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Posts posted by denavin

  1. I don't agree for the same reasons I posted in another thread...




    The PVE side of SWToR is all about the story not the FIGHT. It is EASY MODE. It is not supposed to be hard nor difficult. The missions and all the mobs are supposed to be able to be completed and killed by the worst geared and lowest skilled players in the game. It is NOT designed for the HIGHEST geared RAID experienced players to find a challenge.

    Without even knowing or seeing the OP, I can guess they are decked out in MAX gear with everything Boosted and with every perk a player can have and has a maxed out companion (which is always and only used for HEALS). Raids every week or more with their alts. But this is just speculation.

    HINT: don't wear the maxed out gear and use a healer companion. Use the GREEN garbage non raiders have and a DPS or TANK companion instead. Using a HEALER companion is self imposed EASY MODE.

    PVE is not "too easy", in higher levels, unless you are totally decked out in BIS gear the mobs do 10x more damage to the player than the player can do to the mobs. Mobs also have very CC there is and can use them every few seconds. Where the player, if they have any CC's can only use them once every 15 to 30 seconds per fight. And the player can get swarmed by 8 to 10 mobs at a time in many scenarios making survival for squishy classes extremely difficult to do.

    The main thing is that "STORY Mode PVE is supposed to be EASY Mode PVE".

    NEWS FLASH: Being DEAD all the time, IS NOT FUN!



  2. The PVE side of SWToR is all about the story not the FIGHT. It is EASY MODE. It is not supposed to be hard nor difficult. The missions and all the mobs are supposed to be able to be completed and killed by the worst geared and lowest skilled players in the game. It is NOT designed for the HIGHEST geared RAID experienced players to find a challenge.

    Without even knowing or seeing the OP, I can guess they are decked out in MAX gear with everything Boosted and with every perk a player can have and has a maxed out companion (which is always and only used for HEALS). Raids every week or more with their alts. Then comes here an whines that the game is too easy. But that is just speculation.

    HINT: don't wear the maxed out gear and use a healer companion. Use the GREEN garbage non raiders have and a DPS or TANK companion instead. Using a HEALER companion is self imposed EASY MODE.

    PVE is not "too easy", in higher levels, unless you are totally decked out in BIS gear the mobs do 10x more damage to the player than the player can do to the mobs. Mobs also have very CC there is and can use them every few seconds. Where the player, if they have any CC's can only use them once every 15 to 30 seconds per fight. And the player can get swarmed by 8 to 10 mobs at a time in many scenarios making survival for squishy classes extremely difficult to do.

    The main thing is that "STORY Mode PVE is supposed to be EASY Mode PVE".

    NEWS FLASH: Being DEAD all the time, IS NOT FUN!

    • Like 2
  3. 22 hours ago, Ominovin said:

    Transmog is the system World of Warcraft had around the time this game launched and as I mentioned in my post it involved changing the graphics of a specific equipment piece.

    I haven't been back to WoW in a decade, so I'm not certain if the system still works that way...


    This is not World of Warcraft. Please stop referring to SWTOR as World of Warcraft. They have NEVER been the same nor anywhere alike. Just because you find something in World of Warcraft does not mean it should be, can even be done or wanted in SWTOR.

    I for one do not like WoW and definitely do not want SWTOR to look like, play like or become a WoW c;lone.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  4. On 4/16/2017 at 7:08 AM, Korenus said:

    So I'm trying to save Vette, I've cleared every single enemy there is on this section of the map, but its still stuck on "Clear Artillery Forces surrounding Vette". I've filed a ticket but figured I'd post this here and see if anyone has a work around or something besides resetting the entire mission (that I've spent over two hours on). Thanks in advance!

    If you don't see the "System Message" then you did not "Trip" the trigger. If you do not trip the trigger then killing all the enemy's in the camp will not free Vette. It's NOT a bug, it's a Player Error. There is nothing in the game to fix.

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 3/22/2023 at 7:45 AM, MortenJessen said:

    Ha ha, ha ha,    ha    ha... Ha.


