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Posts posted by knowmyname

  1. hope this helps those that want to upload their DXdiag.txt files for troubleshooting and possible fixes to the launcher issues we are having...



    I'm currently trying a repair on the launcher to get it to initiate the 2 SWTOR.exe applications. fingers crossed


    still not working. attempted to reinstall launcher a couple more times after some shutdowns and resets.


    new DXdaig.txt




    launcher runs. but when clicking on PLAY" it exits and the 2 swtor.exe instances do not run

  2. Hey folks!


    If you're seeing this, please send me your DxDiag and MSInfo so the team can investigate!




    I used pastebin.com


    Should work fine unless they have something against third-party sites :)


    hope this helps those that want to upload their DXdiag.txt files for troubleshooting and possible fixes to the launcher issues we are having...



    I'm currently trying a repair on the launcher to get it to initiate the 2 SWTOR.exe applications. fingers crossed

  3. Out of curiosity, why does this matter? I mean, I can see the population declining on Shadowlands, but it doesn't make me think it's because magically other servers are better.


    Because Garbinger players are feeling a little inadequate when they compare themselves to Shadowlands PvP


    Some call it little man's syndrome


    Adults want quality over quantity.

  4. A few of us were discussing this in game today. So few veterans around anymore.


    I miss active acid blade, hidden strike, backstabbing, and knockdown.


    Nothing has compared to the original launch of Rakghouls on tattooine.


    I miss gearing my companions and running Hard Mode Flashpoints solo with said companion in tow.


    I miss hitting the final bosses in each character story chapter and it being a challenge.


    Heading to planets 5 levels under minimum and getting serious XP and credits. It all scaled back then if you didn't notice.


    I miss the challenge in the game. KOTFE killed that

  5. I have a solution to negate the unfair advantage that premades have over pugs.


    Get good, make friends, group up, join voice comms, and queue up




    This is a multiplayer game. War zones are team based game play.

    The only thing wrong here is players refusing to group up and communicate as a team. Don't blame the players that group up for group content when you join a team solo.


    Bads will always play victim and blame others to bring them down to their own filthy level

  6. So I see that the premade issue has reared its ugly head again. I'm not here to place blame; I firmly believe everyone has the right to play the game the way they prefer -- with friends or with random people. I've said this before and I'll say it again: the only solution that is fair and equal to everyone would be the establishment of solo and grouped ranked objective warzones. Ranked arenas clearly aren't fulfilling this need -- if they were then PUGs wouldn't be clamoring for restrictions on premades, they would be playing solo ranked where they are not an issue. And now that there is a cross faction warzone there really isn't an excuse for objective matches to be excluded from ranked.


    What I propose are two, maybe three ranked queues. For solos, ranked and arena mixed -- arenas will spawn randomly or after a set amount of time if there aren't enough players to support an 8v8 match. For groups, I see several possibilities. The first is to have a mixed queue with groups of four being paired together to create teams of eight to fill out objective matches with arenas being generated in a similar fashion to solo. Alternatively, there can be two queues dedicated to group arenas and group 8v8s. Yes, I know 8v8s failed in the past but that was before the addition of leaderboards and seasonal rewards -- I think more people would be willing to give them a try now. Ideally, I would see four ranked queues (solo arena, solo 8v8, group arena, and group 8v8) but I understand that there is concern that too many queues dilutes the player base too much.

    General would remain unchanged: a mix of solo and group players. No additional restrictions would be applied to it.


    There isn't a pre made problem. These players saying premades ruin war zones don't have friends. There's your problem.

    This isn't a solo game, no matter what bw devs do to pve content. War zone gameplay is multiplayer. You're on a team. Group up, get good, join voice comms and queue up.


    Bads will always blame premades for their own fails.



    8vs8 ranked didn't work. It was removed and will not return. Move along, nothing to see here.

  7. So... I'm pretty sure I heard that the first 5 bosses would be easy, but when you got up to the last boss it would be extremely difficult, but I saw a video of some guy in PvP armor who just destroyed it in under an hour.... How is that difficult? That's 208 gear btw for the non pvpers, literally the basic comm gear which you basically have all of it if you level up your character from 1-65... Like is this supposed to be hard for new 60s in green gear?


    208 gear with set bonus, most likely min/maxed with relics and augments.


    What's wrong with that?


    PvP gear is a great start for SM Ops as well. The set bonus alone is worth it over basic comm gear



    BW took away the solo HMFP gameplay with 4.0 and the removal of companions using stat gear. Pre-4.0 companions performed much more effective than these garbage post-4.0 companions. They melt during high burst DPS phases.


    Plus PvP players know their roles and abilities better than the pve players. Queue into a war zone and you'll see it or flag in open world. PvP gameplay changes much more than scripted pve content. Sorry I was running Ops regularly but found it boring and not a challenge years ago


    This isn't an attack, just what I've noticed since beta on multiple servers, guilds, operations, HMFP solo runs, and war zones.


    Some will find the eternal championships a challenge. Others will not.

