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Posts posted by LyraineAlei

  1. There's a Prelude to SoR that you'll likely want to go through first, it's a series of four linked missions involving flashpoints. If you're not into grouping, don't worry, they have a solo mode now that allows you to complete it by yourself.


    Which also gives you (Thread OP) a chance to catch up on rotations.


    To OP: Your gear may also no longer work as quite well as it used to because Aim/Strength/Willpower/Cunning are no longer stats (all are now Mastery), with a few other stat changes that were made when 4.0 went live. Or was it 3.0?


    Disciplines as well. They replace Skill Trees, so no more hybrid builds of any kind.


    You could also create a new character (leveling is not the chore it was pre-4.0) and get used to the playing styles that way as well.

  2. I mostly use numpad. I have my heroics/Special Bonus Bar that uses my Logitech G402 Hyperion Fury mouse's buttons (two next to my thumb, two next to my index finger as a standard Right Handed Mouse and then there is one that supposedly changes my range for FPS games and might work in ME, but I haven't trie it out yet).


    For three quickbars I us Numpad with Alt (for QB 2) and CTRL (for QB4). QB3 uses top row numbers because those are my buffs/debuffs/heals/shield boosters. Been deciding if I should move QB3 and 4 down to the other QBs, however.

  3. It definitely ranks as one of the more ill-thought-out mechanics I've seen in my time.


    There should have been a toggle option in settings to turn off auto-play from the very beginning. That there wasn't and isn't still now is just :confused:


    I mean, look, I don't think auto-play is a terrible feature in and of itself. When you actually want to keep going, it helps create a smooth, immersive experience and that's a cool thing. But what if you're on your fifth run through and you want to take your time? What if you don't have the time to do more than one chapter right now and you want to stop at the one you just finished? What if, as the OP did, you want to just complete some alerts? These are questions that I can't honestly believe they didn't ask themselves, so I'm flabbergasted as to why it wasn't handled with a simple toggle option.


    And it's one way in which the vanilla story beats KOTFE. Cause in the vanilla story, you can pretty much stop anywhere, anytime, and it doesn't try to force you back in. This is your friendly neighborhood, Rolodome, reminding you, BW, that in a game like this, mechanics are tied to story, whether you want them to be or not. And people will remember the mechanics as part of the story experience.


    Ugh, I had to stay up late last night because I got stuck on a Chapter that I didn't dare log out in the middle of out of fear I'd be stuck like in STO while on a mission and have to start over for logging out in the middle,

  4. Well, they haven't deleted this topic for posting discussions of datamined content yet, so probably not true.


    We're not discussing the unmentionables, we're discussing rumors from GenChat, and as far as I could read, all responses were answering in terms of official sources.


    Well, except mine that brushed along a potential, but not quite, hot spot.

  5. So for the second time in a week I've been hearing rumors in GC that the new expansion later next month will include expanding the weapons used by characters (i.e. Hunters will learn to use rifles, agents will learn to use pistols) has anyone else heard about this?


    No official word, and a quick scan on Reddit doesn't suggest unofficial word to that effect. It sounds like people letting their imaginations get away with them or really, really, really, wishfully thinking since people had been asking for Agents/Troopers to have blasters and BH's to have rifles for years.

  6. ... If the rumors about a level bump and new gear tiers are true that's just going to cause people to burn out even harder.


    "Metrics from the DvL event show up that players really like playing story! Look at all these numbers of players starting their class stories on Tython/Ord Mantell/Korriban/Hutta and Coruscant/Dromund Kaas, and all these characters playing through KotFE! We don't need to update the other things, people aren't playing them!"


    "Uh, sir, all those numbers also show people doing PvP, GSF, and group stuff, as well as Story and KotFE. You made the requirements for achievements include group stuff."


    "Shushushushushush! Players want more story! Oh, and for the rest, uh... I guess, make another arena map themed like Odessen, and then, uh, add an Alliance Championship, like the Eternal Championship, but with Alliance people!"

  7. I agree that it is mildly annoying but I do understand it to an extent, in chapters 1-9 there are no breaks either and so 10-16 has the same "mechanic" (for lack of a better word). That being said, once you get past the intro to a given chapter and get into play mode you can exit out of the chapter and go do alerts or whatever.


    Chapters 1-9 weren't as episodic and happened one right after the other. While the Twelve-Thirteen could make sense since they cover one mission going on in the background, the others not so much.

  8. Apart from dialogue differences, there is no real impact whether you go LS or DS. My most disappointing moment was in JK story:


    As a dark jedi knight, you still defeat the emperor, Satele rewards you and your team, but says your actions were not in accordance to Jedi Code (something like that, can't remember actual line) and she won't make you a master. Cutscene ends and you receive Master title. So pointless.


