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Everything posted by drug_cartel

  1. Prompt: Look Behind You An origin story for Radigan Rist, taking place prior to the intro of the Imperial Agent story.
  2. Prompt: Set the Standards Pansey Episode V (Alderaan). Mirialan Warrior on Satele Shan server
  3. Prison. I went to great lengths to build a base out of Holding Cells, Frozen Carbonites, security cameras, Quaruntine Laser Pens, and a metric ton of Mandalorian Elites pointing guns at people. I created a Prison, where I can lock up Quinn, Skadge, and other enemies to the Alliance. So dad-gum, I want to call it something Prison-y, instead of "[Characters]'s Happy Funland Vacation Place Where Everything Is Great".
  4. There is no way to keep him alive. He always dies. My second Smuggler though, that Sollustan was the single most influential person in his career. He worked closely with him, taking it very seriously when the Sollustan claimed to have deputized him. After that, I started always sporting the title "Constable" and treating my Smuggler as a sort of Space Cop who was out to stop bad guys and help the Republic. It was a fun approach to the Smuggler, and it honestly made Act 2 and 3 make a lot more sense when the Smuggler stops being an outlaw and starts being a government sanctioned Republic pilot/fighter. I loved playing the Smuggler as the Old West style Sheriff in Space.
  5. AVA JAXO - from the Trooper Story Jakarro w/ C2D4 - Shadows of Revan Yana-Ton - Voss wife from the Agent story arc Ki Sazen - Zabrak Jedi (turns Sith) on Taris during the Imp Agent storyline. And then just any Rodian and Sullustan. I feel like those are two classic races that we don't have access to.
  6. It's a popular misunderstanding of Light and Dark decisions. Light does not mean "Good" and Dark does not mean "Evil". Light means "Peaceful" or "Calm", while Dark means "Emotional." Taking pity on the traitor and feeling sorrow for him to the degree that you would end his life is an emotional attachment that the Jedi disapprove of. The Jedi prefer the neutral stance where they feel nothing, and so they have no regard for what future he faces. The Sith react with passion and emotion, both love and hate, so taking pity on the traitor, worrying about him, caring about him to the degree that you would kill for him, that is an emotional decision and channels the dark side of the force. It's not Good vs Evil, it's Calm vs Emotional. Understanding that, any character Pure Dark ends up looking like a psychopath, while any character Pure Light seems almost like they're autistic.
  7. I am firmly in the camp that every character I play will never be "pure light" or "pure dark". The story is always better if you can go with what's right for the character, instead of being a slave to the white sun or the red triangle. That being said, there are a handful of decisions that every character makes the same, within the Trooper story (I've done 6 different Troopers through the vanilla story). First, I always save Ava Jaxo. My first trooper was the "good solider" who always followed orders, but that was the time when he finally bucked against Garza. Next I played a rebellious trooper who was constantly insubordinate. Then it was a kill-happy sociopath soldier. Then a responsible leader trying to win the war. Then an Imperial sympathizer, who gradually became disillusioned after seeing the way the Republic abandoned Tavus and the original Havok, as well as the Deadeyes, and eventually Jaxo. And last, I was the soldier of fortune, who basically always did whatever was the most dangerous, risky decision. Every single Trooper saved Ava Jaxo. I've watched each of my companions react to this, but my favorite is M1-4X who tactfully mentions that the cost of training and outfitting one special forces soldier like Jaxo is higher than the cost of training and equipping 300 generic grunts that were otherwise in holding, pointing out that saving Jaxo is actually the responsible decision for the Republic. But, in a nutshell, I just refuse to kill her because I think she's my favorite character. Whether my trooper is male or female, whether I romanced her or didn't, she's this rocking awesome trooper who infiltrated an Imperial Prison and got message to the Republic without getting caught. Other than that, I'm a real life prison guard with an intense hatred for inmates, so every time I run a Trooper through Belsavis, I take Tanno Vik as my companion and I beat up the criminal that mouths off to me, and then execute him rather than bothering with the escort him to safety. It is too hilarious seeing Vik say "C'mon, Major. You can do better than that." And then climbing on top of that dude and beating the crap out of the inmate while I'm holding a conversation with the pilots. Those are the only two decisions I never budge on.