  8. They fixed the queues and leaderboards but are going to increase transfer prices to 1k cc. This game is honestly a joke at this point.




    That's funny. We knew the 90 coin transfer was temporary but I didn't expect it to stick around as much as it had.

    Maybe 500 coins would have worked better.

  9. I've been on edge looking at Age of Conan and Star Trek Online again. Maybe even Anarchy Online though even with Funcom updating the graphics engine of AO it's still dated.


    Went to Vegas for 3 weeks for work and when I returned this past week, there was a lot changed. Many players and even complete guilds have left Shadowlands or even unsubbed and left the game.


    Left my guild and joined another only to find them paying for win trades in ranked. People complain about ranked not showing ratings for some players, but I have an issue with player paying millions of credits to get these ratings. I quietly and quickly left that guild for another. I receive guild requests often enough that I won't let something like win trades and credit purchases tarnish my reputation. I won't be associated with those actions of others.


    PvP group queue is garbage. We are forced to relog to get out of a queue if someone joins our group. We stand around waiting for a pop for ever it seems. Much longer than before I left for Vegas 3 weeks ago.


    I stream all of my content. The good and the bad. But when I'm unable to get into a match, there's no point in streaming my gameplay. No one wants to watch me on fleet standing around. Not many viewers want to watch me blast through flashpoints or chapters. My viewers want to watch me inside war zones. 4.3 isn't allowing this to happen.


    Agree with Hottie's post. Seeing the state of PvP change in 3 weeks time with 1 patch the root cause with no real response from community managers turns me off. What's the point of streaming let alone gaming when it is this frustrating.

  10. He did.




    Which I disagree with since 90% of PvP match are nothing more than lop side mess.


    I wouldn't say 90%, at least on shadowlands during the weekdays. It's rare I logon in the evenings or weekends. I'm only passing on what I have seen.


    Though the current trend is War Zone Tourists. Getting companions on Alts. I have seen more and more of these playing over the past week. Some are fresh 65's with insta-60 gear still.


    This gear-gap others speak of in war zones only exists because player either don't know how to bolster or are too lazy to gear properly using bolster on PvE gear. You can reach 2018 expertise in PvE gear. I will even off assistance to these players if they request it or are open to it.


    The 2 PvP gear stats don't have much difference between them.


    I can't count how many times I've been in operations and watch PvP geared players get the boot and harassed for wearing PvP gear in story mode. If they know the fights and know their roles, they will be fine, at least they have set bonus gear and relics. Whereas most of the players harassing them don't. ;)


    I'm still laughing at the simple minded casual gamers that attempted to troll my previous posts. They validated my points. :mon_trap:

  11. Hahahahahahahahahaha! Oh wait, you're serious. I'll tell ya' what, go roll an Asmodian in Aion, get to 25 and go to the abyss with all your "skill" in PvP, and come back and let me know how long it took you to rage quit. Stay off the fast track server, where PvPvE is impossible.


    After you do that, you can tell me what relevance PvP has to the main storyline. How does Huttball affect the Sith Warrior story? There are aspects of the game in Aion that you cannot play if your faction does not control a certain section. Which aspects of swtor am I locked out of if the Pubs don't win Huttball? Are there places I can't go if the Imps don't win? No? So a totally irrelevant aspect of the game is now somehow super important?


    The answer to that question is, of course, yes. It's important to you. To me, and all the people that have come here because I did? Nope. I stay because I like the stories, and the game in general. They left because they wanted a meaningful PvP experience, and it's not available here. It doesn't have anything to do with "bad". My assassin got all her comms from PvP on Ilum, Oricon and Section X. Notice anything there? None of it is 1 2 3 go variation of PvP that you seem to think requires being "good" at PvP. It's all open world "surprise" PvP. That's the true test of PvPers, not duels, or 4 on 4 duels with PvE objectives. This is why for all the talk about "bads", the PvP servers are ghost towns, all those "quality" PvPers couldn't handle it and moved to PvE servers. So spare me the "you're only saying that because you're bad" mantra. It was stale 20 years ago. PvP here has no meaning, other than epeen. My real peen is big enough that I don't need an artificial one swollen up.


    I play Asmodian on an Elyos dominated server in Aion. Dominated is the right word, last check, it was 10 to 1 E to A. There, we hear all about bads, when a 2 person group rolls a 6 person group of Elyos, and they run to the forums trying to claim that 2 people zerged their 6 man group. You strike me as one of "those guys" with PvP. The real PvPers there, from either faction, have the same reaction to those posts: Are you delusional? I digress. PvP has no affect at all on the game. Nothing changes if one faction or another wins a duel, er, match. Ranked means absolutely nothing. Nothing changes if one faction or the other has a higher count on the leaderboards. It's a FP with 2 factions in it, nothing else.

    States he isn't about EPEEN yet entire post is full of EPEEN brags from other games...:rolleyes:


    I've done operations, quickly bored with it, PvP is much more engaging. Most war zones are different whereas PvE is scripted. That's all my post was about. Scripted PvE where players put timers on bosses using third party programs :rolleyes: - or a fluid PvP when you don't really know what's coming next.


