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Posts posted by denavin

  1. Ok this is total bull hocky.... 5 days have gone from Ossus to Spirit of Vengeance. Killed hundreds of mobs, still have not completed level 1 of galactic seasons and still 0 dark spores. This is the biggest Bull Hocky mission scam yet.

    Biggest Anti Player garbage to date. No mission unlock, no dark spores, no nothing....

    Wow BS is living up to their initials....

  2. This is a very old horse that has been beaten to death many times for many years....

    Too many people like it, so get used to it.

    Planet sync is the main reason, and since planet sync works. It is the way it is because it works.

    Stop using every boost in the game and you will level much slower.

    It does it need to be changed.

  3. On 9/1/2023 at 2:24 PM, Christie_Swift said:

    What gives?  What is the use of a Galactic season without a JUICY reward. I don't care about stories, tokens , mounts or Barbie like armors. I know  I could be in the minority but this is a HARD PASS for me.  I guess we are really in MAINTENANCE MODE and this MMO is not even what it used to be. 

    Speak for your self....

    With every new companion come tons of wasted rewards that are only good for the new companion that I personally don't need or want. I would bet that is why we are not getting another one this time because of all the rewards that were not clicked on for the companion that was not wanted. I know I did not take any of them and deleted all the ones they forced me to take because to me they are useless rewards and many of them I could not even sell as vendor trash.

    I would rather have something useful like companion gifts for my original companions. Instead of another companion to add to the 52+ companions I already have 51 of which I almost never use. I only use one or two at most, the rest are mostly ALL still at level 1 influence because I NEVER have any need or want to use them. For me they are just a waist of programing time and effort that could be used to fix the many problem still in the game.

    Because you want more companions does NOT mean it is not fun for the rest of us. If you feel that the game is so bad and in maintenance mode then why are you still here paying a subscription. Is it only so you can come an complain in the forums?  Just go and find a game that you like since this one obviously no longer for you.

  4. 9 hours ago, Crystal_Mind said:

    The PvP queue works the same way as any other queue in this game. You hit the queue button and wait for a pop. During prime time on your server, this may take anywhere from 2 to 20 HOURS (minutes) at level 80.

    Sorry but PvP in a game that is tuned for PvE is an Oxymoron...

    Oh fixed your post for you....

    But yeah I hear you. Queuing for anything in SWToR is a lesson in futility....

  5. Really makes no difference, the majority of items you can buy on Ossus are useless. The gear is all level 70 and by the time you get to Ossus even with a new character your already at level 80. Which leaves only decorations which are also useless garbage if your Strongholds are all maxed out.

    Heck the entire planet, rewards and everything else on Ossus is useless. The only reason you MUST go there at all is to trigger the storyline and get Doc or Nadia if they are your companions. Other than that the whole planet is useless.

  6. The entire planet of Dantooine was a waste of time, money and programing effort. It only gets used a few times a year. It needs to be a permanent part of the game complete will a story and NPC's all the time. Not just a part time planet that only get used occasionally. Plus I agree it needs to be expanded by allot, give us more of the planet to explore, not just the tiny little area we now have access to.

    Vandin is another wasted effort only to used once then forgotten.

    • Like 1
  7. Biggest problem is that the player will always hold the weapon in the same orientation no matter which hand it is in, or when it is holsters at their side.

    My Sentinel uses 2 Volatile Conqueror's Lightsabers, it has a Hand Guard that when holstered ALWAYS points to the right. So the left saber hand guard is buried in the payers Hip. And when held the hand guard will always point to the right instead of one to the left and one to the right.

    They use the same drawing for Both sabers instead of flipping the "Offhand" weapon 180 deg.

    • Like 1
  8. On 8/21/2023 at 10:51 AM, SteveTheCynic said:

    OK, so how *do* they sort out the economy?

    Base the tax on the Legacy's total credits. Not on a flat rate. If a player only has a total of 20 million across they're entire Legacy then charging them a flat rate of 78 million is over 300% more than they have. This is the best way to make players leave the game, by screwing over players that are not Billionaires.

    I agree that there are too many credits in the game but taking it ALL from players that are NOT billionaires is NOT the way to do it.