  8. Star Fortress and Eternal Championship both do have the option to be done in a group as well. With another player there (2 players, 2 companions), both become pretty darn easy. It just doesn't grant the same achievements/titles that way. If you're struggling and on Satele Shan, I'm happy to walk you through either/both. I typically run Star Fortress with a partner to get my companions because it makes it fast and smooth, though I keep on running Eternal Championship solo because I find it to be the most fun, most challenging content in the game, and I still have a few classes I haven't successfully managed to clear wave 10 with solo for the achievement.
  9. Not sure if you're aware of this or not, but any companion you had at Influence level 10 or higher, you can skip those requirements and go immediately to the recruitment, allowing people to always regain their old companions they used pre-FEET. If Bowdaar as one of your highest influence companions is over 10, then you should have the option to just tell him you want him to join re-join you, without you doing the Eternal Championship, and he will reluctantly agree due to his obligations to you. Same thing works with M1-4X and Lt. Pierce, if you are already Influence 10, you do not have to do the PvP. And if you weren't quite Influence 10, you can even go to Oddessan, reclaim him through the terminal (which doesn't count for the story), then gift him that way or send him on crew skill missions until he gets to Influence 10, and then return to the cantina and recruit him back to your crew. Nobody ever has to miss out on their original companions, except for Troopers, who will never get to have Tanno Vik rejoin them because his voice actor unfortunately passed away.
  10. While I respect your position and you did an excellent job of making your opinions well known, I would weigh in on the opposite side for just about every one of these issues. 1. Cutscenes. The Cutscenes are part of what made Knights of the Feet such an impressive story. It plays far more cinematic, with overall better dialogue as well as some great action points. Having a cutscene when you're entering a new area that shows you checking your surroundings and having dialogue with your companion is far more engaging than just running through a door and immediately start killing something new. I liked the cutscenes. And honestly, since it's a solo story, if you don't like them, you can just spacebar through. 2. Star Fortress and Eternal Championship. Star Fortress did feel redundant, having six of literally the exact same things. But I treat it for a simple case of is-what-it-is. It's primary function was not to get people to run these things repeatedly for fun, loot, or xp. It was just a way to introduce a batch of new companions whom don't speak Galactic Basic, because they can use the canned alien voices. For all the people who wanted an Illithorian or a Gormak or whatever, this was there in. A single, basically repeatable, basically chain of heroics that ends with granting a companion. There is nothing wrong with that. I'll bet if there was a new batch of Star Fortress that offered a Gamorrean, an Ugnaught, a Tuskan Raider, a Rodian, and a Sollustan as a companion, people would mass swarm those as well, though the replay value is pretty low because after the first time... it no longer grants a companion. 2B. Eternal Championship is my favorite thing in the game. It is the true measure of a good player. It is the only actual challenge. I, for one, hate that getting carried through raids without knowing what's going on can result in somebody getting the hardest feats and best gear in the game, while an incredibly player who does everything perfect might still end up failing in SM Ops because they play at odd hours and have to GF with morons who have no clue what they're doing. Group content does not measure skill, because 87% of an 8-man anything is being determined by people who are NOT you. You can do everything wrong and still succeed. You can do everything right and still fail. Eternal Championship gives us literally the hardest piece of content in the game, the only REAL challenge, where players have to flawlessly do everything themselves, and when they fail they have no excuses except for their own mistakes. And not surprisingly, it was immediately met with a huge subset of the population claiming that it was "too hard", because they couldn't lean on the crutch of other players. If anything, the game needs MORE stuff like Eternal Championship: entirely optional content that actually allows players to face a real challenge. 3. Companions you have to keep? You realize that every single companion that you DON'T "have to keep" gets 98% written out of the story. From the point of a kill or dismiss option onward, there will be no more cool scenes with them, no more dialogue, nothing. You can have a romance with somebody who becomes invisible because another player might have chosen to kill them. While I get it that you like the kill triggers and such, and didn't seem to like Lana, you recognized that cutscenes were a huge amount of work. Now re-working the dialogue for the same scene a dozen times using different companions is proportionately more work. Knights of the Feet got around this by forcing use of a specific companion for every chapter and encounter. But if everybody has to get a kill trigger, then every bit of content needs created multiple times, because there is no longer a guaranteed companion that will be with you. Or, worse still, all companions just go silent and stand around like wallflowers doing nothing. You might be annoyed that you can't kill Lana, but I would be far more annoyed at having every companion go permanently silent. 