    Also, going one way or another will result in losing influence point for your companions, so with them be more diplomatic, if you want them to be better. If there is a cruel option without DS points and your companion disapproves, to me, that is a pure waste and reward of different reaction is weak. We have YouTube videos for that.

    My understanding for that is the same reasons SW gets the title Darth - Beta People whined and begged for it, so the Jedi General title was removed and so was Emperor's Wrath/Wrath of the Emperor.



    Agent... the relationship with Kaliyo makes more sense when playing DS, otherwise?



    Agent and Kaliyo have either a romance relationship, or a pragmatist relationship, IMO.

  9. I explicitly did not include any Flashpoint with a solo mode in my count, and I didn't count Colicoid Wargames. I did count Kaon Under Siege and Lost Island, so drop the playtime by approximately two hours.


    Directive 7 has a solo mode, I don't know why.


    It's still a gigantic time investment compared to almost every other check box.


    I remember now, was posting late last night before. D7 has a solo mode because the little droid that gives a breadcrumb quest to D7 has a purple triangle over his/it's head. "Class Story/Important story" apparently.


    I was just meaning that you don't have to do the Tacticals, the achievements says Solo OR Tactical, but I'm nitpicking first thing in the morning too. I agree, FPs are a huge time investment either way you do them, however.


    EDIT: On topic: I play because I prefer the pre-KotFE storylines more and enjoy running characters through them.

  10. Sounds kinda cheesy and probably more difficult to implement than you think.


    I disagree with the cheesy factor, but it would be very hard considering all of the armor options out there, and then all of teh combinations that could be done with them, and then the species/hair/head/body/complexion/cosmetics/scars/implants/jewelry combinations on top of that...

  11. I will say, I was a little surprised they made "all the flashpoints" a requirement for the companion. (I am not at all surprised with the Legendary tier requiring grouping at least 3 different ways, though). Excluding the "solo mode available" flashpoints, it's around 10 hours of forced group play (The non-SoR flashpoints average around an hour of playtime as a group if you don't take drastic measures. More if your group can't find their fundamentals without astromech navigation support). As far as "required content" for Eternal Tier, that's second only to the KotFE story requirement in playtime investment, or maybe third to the L65 requirement (depends on how much of your levelling you also do via those FPs). Plus time spent in queue not spent doing other things. (I "cheated" and did them paired with my wife - the only one that was at all difficult was Depths of Manaan, though that was also the only SoR FP we did paired, the other soloables we did separately (excepting me getting GF-queued into Korriban Incursion in what was very nearly a "proper trinity" team). Probably more actual time spent if you rely on GF exclusively, and therefore probably end up doubling up on a few.


    For that matter, the Flashpoint Expert requirement isn't even on the Eternal Level, it's on the Champion level - you could do it and still not get the companion. For a design team that is allegedly abandoning group content, that's a strange choice; in fact, now that I'm thinking on it, I am really wondering why Flashpoint Expert is on the Champion level and Eternal Contender is on Eternal; it's a lot more likely that you'll get to TEC 5 before you get all of the flashpoints (because you have to use two characters to get all the flashpoints). (Cutesy naming convention aside)


    PS: The PvP requirement isn't nearly as stiff - Valor V is around 6 matches - even if you get unlucky and end up in all Huttball match that go to the regulation time each time, that's still just over an hour of gameplay (plus queue time, I suppose).


    That one's not all the flashpoints- no Lost Island, no Kaon Under Siege, no Colicoid Wars. And those all have Solo mods (Wait, no, most, Directive 7 doesn't IIRC, or does it?) As for why it's not on Eternal instead of TEC to Rank 5, I'm not sure, but it would have made more sense to me too.


    EDIT: I like to think I sped the process for that one for me by doing FP Queues while leveling, then I just ran the SoR and Eseless/Black Talon ones Solo .

  12. Eight different class stories.

    Certain classes offer different outlooks on how things turn out (BH has one point where there is a minor detail from the end of Act One, Sith Warriors has LS/DS difference, Inquisitor has one of three titles, Agent have some three core different endings and nine paths to get there iirc, LS Knight/DS Knight is more subtle)

    Multiple romance options along the way.

    Sixteen Advanced Classes

    Twenty-Four Specializations.

    And I really like the class stories.


    Personally? I don't play for KotFE. I have 65s who aren't playing KotFE (likely will eventually, but not right now). I play for the Base Game, RotHC, and SoR more than KotFE.

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