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Posts posted by denavin

  1. So who doesn't believe me now that there will be a mass exodus within a couple months.


    Oh NO!


    Another SWTOR is doomed thread....


    I for one like the changes.


    For all the people that are leaving... Well the best of luck in you next endever. WoW might be just what you are looking for.


    Call this BioWare's way of Cleaning House. By getting rid of all the dead weight, complainers and moaners.


    There are more people logged on since the early launch of 4.0 then I have seen in the game for the last 3 years.


    Yep SWTOR is dieing... NOT!!!

  2. Very, very simple solution to this problem. Go level the character. That's it. Keep in mind, you get as instant level 60 character that you spent no time or effort to play or level. Why should you get any of the rewards for that? The titles and such are for the people who have spent the time and effort to level the character traditionally.


    If you want a free lvl 60 then it would make sense that you don't get the titles as you have not participated in the events that grant the title.


    And for the record, I am completely fine with instant level 60's having no class earned titles.


    Aggreed! I play EQ2 and they made it so you can buy the titles that I spent 10 years earning. I was not at all happy about it since may of them you could not get any more because they were special events never to be repeted. Now some nuuby can buy them even though they never did the event or even know what they are for.


    There is a price for taking the easy way out. You want the titles then level your character from level 1 to level 60 and earn them.

  3. Companions are fine. Nothing needs to be done to them.


    Aggreed its about time that companions are strong enough to hold thier own and not need to be rescued all the time.


    I used to use my companions as cannon fodder so I would survive long enough to finish the fight. Now I don't have to do that. My companions are now equals as they should be.

    If you think that companions are OP then don't use them. End of problem...


    No change is needed for companions...

  4. I think companions are overpowered and there is to much XP being thrown around.


    I went from lvl 60 to lvl 64 yesterday doing 2x Bounty Contracts, Yavin, Oricon, Czerka and The Black Hole and the only time my health dropped below 90/95% was when Mako was briefly CC.


    I am only in a mix of 186/192 gear and Mako only has an influence rating of 10. When she is fully levelled up and I'm in lvl 65 gear I'm gonna be a god :confused:


    So your saying that you want to take days, weeks, or even months to level, and you would rather be dead multiple times in evey fight? Am I hearing this right? Are you really saying that you are a sado masochist and would prefer self torture?

    Well I don't and I don't think anybody else does either.


    Is it so bad that SWTOR lets you be a Bad A&%? Or that they let you level with out havin to pull your hair out or go grey while you try?


    I don't see a problem in the game here.

  5. As has been said, I really don't need to see Lana running around the fleet looking like a hook... eh, a slu... I mean a dancer... Yeah.


    If you don't like the way i dress my companions then don't look. They are MY companions and I will dress them the way I want not the way YOU want thank you very much.


    You play your game your way and please do not tell me how to play my game my way...:p

  6. Would like to know why you think the game is ruined, but since you put all of your coments behind spoilers and I have not yet started the KOTFE chapters I have no ideat what you are talking about.


    A short synopsis of your coments without spoilers would be greatly appreciated.

  7. I see no reason why this can't be implemented, and its not unfair to reward players like me who have committed so much time to the game.


    If you start a new level 1 character do you automatcly get all your previous titles?




    Why because titles must and should be earned.


    Just because you are a subcriber (as I am also) does not mean you get your titles without earning them. You can always go back and do your class missions and earn them like everybody else did and like you did with the characters you worked on from level 1 to level 60.


    If you take the easy way, then you should not be gifted with titles that you did not earn.

  8. I just made my fourth Sith Warrior using the insta-60 token I was given for being a Subscriber and I was shocked to find that I was missing ALL my class titles. No Apprentice, no Lord, and no DARTH!!!


    Have you tried going back amd doing the class missions so you can earn your titles?


    Usualy titles are earned not given as a freeby. If you did not do the mission then you should not have the titles since you did not earn them like everybody else.


    Looks like taking the easy way has it's down side.

  9. I have no idea what you guys are talking about. My companions still have all their custom gear, they still look like what they did before the patch. My girls still have their revealing outfits ( Slave Outfit or Dancers Outfit ). So I'm not sure what you are talking about not being able to customize your companion. Putting mods on? So they can fight or heal is that it? Well surprise they can do that now with out having to spend tons of credits or comms to do it. You can NOW use all you companions not just the ONE that you could afford to outfit. You can put ANY gear you have on them no matter what they used to wear. Where is this "I can't customize my companion" coming from. I can... why can't you.
  10. Hi all,


    Why are companions severely overpowered now? I'm on Dromund Kaas and my companion (Mako, as a healer) has almost 3x as much health as I do.


