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Everything posted by DarkCarnage

  1. but those only useable if you got a compaion out, so not really help in groups. so your place is safe there.
  2. someone said add chat bubbles, which are find if the area has a low population, but can you think of a fleet with chat bubbles? nohtign will be readable as bubles will cover bubbles in a horrible fashion and rander them useless and annoy. just try to point out a issues you likely run in to.
  3. they might not allows a auto skip due ot the social points sub system in place. my advice it got to game prefs, and turn voice over volume to 0. this fix your VO issue. you sitll how to deal with the CS however.
  4. i killed "The First" in Kaas solo, my compain just layed on the ground and was stunned the whole time lol.
  5. i awtched every VO CS and even rewatched a few(i like the foundry one) i enjoy them .
  6. if the oranges i can make are = to the purples then i go with oranges. i like ym space spawn look and want to keep it, not end like cyborg SW as most of them look like in end game -ish gear. i removed a few purple mods to keep my oranges near =, nowever some fo the end games gear get the built in stats+mods and the set bonus. so mkaing it ahrder to stay orange.
  7. i think it mianly to teach us not to die and to help leach some money off of the servers. althought perosnaly i not yet seena repair bill so big it made me double take. highest i sene to date been maybe 7k(oranges and purples wiht lvl 48+mods in them) then gain i repair after 3 deaths to be on the safe side if in a long drawn out fights happen ,did ntow atn gear to break in the middle of anyhting lol.
  8. i myself far as i can tell "chop heads" here i jus tpointing out waht tehy mgiht be trying to do in a plain and simple formate, i could be wrong thought.
  9. i do think ti for poeple that can not paly semi daily, but it give them a way to catch up when tehy can play. lets say you get to lvl 50 in 2 weeks(and yes i know some are alot faster.) maybe someone that can only play 1 week spread out over 3 real weeks can ge to the same lvl (gear a diffrent issue, hacent the blue gear vendors maybe)
  10. i think tehy tkaing ti down, testing something for abit and maybe we get a patch to fix a few of the more deeply enbedded bugs if they inhouse testing worked well for them, wiht out us screwing up there datafeeds(which why they tkaing it donw for 8 hours ...maybe..) or at lest we can hope for some fixing/hareware upgrading/twiking. (sorry for misspells it 6 am almost and i'm tired ~~~~ stupid work.)
  11. ok to take those in order to complains.. 1. NPCS Standing around = if i remember correctly(i not played wow in a 2 year so could of changed) but don't 99% of NPCs "Stand" around, maybe a random critter or kid npc bouncing by and thats was about it. 2. mobs spawn in same place = again mostly MMO's this fairly comman, in rifts the few times i not seen total stactic(when a rift opened) in some other games a rare mob roam around abit(ff11 like this in some places) 3. i i do belive most games 2 warring factons did not build towns right on top of each other, you had to travel some distances to find someone to kill. i remeber traveling as a undead to southpoint (i think that was the nearest human town). most wars split territoy in haft and try to push back the lines to earn more territoy(speaking as a ex-army intel and command)
  12. but i remember correctly, tehy said there a way to lower heroic moment cooldown also. so could be more often then 20 mins, just got to see how far they let it be lowered.
  13. i would like to now which jumping one giving poeple issues. i gotten aprrox. 90% of teh datacrons, the only ones i find i have issues with i'm a type 3 large body, but i can not fix between small cracks to get so far 2 datacrons easily. one i ahd to die to get, the next one idk how to get at this time. it in corlira(likely misspelled) under a platform and the only way to get to it is to walk in a crack on pile. which i'm to ig for.
  14. hm well i do like how the game is, and i also looking forward to later updates. as for end game, well it lack directions some poeple say, but most MMOs i tired(that thats a long~~list) once you get to cap when it new lack direction if they had any to start with(pointintg a finger a wow here poeple as a sample ) but as they add patches and updates we get more to do and newer option be given to us to use.
  15. i peronal do not currenly use macros since ff11, never eneded them ebtween clicking and keybinds. however if tehy do allowd macros i be find as long they have limited lines allowed and no wait commands. maybe 3 lines tops so i could looke something like this: /say hey <t> here a a pick me up. /keybind 3 <t> /say ok off you go. keybind 3 be a healing skill , have to ahve the skilsl you want keybinded so it know whihc one you want maybe. this way can only really make it so a skill targets someone pre determand or a target. this help limit the chances of some game breaking "iwin" bottons being made if it left to open ended. maybe allow a switch target so can target diffrent party meebers vs having to hunt them down with the mouse.
  16. i think it going laong the lines of, if you father,grandfather,etc could do it it could be a trait you picked up form them. after all not all force users are jedi and sith, there worlds where force adepts under names like shamans,witch doctors,etc. so maybe it a family triat and skill you trained at.
  17. can do waht i do, wear a ful face helmet, i not seen my char face sinces lvl 20 lol, i'm vll 50 now and i keep it modded up so far with 51 rated mods form off end gear i not using. i think my char look like a red spawn char in space,^^
  18. i went with kerath it means Carnage in drow, so i am now Darth DarkCarnage Kerath lol
  19. i think humans get a pressance buff due to the fact every jobs can be human, so nothing to unlock vs the others. so if you become lvl 50 pure blood, you can be a pureblood BH if you wanted ,etc. so to give humans player a reason to get to 50 they throw them a small pres buff. and if you wonder what it does(loot at a guy above him) pres incress damge,hp,healing,etc of followers, makes them more effective.
  20. well mial to another player i think takes 30 mins if i remember correctly, i think tehy did this so to cut down credit sellers, as they noramly use the mial system to send the goods. as for clcik to loot, it can go either way, if you auto looted wiht no clicks, what if you got otns of grey crap and invtory get full and you missed out on a rare item because you did not see it. that one think i like in SWTOR the diffrent lights before you loot so you got a rough idea if it worth doing or not if in a hurry or full invitory.
  21. i think tehy also adding a legacy skill that or if you cleared some things(forgot which) that lowers teh cooldown on heroic moment.
  22. yes as logn you got you name, password and sec key(if you have one)
  23. you od know programs that record vids will lower you in game FPS right ? so by running said program you incressing add/lag by adding extra work to the system. and if your fraps(other simular) program might not low SWTOR and cuase lag due to prgraom conflicts of resources. just a thought i could be wrong, not a programer, just a IT guy lol.
  24. i think at this time tehy have to paly it save(BW) due to they need to gain credit in this market and adding a gay option/choices likely be frown apound by the majority. me i can care less, but if they pander to the gay group, then they need to pander to other groups" hye no killing animals" peta,"why they not real black poeple in game" instead of the proper english versions, etc. it would cause alot of groups to yell out, compain and mainly hurt BW bottom line to go outside the "norm" at this time. once tehy get a good thing going they could make another game wiht some of those options in there or try a single player game first as a test run to see how poeple will react.
  25. i do not see how tehy can"fix" factions imbalance, as it user dirven not controled by them. it not like ff11, log in auto assienced a server(in this case after you picked faction) and then you likely compain can not play wiht friends due to this system.
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