    For those that came away with something else, you may need a reading comprehension class.

  12. Really? Sadly you are serious and the bashing you got was your own doing. Did you forget as others have said that you were once a noob in this game? Higher Skill set required for PVP that made me chuckle. Please stop making PVP players look like turds it's already bad enough with the stigma around here. I've been doing PVP and OPS for years and I can tell you that so many tactics I used in OPS rolled into my PVP tactics and vice versa. I get being frustrated about people with wrong gear or bad rotation but seriously if all you do is complain about them then that is petty and pathetic. Why not help them out instead, the more people improve the more they are able to share their knowledge of the game.




    To the OP I get that that you want to prove how vital PVP is to the game. PVP is a part of SWTOR it isn't the whole game.If PVP was as vital as many think it is the Devs would have gone with a PVP focus for game direction. Yet the only proof you need that it's not is their huge shift back to story telling. Alot of players got the short end of the content stick, except players who want just story which btw I'm all for but I think Story can only keep your players busy for so long. You see right now the only reason I even have hopes for PVP improvement is because we got new maps after 2 years but that alone should tell you the state of PVP. Personally I do believe PVP has very little to do with the health and well being of this game. If it did we would see new consistent PVP content, strong class balance and a major emphasis on high end loot and gear being placed in PVP.


    What bashing?


    I'm simply making a statement and the general differences between scripted operation gameplay and the very fluid PvP gameplay.


    I think you're letting emotions cloud your judgements of others

  13. Easy scripted PvE content that doesn't change or make you think or adjust to gameplay with better rewards and loot




    Challenging PvP content with stale maps, lots of cc and knock backs, everything changes depending on the situation. War Zone Tourists just there for a few matches for PvE companions. PvE geared with no idea about their roll, rotations, how to guard, deal with resolve, don't know how to not break CC early. A higher skill set is required to be successful in a PvP environment.


    Bads and simple minded casuals will always take the path of least resistance. They get carried in operations, don't know the fights and when they queue for a WZ, roll in with their PvE gear and little to no bolster. PvP is hard, they will backfill operations and Flashpoints all day more than war zones.

  14. BioWare screwed the companions up when they removed the statted gear from them. When every single companion was made to be "the same" with trinity stances, unique companion abilities and quick bars were removed.


    Companions still don't perform as well as pre-4.0 companions. Level sync makes them seem powerful but end game testers have proven post-4.0 companions don't hold a candle to pre-40 companions


    Less special attacks and abilities. Unique looks and abilities. Their stories are in blocks according to class story, instead of your characters level.


    All companions in any stance melt in high burst DPS phases. Take them to a hard mode flashpoint and watch them fail where post-4.0 companions when properly geared owned boss fights.



    BW developers will never admit to failing the gaming community with 4.0 and the damage it caused. It's Sony Online Entertainment and New Game Enhancement all over again. Mishandled expansion and game changes that pushed the community away without a test center to have the community look for issues before going live.


    This is BioWares New Game Entitlements to a simple minded casual player base,

  15. Just want to throw this out there to those that request hard numbers on server populations.....


    Don't need them, my friends list and guild lists are enough for me to see a trend. The sheer number of buddies and guild mates that have not logged on in months or years is enough documentation needed to see what is happening.



    Sad to see 10 people online at a time currently when I used to have to scroll down through online friends and guild mates currently online in past years.



  16. Bring back companion statted gear ratings.


    During leveling companions are a little overpowered, tank companions still aren't right.


    End game companions are pets and little help doing hard content solo.


    Pre-4.0 companions at end game were stronger than post-4.0 companions.


    I could gear out a pre-4.0 companion and solo hard mode Flashpoints. That was my solo content. It was the only challenge ingame I could do solo. Current post-4.0 companions fail. Unable to heal, DPS, or tank through high burst DPS phases in hard mode Flashpoints. HMFP was on farm, when the character and companion were properly geared and knowing the fights. Bonus boss and all. Not everyone could do it, but the few of us that could had a blast doing it. We would show others the fights, run players through HMFP for HK-51 parts, teach boss mechanics, class rolls to new players or just to tweak rotations. It was an excellent tool to work on personal tweaks or help a buddy out.


    I miss being able to tweak makos gear for high burst HPS or DPS, I miss setting up Kaliyo as a tank or sniper, vette as an AOE DPS or single target DPS. HK-51 high crit burst or steady DPS and treak as a heavy wearing big healer or tanky furball


    KOTFE doesn't offer us a place to do this. Heroics are not challenging enough, story mode and tacticals are a face roll and don't offer all the hm bonuses and mechanics.


    Giving us HMFP dumbed down won't work. But companion gear with stats will. While you're at it return unique companion abilities and their full quick bars. This dumbed down gameplay for simple minded casual gamers doesn't jive with veteran hard mode players.


    4.0 was a mistake, lets right some wrongs and get back on track before SWTOR follows SWG's footsteps.

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