    The current system cost you almost 60% in credits just to play the game.
    My first 2 characters were able to gain about 40 million credits just from Vendor trash and rewards by the time they reached level 80. I don't like to craft or play the market.
    My current character just hit level 80 and was only able to acquire a total of 2 million credits. That means the for every 10 credits I make in the game by selling vendor trash and rewards it cost me about 6 credits just to play the game, or a loss of 60% payed in fees, repairs and from reduced rewards. Maybe ever more than that since I only estimated the loss. But it is a HUGE loss even with out doing all the math. I should have been closer to gaining about 10 to 15 million just from playing the game. Now I cost me more to play then I make from the game.

    As I have said I do not craft, play the market or buy credits online. This is only from what the game pays me for simply playing. Which is now equal to NOTHING.

    I can't use quick travel I can't buy anything. I can't enjoy the game because I MUST save every credit it gives me just to be able to afford to repair my gear and travel from planet to planet.

    • Like 1
  9. 23 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    Do you mean per character or per legacy?

    Because if it was per character, what would stop people from just keeping most of their credits in their legacy bank so they don’t get taxed as much 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Total Credits. In all banks Legacy, Guild and Personal and on all characters, ie Gross Total Wealth. That way it could not be hidden, thus avoiding tax and fees just by moving it around or putting it a bank.

  10. Instead of tying it to level how about tying it to the amount of total credits. Just because a player is level 17, 35 or 80 does not mean that they have billions of credits.

    I have 32 players most with less than 4 million credits. Why should I have to pay the same amount of tax as a player with Billions of credits that I do not have. That is an unfair and unequal form of taxation. You guys are targeting the wrong players.

    Players with Billions should be the ones paying the most and not the players that only have a few million.

    I had a character at level 60 that only had a little over 100,000 credits and had to travel to 6 different planets which cost me 30,000 credits @5000 per planet. That cost me 1/3 or 30% of the total amount of all my credits. That is way too much, but a player with 1,000,000,000 credits has over 1 million times more credits and it would have only cost them less than 1% of their total credits. How is fair or equitable for players that are not a billionaire.

    Your current tax and fee system only penalizes the players with lower incomes and does little to nothing to the players with billions.

    • Like 5
  11. The Tax system currently in place is taking credits from the wrong players.

    I had a character with a little over 100,000 credits, I had to travel to 6 different planets for a mission. That cost me 30,000 credits @5000 credits a trip, or 30% of my total income at that point.

    A character with 1,000,000,000 credits has over 1 million time the wealth I have. That player paying the same amount to travel to the same 6 planets would pay less than 1% of their income.

    How is that an even or equitable tax rate for me compared to them.

    The tax system needs to be changed to that players with MORE credits pay a higher tax then players with fewer credits. That way the people with the vast amounts of credits will pay the majority of the tax instead if screwing over the players with little to no credits.

    I have 32 characters, out of ALL of my characters I have about 25 million total but pay the same tax as players with Billions of credits which takes more of my total credits than it does for them.

    The Dev's have now made it impossible for me to use the features and do things in the game that I could before because it will now cause me to loose more credits that I can afford to just to use these features such as Quick Travel. Taking credits from new players will not give them the incentive to continue to play or to stay with SWToR. Getting "Zero" rewards will not make a player want play just to play the game when it cost them more to play the game than they will make from the game. This will also drive away players as much as poor programing and bugs will.

  12. 7 hours ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

    level 80 gear is all legacy bound.  I have one set for dps, one for heals (that shares 2/3 of the pieces with my dps), and one for tanks.  That makes it much easier  and faster to get augments for your gear too if you want the extra stats.

    There's some adjustments since different classes have slightly different stat requirements, but it's easy enough to use different weapons/earpieces/implants for different classes.

    Top of the line gear should not be needed to do Solo Story Mode Missions. There should be no need to move gear around from character to character just to complete "Solo Story Mode Missions".

    You should be able to do any Solo Story Mode Mission in the lowest rated Green UN-enhanced gear for that Level. That is the whole point of "Story Mode". It should not be balanced for "Master Mode", "BIS" or "Raid" gear.

