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Posts posted by denavin

  1. Only if we are allowed to kill it then resurrect it and kill it again and again and again...

    There is no way I want JarJar Binks clones running around all over the place. That was the worst character ever created in Star Wars.

  2. Solo Story Mode Missions should be easy. They should be scaled to the lowest level player allowed to do that mission that is wearing the lowest UN-enhanced green gear for that level. Not scaled to the highest level player with the best gear in the game with every enhancement applied to that gear.

    A solo player on a Story Mode mission should not be swarmed by 8 to 10 mobs that do 10x more damage than the play can do and be immune to every crowd control and stun skill the player has, which is now very few to none.

    A solo player on a Story Mode mission should never have to fight for their life in every single combat with NPC trash mobs.

    A solo Story Mode mission should never be put inside a Heroic Zone like "Iron Beast" is on Runnik.

    A solo player on a Story Mode Missions should ALWAYS be able to complete the Story Mode mission without constantly dying.


    Being DEAD all the time....
    Is NOT fun!

    • Like 6
  3. I have 33 characters. Both Male and Female, and they all wear as little as possible.

    That is the way I chose to outfit my characters. It is my choice and nobody has to like it. Actually my Male characters wear even less than the Females do. There is a lot of Blue, Red, Yellow and Green skin exposed. I too would like MORE of these outfits and without the crotch, butt and hip flaps please.
    The designers saw fit to give our characters buxom, buff, sleek and toned bodies. It would be nice to be able to show off more of it. Nothing vulgar, but definitely more risque.

    • Like 1
  4. They used to stop when you logged out but this is just another of the many Anti-Player systems imposed by the wonderful Devs that simply love their Customers aka... the Players to the point of us leaving the game out of frustration.

  5. 5 hours ago, Samcuu said:

    You can run story mode operations and max out your tech frags in a few hours

    You don't even have to do that. Most players Tech Frags have been maxed out for MONTHS. There is literally nothing to spend them on. So that's all BW gives you for a payout now. USELESS crap like Tech Frags or Deco's. Open Wounds pays out hundreds of USELESS Tech Frags that nobody wants or needs, and what ever credits they pay you, they promptly take away in the cost to simply play the game. Talk about destroying all the rewards. Now you get literally Nothing for doing the missions except a headache.

  6. I agree that BW needs to reduce the amount of credits in the game. But they are targeting the wrong players.

    Credits sync's should ONLY be applied to those with BILLIONS of credits and not for the general player with only a few million or less. It should be more of a capital gains tax instead of a flat tax.

    It now cost approximately 3 credits to play the game for every 5 you make. There was recently an indecent where I made 18K for a mission but it cost me 30k to travel to 3 different planets which made a loss of 12k.

    I do not have BILLIONS, I only have a few million credits and the game is now making me slowly go broke. When I run out of credits I guess there will no longer be a reason to maintain my subscription or play.

    • Like 2
  7. 8 hours ago, Shayddow said:

    What I'd like to see is a way for 1-person "guilds" to be able to invite alts to their "guild".

    You do it the way I do....

    Create a free account with a level 1 character and promote them in rank so they can invite to the guild. Since you can't run 2 instances of SWTOR on a single computer. I log in to the free account on a separate computer ( I use my laptop ) then log on to my main account with my main system and load the character I want to invite and have the Free Account character invite them. I have been doing this for years with all 30 of my alts since I have been the only one logging into my guild for a very long time.

    If you don't have a second computer then that could be a problem, you would need to borrow a computer from a friend to do it.

    I use my main home built desktop system as my main computer to play SWTOR and not my laptop.

    • Like 2
  8. 14 hours ago, eabevella said:

    All true.

    But I'm simple. I only want to ask: where's the male slave outfit?

    PS: on a fashion's note, all the old "slave" and "elegant" outfits in cm are ugly as f*ck. The loincloth on the body armor piece is a dreadful clipping hell that makes any bikini top difficult to mix match with pants. Also, who in 2012 would think dresses with frill that look like grandma's table clothe is good looking lol

    I agree you are simple...

    But you also have no imagination. My male characters wear nothing more than the Swim wear shorts, belt, gloves and a weapon. Which is even less that the female slave outfit.

    You should see a Buff Pure Blood with nothing but Swim shorts and a weapon on. With Akavi Spar in a Relaxed Jumpsuit Jacket and Magnificent Dancers bottoms. Very Sexy....

  9. 7 hours ago, manlymandayruin said:

    After the news has broken that SWTOR will now be managed by a boutique maintenance company it is a 100% certainty that there will never be another expansion, there will never be new planets, no new story aside from lazily voiceless dialogues masked in a KOTOR style. There will never be new ops, warzones, arenas or new gear.

    Broadsword will host meaningless mediocre anniversaries and events to get people to log back in and pay money, but nothing beyond that.

    if you believe that a company that has never developed a single game will be adding new content to SWTOR then you are delusional.

    the point of the game now is for completionists to finish their class stories, nightmare modes, and then ride off into the sunset.

    Lastly as far as the dev said, talking about new planned content or whatever. Obviously he would say that. No dev would openly say that the game is being abandoned and being put into the hands of a company that manages servers of games from the 90’s.

    Dont cope. The game is dead, finish your stuff and move on. There will never be anything new that is worthwhile on this game ever again. 

    If that is the way you feel....

    Then by all means....

    Please leave. You will not be missed.

    • Like 1
  10. The best part of killing Koth is that Tora becomes the new captain and she is far more interesting than Koth ever was. Her lines are funnier and more imaginative than Stick in the Mud Koth. Besides Koth is a true Zealot. He's in love with Valkorian and cares nothing about what he has done to the rest of the Galaxy or its people.

    Every time I could get away with it I have killed Koth. Even did him in on a Republic Commando once but that cost me Elara, so I only kill him on Empire characters now.

    • Like 2
  11. On 6/16/2023 at 1:59 AM, jedimasterjac said:

    How would that work? This is a multiplayer game. Does everyone on the planet get paused? The server?

    You want to pause the entire world so you can go 💩....

    Its not that kind of game. It's like life there is no Pause. You can't stop time.....

    The easiest way to avoid getting killed when your AFK is to Not Be Someplace Where You Could get Killed in the First Place. Find a "Safe" spot first then go 🅿️... Failure to plan ahead is not the dev's fault nor the games.... It's yours.

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