4. Exploratory missions. By this, I assume you mean the Planetary mission arcs. Honestly, when the story is identical for everyone, it gets real boring real quick. Most new characters I play I do not bother with planetary missions for that exact reason. While I respect the idea of having more options, if Knights of the Feet taught me anything it is that I don't want to see every character shoehorned into the same story. I think, if they were going to go to all the trouble to write a full extra mission chain, instead of having the generic class one and a generic planetary one, they could do two different class ones. Either a Republic Version and an Imperial Version, or a Force User version and a Tech User version. There was way more than enough content just going through the vanilla story, RotHC, SoR, and KotFEET for a character to level from 1-70 without doing anything except the class missions. So having an optional planetary arc, unless the rewards were better than the current heroics, would probably not see any play. But having multiple paths again for the story so that a Smuggler and a Sith Warrior aren't don't the exact same thing, that would actually have some real value. 5. Whole Planets. I can respect that the original poster prefers the canned 'whole planet' experience, wanting to start and finish a planet all in one whack. I, on the other hand, feel like the Galaxy-hopping approach of Knights of the Feet was important. Not only did it allow you to make the Gravestone into a bigger deal of the story, a significance that only the Smuggler ever feels in their vanilla story, but it also makes you feel like you are a real Galactic superpower. If the Outlander went to one planet, and then stayed there a month taking care of business, then leaves and moves on to the next planet like they did in the vanilla story, he wouldn't seem much like this leader of a massive Alliance. I like that you were constantly checking back to Oddessan and actually being a leader, instead of making a few vague holos and calling it good. The vanilla story makes you into a great field agent for any of the given stories, being on the front lines while working for someone else. But Knights of the Feet makes you the boss. You are the Baras, the Garza, the Keeper who is sending people on missions. You have to hand your hands on everything. That means you can't just dig in someplace and ignore your responsibilities for days. You're not the grunt anymore; you're the boss. The different approach is what sells a different role for the player, and that was good. Future stories can be single planets like Makeb, Rishi, and Yavin 4, or it can be galaxy-hopping adventures, either way works. Honestly, I think more than anything, I would like to see more use of the vanilla planets, giving our future stories reasons to return to Tattooine, Hoth, and Alderaan, making use of resources already in game and tying us back in to some NPCs that we know and might not have seen in years. Just my 2 credits. I respect your position, but if you're trying to present this as feedback to the developers, I would equally want them to know that not everybody feels the same way.
  11. Heirloom Lightsaber cost 500cc and was in the GTN for 4 straight weeks at 50million. I mailed the guy asking him to come down dramatically on his price and expressed a willingness to buy one (putting it at roughly the same price as other 500cc items). He mailed me back a big, nasty, insulting mail about how he was the only one selling them, and how it was "supply and demand" and all sorts of garbage like that. I shrugged and bought mine for the CC. Three months later, I see six of them up posted at around 1.5mill each, while he's still trying to sell his for 50mill. When I see something posted a ton cheaper than what it is normally listed for, my assumption is not "they made a mistake and I should correct them." I've already been insulted for trying to explain prices to somebody. Instead, my assumption is that they have probably posted that same item hundreds of times at that higher price, and it never sold, so finally they have decreased their price to where it should have been all along. There are tons of reasons why people would post cheap. There are times when I post CC pack items just at whatever the default price is. Because I don't think it's worth posting it over and over again when it doesn't sell, and I just want to clear out the inventory space. It's kinda like being charitable and giving stuff away, but it requires less effort because I don't have to talk to people in order to find out who actually wants to use it.
