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Posts posted by denavin

  1. @JackieKoThe game is still taking over 6 minuets to unload from memory after I close the game. I'm left staring at a black screen for 6 minuets before I am returned to the desktop then is continues to dump for another 30 to 40 seconds before it is done.

    It appears that there is still a memory leak someplace that is causing allot of disk caching.

    System Info:

    Intel Core I7-8700K @3.70GHz
    16 GB of DDR4 memory
    NVIDIA GeForcs GTX 750 TI @1920x1080
    ASUS TUF Z370-PRO Gaming Motherboard
    Windos 10 Pro 64bit Version 22H2
    OS build 19045.3696
    Game Drive Samsung 840 EVO 250GB 89 GB free

  2. NO....

    Names are a personal thing.

    You may NOT have my characters name just because you lack the imagination to come up with one of your own.

    And NO it is NOT impossible to find a unique name.

    There are a few Billion letter combinations that a name can be made from. There are not even a Million players in this game nor are there that many names.

    Use you imagination .... If You Have ONE!

  3. Basically chock it up as a learning experience.

    You can try submitting a ticket and if you're really polite and really nicely you might get a customer service rep that will help you. But I would not hold my breath. The chance of getting a refund is Slim at best with it being allot closer to none than anything else.

    Most sales are considered "Final" but you can always try. Plus since you basically opened the package by equipping it... You own it.

    Sorry to be the bearer of ill tiding....

    • Like 1
  4. Like most thing they do it was taken to the extreme and done badly.

    Some classes lost almost nothing while other lost nearly 40 to 60% of their skills. Mostly Defense, CC's and DPS.

    My Sentinel lost so may skills that all I can do now is stand there and get beat to death. I have lost Defense, Crowed Control and much of my DPS. Now I'm nothing more than a squishy punching bag that gets knocked back, stunned and held by every mob in the game with no recourse. While my Gunslinger lost almost nothing.

    Skill pruning was poorly implemented and massively over done.

    • Like 2
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  5. No it is not a "me" only problem it is simply the way that monitors and the human eye works, that is why some people see it more than others as I did initially. It is my hope that once DX12 is implemented that the improved rendering system will help to eliminate much of this. But that remains to be seen..... Literately.

    • Like 2
  6. I've watched your video a few dozen times and even went to Voss to try to see what it is you are seeing and I think I may have an explanation for you.

    The "Morrie" pattern you are seeing it more of an optical illusion caused by the way an LED / LCD computer monitor display works than anything wrong with the game, though the recent graphic improvements did make it more noticeable. 

    The screen of your monitor is made up of tiny vertically orientated rectangular pixels not dots, arranged in rows. If you look closely at the screen with a magnifier you can see these rows of pixels. It is done this way because more pixels can be put on the screen as rectangles than can be using dots. When they upgraded to graphics in SWToR they made many of the drawings and images of much smaller polygons which makes the image seem like it is a Higher Resolution because of the smaller lines that can be drawn on your screen. But there is a slight downfall with this because the game is DirectX9 and not DirectX12.

    Because the lines are thinner they may be only one pixel thick and will only light one row of pixels on your monitor. If this one pixel thick line does not perfectly align with the row of pixels on your monitor then it will have to cross over to a row of pixels next to it. Since these rows of pixels have a very small but visible gap between them you will see the line break as it crosses over these gaps. Because DX9 does not have the sophisticated rendering engine that DX12 has you'll see this cross as a break in the line.

    As the line moves across this gap it lights and turns off pixels as it moves and your eye will interpret this as a Morrie pattern because of the extremely small size of the gap and the natural retention of you eye's vision.

    Secondly the higher the resolution of your Monitor (ie.. a 4K Capable Monitor) the more pronounced these patters will be and more enhanced. Because of the higher resolution the monitor will have even smaller pixels which will mean, though the pixels and the gaps between are smaller, more gaps will be seen by your eye and make the Morrie pattern even easier to see. If your moving fast enough then the Morrie patter will appear to "Flicker and Sparkle" as you have mentioned.

    The only way to reduce this would be for the game to go back to the larger polygons and lower resolution as it was before. But that may no longer be an option. Hopefully once the game starts using DX12 this will no longer be an issue but until then it is something we are going to have to live with because DX9's inadequate rendering ability.

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  7. What I'm saying is that you don't need purple or gold gear, it can be done in green gear. But the mechanics is key. I think I've done this in gear as low as 190 green gear before. But 200 green gear or higher is all that is needed so long as you play the mechanics of the fight. This fight is ALL about the mechanics.

  8. Spoiler

    Keep the shield up, don't bother with direct attacks. You won't need the special weapon you built. Face the energy attacks and absorb the energy bolts to charge up the shield, stay out of his round knock back that will discharge the shield but you can absorb the Triangle shaped one if your close to him when he casts it. When the shield is charged smack him with it, that will do the most damage. Every time you drop the shield reequip it and only use the shield. On the final knock back when the beams drop from the ceiling keep the shield up and walk towards him, don't stop keep pushing forward. When you get near him start spamming the shield bash till you hit him the final time. And that's all you need to do.

    You only need 200 gear or higher. Don't bother with the special weapon you built, it is not needed. Stick with the shield and bash him with it every time it is charged.

    It's a simple fight. You don't need high end gear....

  9. On 10/11/2023 at 8:24 AM, SteveTheCynic said:

    Ain't no such thing.  The first 7th gen i7 was released in 2016.

    Sorry my mistake its a Coffee Lake Intel Core i7 8700K Family 6 Model E Socket 1151 LGA 14nm 6 core CPU. Which I believe is an 8th gen.

