI vanish and then use ctrl and z at he same time again to bring the UI back (hopefully) without the banner.


    I share your need to share that Hutta needs someone to conquer it.

  13. Doesn't matter what his excuse is, it's copyrighted. And if he posts it on somewhere like YouTube he can get in trouble for infringement.


    okay, the Let's Play videos aren't so great, but the others are vague enough that they don't have to be shared with others. I have videos so I remember how I play a character, personally.

  14. Ok, been talking to CS, and I've filed a bug report. About to follow up on that. This is what we're missing.




    Torian Missing Scene #1

    "Never thanked you for not making a big deal over me taking off...Good to see my brothers are still alive. Corridan owes me 50 credits."


    "Been meaning to ask you something. Did Mandalore tell you the Resol'nare when you were adopted into the clan?" (He then goes on to explain Mandalorian life. Crucial missing scene - first bugged scene. For some reason this scene does not trigger any more)


    Torian Missing Scene #2 This scene does not trigger at all any more either

    "Been working on a new shot. Something I picked up watching you. Want to check it out?"


    These two missing scenes must trigger the wrong cut scene for Mando'a/Shooting (Mandalorian vs Non Mandalorian)


    So female Mandalorian bounty hunters do not receive any missions from Torian from Hoth until Voss so basically from level 40 to 46, I received no word from Torian.


    This is sad news, and I suspect my Shadowlands-main FemBH is ruined as well. I don't remember the Resolnare convo my main BH got, but I do think she got the second one (might have been pre-4.0 however) or I'm mixing my memory of the convo and wound up not getting the Mando'a lesson.

  15. Monkeying with the actual fight mechanics requires playtesting. And I was just reminded that F2P are still capped at 50, not 65, so you can't really tune high that (or any other story-ender) fight that much. L50 isn't what it used to be, even under level sync.


    Mainly, I was thinking of how to tune it to be more in-line with other level 50 fights. Either way, 65s will steamroll through it, of course.


    As for playtesting, I'm sure they could have a zone with the mechanics and then apply a different character model (say, generic Sith).

  16. This may be a temporary problem due to the light vs dark event. All of the event players, including myself, have been clogging up new planets and flash points. Remember for those that want to get legendary they have to create 8 new characters.


    ^ I've been leveling my DvL alts by running all of the quests on starter worlds, GSF Daily/Weekly if it's popping enough for more than the intro quest, PvP intro/Daily/Weekly, once at a reasonable level with a set of about-right gear I hop into the Intro/Weekly for GF Tact FPSs. If I still haven't hit 50, I run around the capital planets for a bit.


    Starter Worlds and Capital Worlds are usually the busiest with Nar Shaddaa as a distant third busiest.

  17. Pretty sure Baras was a Gold. It's possible that increasing his HP would help since that would give time for some of the fight's mechanics to activate. I remember his long cast really hurt if you let it go off.


    They could shorten the casting time as well.


    More health, maybe a higher damage output, a buff to reduce Force Ability Damage Taken (SW-Class-end-of-Corellia-fight has one for lore reasons, but this could be a variation of that, call it "Dark Council Member For A Reason" Buff) in place of the more health, a higher chance of blocking/reflecting player attacks. Adding more combat mechanics with shorter CD times, and buffs might help make the easy fight less easy but still easy.

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