  12. I bank up my bonus CC as a subscriber and use it to buy a few high ticket items here and there. Rather than gamble the packs, which most of the time doesn't pay off, I can pick up a Master's Holocron every few months (grabbing them when they're on sale, but selling them when they're back to full price). They consistently sell, and sell high. It amounts to a good 40-60 million, every 3-4 months. More than enough to serve my needs. Other than that, I sell components. So many people try to make money on crafting, but the only real way to make money on crafting is with crits. The cost of the components for an Aug 48 are basically the same cost as getting the finished Augment. The crafters play the longer game, get the occasional crit that yields two, and double their investment every once in a while, but for the most part they are selling those items just to break even, or have deceived themselves into thinking they are making a profit from them because they gathered the components themselves and so they do not recognize the value of what is invested. If I run a day of some consistant mat farming, it is not uncommon for me to be able to pull 3-4 Charged Matter Transubstatiators in an evening's gamplay. The semi-fixed market price on my server is 1.5 million a piece, and they will sell at that price consistently over the course of a little time. Or, if I offered them at 1.4 million taking a mild hit, they would sell basically instantly. And with some basic supply and demand, we know that huge numbers of them are needed for crafting augments across all those slots on so many characters, so the demand never really goes away, and the supply gets expended about as quickly as it can be earned, allowing the prices to stay stable. If you were looking for a 5 million per day way of spending a bunch of time, I would say Mats farming is going to pull it off far more consistently than heroics. But, unlike the regular suggestion of "work the market", Mats farming is a huge timesink that takes you away from leveling new characters, building strongholds, etc. that a lot of people enjoy. Much like the heroics, you're trading in a whole bunch of gameplay time, in exchange for some in-game currency, so while it can be a great way to make some scratch, there does come a point where you're sick of it and you want to go back to playing what you enjoy.
  13. They hologram any companion that you don't own with that active character. And returning a companion through the Return Terminal does not count as having them. I wish they'd just do away with the hologram stuff. If I throw Quinn in prison, then I want to be able to put him in a Prisoner Suit from the Belsavis Social vendor and then slap him inside a Bounty Holding Cell in my base. Locking a hologram in prison makes me either look like I'm incredibly studid, or Vaylin quality psychotic.
  14. I'm a little sketchy on the details. But I heard something about old Tionese/Columi/Rakata sets that resembled the Darth Baras suit and are now unattainable. If there is a way for me to claim a Darth Baras mask, then I want that.
  15. Quite to the contrary. I've spent the past month checking at least 3 times a day just for a handful of items I missed: PBJ dance, Starslide dance, Droid dance. None. I'm not talking about one being posted but at an exorbant price. I'm talking about none. At all. Just the same 5 dances that are not what I want. A correction of your statement would be: almost everything available IN THE CURRENT PACK can be found on the GTN, but only about 2% of items from previous packs will be available.