    Motherboard ASUS TUF Z370-ProGaming with 16GB DDR4 RAM.

    NVIDIA GTS 750 Ti with 2 GB GDDR 5 RAM.

    I bought it second hand in 2012 from a friend that built it 2 years earlier but it had an i5 in it and I upgraded it to the i7 Coffee Lake in 2018 to get a little better performance. So the motherboard and GPU are 13 years old not 15 with a newer CPU but still not a new system by any means and it still serves my needs so no need to upgrade with money I don't have.

    On 10/10/2023 at 9:48 PM, SoyElSenado said:

    Speaking of “priorities,” what are you doing financing a car if you’re struggling to keep the electric on?

    Last year thanks to some  moron that was too busy texting, my 1987 Toyota Celica which was payed for, that had 525,000+ miles was destroyed. So I had no choice but to buy a new car. And no, I'm not going to buy somebody else's problems with a used car.

    I'm 70 years old, single, own a 32 year old home that needs repair with a mortgage and still work full time to pay the bills. I would like to upgrade my computer but like I said I have other things I need to spend my money on and an upgraded computer is not one of them.

    One day, when you grow up and have responsibility's you'll understand. So yeah my Living with Mommy comment still applies.

  10. 52 minutes ago, Sixam said:

    We know that we are quite a tad late to this, but we'd like to weigh in (hoping that change will happen, or at least cause possible future recruits to not jump in too quickly).

    Not only were we kicked... but also BANNED with no reason given.

    No reason needs to be given. You have no innate right to be in the guild. To remove you is totally up to the guild leader. You have NO recourse.

    Having said that, if you were kicked from a guild then there most likely was a reason even though you may not agree with it.

    • Like 2
  11. On 10/6/2023 at 12:33 PM, Whykara said:

    There is no excuse not to upgrade your PC once in a decade if you want to play games on it.

    Some of us don't live with Mommy and have other things that we need to spend our money on other than upgrading their computer every 10 years. My 15 year old 7th gen i7 and NVIDIA GTX750Ti are still going strong and I see no reason to spend money on upgrading it before I put a new roof on my house, Pay off my Car, Have the house Painted and repaired not to mention pay the Mortgage or keep the Electric on so that I can use my 15 year old PC to play SWToR.

    Yea I would like to upgrade my PC but I would also like to keep living in my home and driving my car too. It's all about Priorities, and a new computer is not a Priority.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, sharpenedstick said:

    lol the White Knight Academy is pumping out touchy members nowadays.


    10 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

    i hope you can understand this since the last guy we have told this never wane understand it at all,

    the reason a lot of players in the community not like it to give the devs there thanks for a good job is that there have destory the game a lot in the past.

    the inflation problem was there own stupid fault to creat it in the first place since who is now smart to remove credit sink's a lot from the game and also boost the credit rewards a lot and blame's later on that the game is making to much credits when there have turn a booster on for a long time.

    ask any pvp player how much of there contant has been destroy all in the last couple update's and notting has been done for then.

    same go's for the fake promice's there make to use and not keep then.

    most of us remember the 10 year anniversary promice still there not have done at all.

    same go's for the expension update's there mess things always first up and need to fix it always few update's later like the 7.0 armor system that got fix right in 7.3 when the 7.0 was still on the PTS the feedback was big bad about there new armor system since it got a lot of problems and was not fair.

    same with the bug problem there are still bugs around from 10 years ago with also the 10 year promice it was going to be fix what there still not have done same go's for other bugs that there still not have been fix at all and have been report all for years ago.

    thats the reason why a lot not like it that people thank then since there have mess things up big time and for a long time also with this game.

    this game is something we all like to play but if there keep messing things up then we lose it thats why most people wane help then to understand is for once what there are doing now is only destroying the game since there have threat it really bad each time the game.

    Wow you guys really need to get out from under your rock.

    If you think that SWToR is unique with Dev's never listening to players, Unfixed bugs, Un-kept Promises, Poor Updates or Lack luster Expansions. Then I've got a news flash for you. It's NOT. Many other games suffer from the same thing. But that does not make them bad.

    The world is not all Sunshine and Roses. It is more Cloudy Skies and Poo on your shoes. If your particular Snow Flake is all Yellow Stinky then I am truly sorry for you. Whining about it will all the time will not help or make any difference. Just get over it and carry on, or climb back under a rock and cry.

    I agree the game has problems and has for many years but that does not take away from the fact that it is still enjoyable to play for many. Because someone likes it does not make them a White Knight or call them one just because they express their enjoyment of the game or because you don't like what they say. But then again I would say that the same goes for you since you are still on these forums which means you are still paying for a subscription and are still playing SWToR. I am sure that you don't keep you sub going just to come to the forums and cry that you have Poo on your shoes and it's all BW/BS's fault.


    • Like 6
  13. Wow some people will complain about anything....

    It takes a whole 25 seconds to load and connect to the character screen, and another 15 seconds to load your character into the game. And I live half way around the earth from the server in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

    WOW takes twice that long, and LOTRO even longer. So I'm not sure what your are whining about. Even games that are not Online take over a minuet to load.

    My suggestion is move to Virginia so you are right next to the Server Data Base and use a Cray Super Computer so you don't have to wait more than a second....

    Other wise get over your self.

  14. This game is based on the Star Wars story line. There are 2 factions in Star Wars. The Republic and Empire, only. The Mandalorians are aligned with the Empire and do not fit into the Star Wars Republic vs Empire story other than as a radical warring faction for the Empire.

    Thought they would be fun to play, they are not actually a part of the Star Wars Story Line and could only be added as a combat class for the Empire. The problem then is there would be no counter faction on the Republic side to balance out the classes.

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