    Each of my 32 level 80 characters have their OWN gear balanced to their class and discipline. I have updated them as far as I have credits and special currency for. I'm NOT a billionaire. I only have a few million credits not billions. Out of all 32 characters I have less than 100 million credits and that is rapidly disappearing with the new Credit Sucking scam now in place.

  13. 14 hours ago, Spikanor said:

    i am also in a solo guild but my gear is much weaker then yours since i use the purple craft lvl 75 mods so its getting me a little exsiteding to see how really strong that monsters is with my own eye's but i not wane waste one of my lvl 80 chars to start with the 7.0 expension story mission at all also so its now hard to make a good choose.

    Well it's the coordinated knock-backs, holds, stuns and the fact that they can do 10 times more damage to you than you can do to them.  Oh and lets not forget the endless DOT's they can use. You will spend more time picking your self up off of the ground than you will DPSing them. My Sentinel lasts about 10 seconds, my sage can't get a single skill off because of all the knock backs and interrupts before I'm dead and my companions is dead in seconds.

    In Short....

    This is a Solo Story Mission not a Heroic Mission it has no business being in a Group Heroic area.

    As I have said before....

    Being DEAD all the time....


  14. 14 hours ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

    I agree with you.

    That said since they removed the DRMs it's easier to upgrade your conquest gear now.  The base is 324 and really cheap.   Then it's just conquest comms and some credits needed to push those to 336.  It's not as good as the blue/purple 336, but still much better than 322 green.

    Only problem with this suggestions is the 32 characters I have. I can outfit one that way but not all of them.

  15. Ah yes Tatooeen is so much smaller and the scenery is much sandier and you can travel across it in no time at all.... Let us not forget Alderan now there is another small planed that is not at all stretched out or huge. And if course Illum though it is smaller planet it too has a lovely mono color scheme.

    Your argument does not make sense.

    I'm currently working on my 32nd character and still travel across these worlds without issue and without taking the taxi or using Quick Travel.

    Oh and learn to read the map, its not hard to tell what is on top and what is in the canyon.

  16. 14 hours ago, Stradlin said:

    This  is such a  heartless thing to say my dude. I could think of other ways to call it,but let's just  stick with heartless.

    Plenty of people, often ones you'd never even guess, have massive issues with their self perception/self image/self esteem. This includes many women who'd pass oldbuzzard's totally sophisticated hot or not 1 to 10  scale and thus could  earn hall pass from you to actually go outside in a  dress they like. When a  person with such issues   sees words such as yours, it can stay with them for a very long time. 

    It's not Heartless, It's when you get to be our age you just don't care anymore. We have a more realistic outlook on life and have no regard for the phony people you find there.

    If that bothers you ... Refer to rule #1
    If it still bothers you well... Refer to rule #2

    Rule #1: You will get over it.
    Rule #2: Refer to rule #1

    • Like 2
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  17. Please move the mission "Iron Beast" out of the Heroic area so that Solo Story players can complete it. As it is now it is near impossible for Solo Players in basic Green gear to complete this mission. I no longer even try and just skip the whole Mission line.

    Putting a Solo Story Mission inside of a Heroic area was truly a bad idea and needs to be changed.

    • Like 1
  18. STRoR is still a DX9c game it will never happen. For a DX9 game it does very good with the textures it renders now but more detail will not happen. The rendering engine can not handle it.

    If DX12 ever happens to SWToR then it might, but until it does your going to have to make good with what you got. And even then it would be questionable if the 2008 severely Hacked and Modified Beta Hero Engine version that is used to run SWToR could even do it.

  19. Go to Outlaws Den on Tatoeen. it's an OPEN PvP area, it is ALWAYS empty.

    Open world PvP in SWToR is NOT as popular as you think it is. Most people play SWToR for the PvE story and not for PvP.

    If you ever want to be ALL BY YOUR SELF go to a PvP instance and you WILL be the only one there.

    When BW first started with the PvP instances it was a Gank Fest. You could go to an instance and there would ALWAYS be some jerk sitting at the Log In point killing anybody that came into the instance. Why? Just for kicks. Not to fight but to score Kills. After about a month that stopped and ever since then PvP instances have been empty. So BW killed most of them to save on wasted resources.

    Sorry, No Open World PvP in SWToR...

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