  16. I prefer to play solo. It's a combination of reasons. Solo play allows me to play my own way. I enjoy a good story. Bioware knows how to make a good story. Unfortunately, the story they crafted regarding this rise of the Dread Masters... I have no clue how it plays out. Not because I haven't done the Ops; I actually have. It's just because, every time I do the Ops, there is this obligation to spacebar through everything and skip all the cut scenes that explain what's going on. I have never, ever been allowed to watch those, because I've never been a part of a group that was willing to sit through them without boiling over into rage. Solo play allows me to pick up and put down the game based on my own real life needs. I've got a miserable wife who delights in interrupting any attempt to play a video game, and there is no pause on an online game. So I can only run group content by either ticking off my wife, or running the risk of being pulled out halfway through whatever we're doing. Solo play fits my schedule better. Solo play is equally fulfilling at off-hours. When I finally do get some uninterrupted time to game, it's usually after everyone else has gone to bed. But at 1-3am, it is way easier to run a solo story than it is to build a group and get an organized PvP event going on. Solo play is the greater challenge. Running a sixteen man Op, you can do everything perfectly as an individual... and still fail. Not because you did anything wrong, but because of some other player not doing their own job right. And yet, on the flip side, there were Guilds that were selling HM IZAX clears for the title, where they could bring 7 powerhouses of their own people, and you could sit in the corner dead, doing absolutely nothing, and still succeed. In group content, the contributions of the individual matter less when compared to the performance of the total group. And the larger the number of players involved, the smaller the impact of any one individual. You are only 12.5% of that 8-man. You are only 6.25% of that 16-man. But when you solo, success and failure rests 100% on you. That is why there are more people who can complete Nightmare Mode Ops than there are who can complete all 10 Waves of Eternal Champion Arena. And I appreciate that. I want to succeed or fail on my own merits, and not on the shoulders of others. So what do I do as a solo player? Yeah. I make new characters. I run through the stories again and again, choosing different paths. I play the fancy dress-up, getting my look exactly the way I want it. There are all those things. But mostly... I grind. Same as the group players, I'm just grinding. It isn't fun running the same SM daily GF Operation for the 200th time, but we do it, because we need the Unassembled Components for our gear. It isn't fun running the same PvP win-trading in Ranked for crafting components. Nothing is exciting after the 50th time you've done it, and the story is no different. But we keep on playing for that gear treadmill. So I grind out what I need to grind out, that way I can get my command crates and my unassembled components and gradually upgrade my gear. Why do I upgrade my gear? What's the point? I dunno. What's the point in upgrading gear when you're already clearing the hardest Ops? We still do it. For me, I guess the "reason why I need the gear" would be Eternal Championship Tournament. I still haven't managed to get all 8 classes through Round 10 for the achievement, and even some of the classes I have cleared it with, I haven't been able to do it with the speed feat. And I love running this content that almost everybody said was "too hard", getting the titles that almost nobody else seems to have. I want constantly challenge and better myself, and that's one of the key ways to do it. I've also managed to defeat almost every Flashpoint as a walk-in, just me and my companion. There are a few places where mechanically it's near impossible without another player. But, for the most part, I've found that 4 man content can be soloed, if you really know what you're doing and you play everything to perfection. So that's what I'm doing. I'm a solo player, not because I'm afraid of group content, or because I'm so anti-social that I can't handle being in a group. I'm a solo player because it's the better benchmark of a good player, and because when I'm paying money to play a game, I want to play it the way that I want, and not how somebody else tells me that I'm supposed to play.
  17. Most of my characters where a hodgepodge where they rarely have two pieces from the same set. It's a series of carefully crafted outfits that have to be exact. If I had to choose the single suits that I use pieces of most frequently, it would be: #1. Covert Energy. About a third of my characters use Covert Energy gloves. Over half use Covert Energy bracers. Boots and chest are worn by only a single character. #2. Huttball Practice Jersey. Two of my characters sport these. They are great for a more casual looks. #3. Resolute Protector (or maybe it's Resolute Defender). The one that's splattered with messy looking paint. I love pieces of that for my battle-damaged Trooper looks.
  18. I can only speak from personal experience, but on Satele Shan server, every Op I run, the last thing we can find is healers. Just running the daily Op on my tank, at least twice a week I run as a DWT instead of a Tank because finding a Tank is easy. Every time, however, no matter which character I'm playing or what roll I'm filling, it's a healer spot we're still trying to fill at the end. Even when I'm playing as a healer, finding the second one is rough. Granted, this is just on Satele Shan, on Imperial Side, and only in the SM/HM Ops level of stuff. For PvP, Nightmare Modes, and Flashpoints, the results might be totally different.