    If you want companions that can't DPS, can't heal, and can't stay alive then try EQ2. You can have all the companions you want that won't go into battle, attack everything in sight, can't head to save YOUR life, and are always DEAD then you have to wait 2 min before you can recall them. Is that what you want? I am very happy with the companions in KOTFE. You should be able to sent you compainon to fight one mob while you fight another. After all they are the same level as you they have top of the line gear like you, they have skills like you. They can now hold their own with out you having to come save their butts all the time. So what is the problem?


    Go get some Cheese and Crackers to go with your Whyne...

  11. I've played many games that have tried to force players into PvP areas by restrictiing needed items to ONLY PvP. Nobody went there. Most players do not like PvP that is a known fact and these tactics will fail. But it seems that the PvPers are a vocal minority that the devs listen to much to the detriment of everybody else.


    I play on Harbinger, a PvE server, so why in the world would I want to PvP. I don't, period and I will not period.


    This idea of trying to force me and other players that do not PvP nor like PvP will not work. All they are going to do is create a barrier to elite gear.


    So they give us the abilbty to craft elite gear then make it so NOBODY except PvPer will be able to craft it by putting the mats needed in a PvP area. Look up at my first statement. It will hold true for KOTFE as it did for every other game that has tried.


    You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

    You can put the mats in a PvP area but Non-PvPers will not go.

  12. Should be noted, that for the immediate future shortly after KOTFE is released, Conquest will be suspended. That said, for all anyone knows, it could be brought down to get a "renovation" of sorts. I know that they are suspending Conquests for a separate reason, but we might get some new Personal Conquest Goals that could be separate from PvP.


    Just because Conquests will be suppended at the beguining of KOTFE does not change the fact that Personal Conquests are still mostly PvP based.


    PvE personal Conquests are a good idea and should be implemented instead of trying to force PvP down everybodys throats.

  13. There have been many games that have tried to force people into PvP, it does not happen.

    You can not force PvP on players that do not like to PvP.

    No matter how hard you try, or what restrictions you place on the game are you going to make sombody PvP.


    I play on a PvE server for a very specific reason, PvP sucks. I do not PvP, I do not like PvP, and no amount of coercion will ever make me PvP.


    Thusly you have just made all top level gear unavailable to me. Was this really your intention?


    People that do not like PvP will NEVER PvP period.


    This new crafting idea will FAIL, and it will Fail badly.

  14. As far as the price for SWTOR xpac goes its cheap. Try playing EQ2 the last xpac was $80 for poor content and the need to change ALL of your gear, stats, and weapons ingame.

    Just pay your $19 and get the xpac then all will be golden once again.

    Really its that easy.

  15. Here is a sugestion on how to get rid of RMT ( Real Money Transfer ) sellers. You start by monitoring players income, any player that suddenly gets a huge amout of credits that is not transfered from a character on their own account is buying credits from a RMT seller.


    Then you delete all the credits in that players account for all toons on that account including the the items purchased with the credits putting them into a negative ballance making the character nearly unplayable. After doing this enough times then the players will no longer want to deal with RMT sellers thus removing the RMT sellers and the players that buy credits from them (not to worry these people are not worth keeping in the game anyway). This has been done quite sucessfully in another game, EvE Online and it works very well.

  16. Way back on October 10th there was a patch, since that time I have not had information cursors. You know when you mouse over an NPC or a harvest node and the pointer changes to let you know what the node is and if you are in range. Well my pointer stays as an arrow, it does not change. I have submitted a couple of bug reports about this. One response tolled me to delete the BitRaider folder which I did. That had a partial fix but now, I sometimes the cursor will change, ie... when I am on bord my ship I can see the cursor change and if I am up close to the item or NPC but not at long range. In the new Xpac I can see the cursor change in some of the new areas but not all of them, I onlye see the NPC conversation pointer icon, and Cargo Hold pointer icon nothing else and only at close range not out of range (Greyed Out).


    I recently submitted another bug report a week ago but sofar nobody has looked at it.


    I really need to have those info cursor icons back.


    I know that other people have had this problem before but I do not seem to be able to find any information in these forums to help... any ideas?

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