    You could try to PM JackieKo but be careful. Rumors has it she does not take lightly to being contacted about BW's ignore the playerbase policy, and you could at best be ignored, at worst you would simply disappear for ever** Best is to simply let the matter slip, and get on with your life. If you insist on trying, be careful how you present and formulate your inquiry. 






    **Forum ban

    Ignore this snipe comment...


    Be polite and JackieKo will be happy to talk to you and help you in anyway she can....


  6. 4 hours ago, Darcmoon said:

    Another problem with him is that unlike the player AOEs and most NPC AOEs, the radius is quite a bit bigger than the circle on the ground shows it to be. 

    There is also another little trick BW has done to us.

    Watch your casting bar. EVERY time a mob so much as touches you it will reset your casting. So there are times when all the mobs are hitting you, can make it IMPOSSIBLE for you to use a single skill because every time you get hit, it resets your casting time. This will allow the mobs to beat you into the ground all while you CAN NOT cast a single skill. All you can do it stand there and mash your keys while you watch your character rapidly die.


    Being DEAD all the time IS NOT FUN!

  7. 8 hours ago, Eru_Mewtwo_CZECH said:

    One Elite enemy on Ruhnuk is more dangerous than the others. He appears mainly in heroic areas. His name is "Hidden Chain Commander" and has Ranged set of abilities. Ability you need to watch for is "Missile Salvo." It is channeled AoE that hits like a truck. Even if you interrupt it immediately, its first tick can take quite a lot of HP. If both you and your companion will get hit by it, it can get really bad really quickly. Procedure:

    Before you start the fight, check if he is in the group. If he is, forget about recommended kill order and kill him first. Whenever he will use Missile Salvo interrupt him or stun him ASAP. As long as he lives, try to be away from your companion as far as possible. If you have croud control ability, he is good target for it.

    He is Immune to Crowd Control, Holds, Stuns and Knockbacks and resists most of the damage you put on him... In other words, there is no way to kill him solo before he kills you.

  8. Gear or tactics will not make much difference when the mobs can do over 20k to 50k per hit while stunning your and knocking you back constantly.. It does not take long for them to go through your 300k HP. My Sentinel last about 6 to 10 seconds or less. All while I do about 2k to 5k damage to them. Balance in this game now sucks as do the devs idea of fun.


    HEY DEVS: Being DEAD all the time is NOT FUN!

    • Thanks 1
  9. Credit Syncs are a prime condition for Credit Sellers to operate. The more BW takes away credits from player that do not have BILLIONS of credits the more the Credit sellers will operate to sell credits to make up for the credits BW takes from them.

    GET RID OF THE CREDIT SELLERS. Until that is done NOTHING will help reduce the amount of credits in the game and instead it will only drive away players that DO NOT have billions of credits. Then there will be nothing left in the game except Credit FARMERS, Credit SELLERS and the people that buy them.

    I've said it before. The only way BW is going to get the amount of credits it takes to buy anything in the game is to put a CAP on how may credits a player can have and limit how much credits it costs to buy it.

    It's not a popular idea but it will work. As for the people that will leave, don't let the door hit you in the rear on your way out. Others will quickly come to replace you. People that want to PLAY the game and not try to make it a new form of income for them selves.

    Until DRASTIC measures are taken it's all nothing but a Band-Aid solution that will only HURT players that DO NOT HAVE BILLIONS. And it is that majority of players that WILL leave. When they can No longer play the game because they can not pay for the services IN-Game. I guarantee the first time a player can NOT use a transport or repair their gear because they do not have enough credits they will LEAVE the game and NEVER come back and will tell ALL their Friends that SWToR is a Credit Farmers game and to stay away. 

    I've played games that were farmer games and they DID NOT FAIR WELL over time. If BW does not get this under control the same will happen to them. And penalizing POOR players is the fastest way to do it.

    Que the Rich Elites that will not come here to say they will leave the game.... You will NOT be Missed. There are more players that do not have BILLIONS than those that do.

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