  19. I find it humorous that the Doomspeakers repeatedly create this same thread... and it's always Republic Side Fleet. There is a well-established player disparity between Republic and Imperial sides. Because the game is multi-player, and uses the primitive WoW 2 faction system instead of a REAL faction system like Everquest, all players will gradually congregate to the same faction. Because nobody wants to sit for 2 hours waiting for a group, when they could simply log over to the other faction and have one in five minutes. It's a flaw in gameplay design, but it doesn't mean the game is dead. At the same time as you were complaining that fleet on Republic side was somehow indicative of a dead game, Imperial Side had 3 instances of Fleet, and that's not counting all the people who were actually out running content. Instead of crying "Game is dead. Merge all servers. Blah blah blah." because the Republic side has a low population, you should look at the two viable solutions for these rigid 2 faction games. Either the game opens up cross-faction play, so that everybody can play with the full population rather than being limited to only a small subsection of it, or one faction virtually dies while everybody consolidates on the same side. Because in the end, the vast majority of group orientated players are going to play on the side where it's easier to find a group, even if it means starting from scratch.
  20. Yes, please. This is something I've wanted for a long, long time.
  21. Variety is the spice of life. I do want more older, mature women LI because so many from the vanilla story seem to have this young teen-ish feel (Vette, Jaesa, Mako, Ashara, Kira, Consular Girl whose name I can't remember). Literally female Padawans and apprentices only seem to exist so that male Masters can romance them. Dead serious. No force user class ever takes a male Padawan. The flip side is, after years of essentially just Lana, I do not want another Lana. I get it. She's smart and mature and affectionate and responsible. And if we want that, we've got Lana as an option. You know what I want for the next one? A mature, older woman who is an absolute naggy, demanding nightmare to deal with. Somebody who gets crazy jealous and has huge negative hits every time you flirt with somebody else. I want a woman a lot less naïve than the vanilla comps, and a lot less understanding than Lana. Give me the woman who, when you wake up beside her, you think "Dear God, what have I done". That would be fun and different. Thana Vesh, Vaylin, Ki Sazen, SWTOR has no shortage of real 'Mean Girls'. Give us someone like that as a companion.
  22. Prompt: Kissing Frogs (This one had to be set in the future enough that it does not directly continue sequentially in the story of Pansey)
  23. I don't need Command XP to be Legacy wide. But I would love it if Unassembled Components, a legacy bound item that is used exclusively as a vendor currency, were just moved to the CURRENCY tab as a legacy bound currency. It is mildly annoying that I have to run the daily Op on 8 different characters to assemble the currency to upgrade one of them, but then have to race each of them through their flagships and whatnot to track down the Legacy Bank so that I can actually give the currency to who needs it. Currency belongs in the currency tab, under the Legacy Bound section. There is no reason to tie up inventory slots holding Unassembled Components, Golden Casino Tickets, Eternal Arena Medals, etc. If an item's only purpose in the entire game is to be traded to a vendor as a form of currency... then it's a currency, and it belongs in the currency tab.
  24. I'm sure the community wants them. Then again, I'm sure the playerbase wants essentially everything, and our wants far and away exceed the resources of the developers. So the question is more of: do you want better dark side eyes MORE THAN you want [fill in the blank]? In that context, you will probably hear some yes's, but a large number of no's as well, from players who have their own individual already-in-game desired option. There are dozens of races already in game that are not playable. Races that speak Galactic Basic and would require almost no work. Just slapping the existing head options on top of a generic Body 1-4. But it's been like pulling teeth to get new race unlocks, even though they're already in the game and they always result in instant profit. If I had to place a guess on what feature, already in the game, the players wanted to see most, I would wager that it is a Hood Toggle. Certain races and companions have hoods auto-removed from their outfits, so we know the tech is there. When I equip a robe on my character, it will have the hood, but when I equip it on Guss, it will not, providing a perfectly rendered version of the outfit sans hood. I suspect that would be the number one request, given that it's been requested since Beta. But I could always be wrong. I do believe 'Glowing Eyes - Red' can be obtained from Black Market Cartel Packs or Crime Lord's Cartel Packs purchased from the Cartel Market. And 'Glowing Eyes - Gold' was available in the same packs. Not sure if those resemble what you were looking for or not, but I would wager the number of sales for those specific items will dictate how much interest the development team has in making new future Glowing Eyes. So much like the Race Unlocks and the Dance Emotes, if you want them to keep making new ones, you need to vote with your wallet and buy the ones they are already making to send the message that there is a strong interest.
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