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Everything posted by Washingtoon

  1. I love my operative. Probably the most fun AC I've played.
  2. I have a good + 200 valor levels on that sever and I've never come across a hack. Before transfer to Shadowlands I had only come across one potential hack, it was a dude speeding around the fleet and it could have been some weird latency thing for all I know. That said, I've been in plenty of warzones where my team mates have accused the other team of hacking, this while I've been standing next to them and watched the same things; basic game mechanics.
  3. Or add a legacy kit, similar to the augmentation kits, that allowed us to take the item to a mod table and Legacy-lize it. Charge, 50K. Let crafters who can't make augmentation kits craft it.
  4. I don't care about he plays but that zoom is insane. I was trying to click prefernces in an attempt to change it while watching the video.
  5. I'm currently leveling an operative, only doing story missions and warzones, and I love it. The story is, in comparison to some of the other stories, awesome and it's fun to PvP on. People complain about it's dps viablity at 50 but it's perfectly fine in lowbie so I'm not going to start healing until I approach 50. I'm still only a lvl 21 but I've already burned down a good deal of high level fotmers. The only fair 1 vs 1 I've lost so far was to a lvl 46 operative in a fight where he got the opener since I was trying to take a node.
  6. I'm in EU but always playing on US servers. It's ok in "real" combat but trying to parse on dummies is pointless.
  7. I recieved a warning not that long as ago so someone is obviously looking at it. Not sure how much they are looking into it though because as far as I could remember I had never said anything offensive to anyone with the exception of a borderline comment in a warzone. I basically told my team mates to get their stuff together, I didn't curse and I didnt direct it toward an individual person. Now, I believe a premade was on the recieving end of my comment and that they all reported me and perhaps also told their guildies to do so. Such a BS move. Personally I think that warzones should be a safe haven. You should be able to take out your frustration and tell other people to man-up. There should obviously be some restrictions, such as threats and racial slurs, but that's about it. As for the fleet and planets, I have pretty low tolerance for BS in general chat. I'm not reporting people for it but I just don't see any reason for arguing there.
  8. Class balance Class balance Incentive the roam the wilds. There's currently no reason for stepping outside the fleet as a lvl 50. How about adding some cool rare, yet obtainable, OW drops in the lvl 45-50 zones?
  9. My opinion: Lowbie has more balance between a lvl 10 and a lvl 49, regardless of AC, then there is between different min/maxed WH AC'es at 50. Reason. You can, even as a lvl 10, play an important role in the game's outcome. In some cases even single handedly win games. There is no room for great individual performances at 50, it's just a matter of your class. Some things that factors in: 1. Much less stuns. It allows even a low level to use his/her abilties, situational awareness and mobility. 2. While it is possible to really gear out a smasher in lowbie you don't see those big hits that often. Hence, itäs not a big problem there even if you encounter 4 x lvl 48 smashers. 3. Some classes "bloom" later than others and that's a slight disadvantage (although I've personally managed to top the dps chart on every AC I've played in one of my first games) BUT they also seem to scale pretty well compared to eachother. You don't have one class that all of a sudden becomes a power house. At 50 it's the complete opposite., as a sorc you see little to no change in output and survivability while gearing up while for instance smashers go from good to God mode. Is it really reasonable that an AC can hit another AC, despite that this AC is in BiS PvP gear, for more than 1/3 of its' health? To make things worse it's an AOE. And I don't buy the BS about lowbie being filled with new and/or clueless people. It's just the same as at lvl 50 and while leveling my latest alt I had to play premades, from the better lvl 50 guilds, in more or less every game. My opinion has always been that their geared AC'es have done the job for them at 50 and leveling against them really confirmed this theory.
  10. In comparison to operative healers, the ease of getting big numbers on a PT or rage specs I'd have to say yes. Don't know if people were more civilized a year ago but when I went back to compare sorc complaints to the complaints we see 20 times per day now I saw much less of it. And this was during a time when the population was 5 times bigger. One would think that the forum would be filled by repeat topics if it was such a big issue. My opinion was that it, in relation to the light armor, was balanced. There's nothing balanced with having an array of defensive cooldowns AND 2-3 abilties that hit for more than the hardest hitting ability of other AC'es.
  11. Doesnt have to be rated, although that would be the easiest way of approaching this, but we really need a hardcore list (or whatever you wish to call). A playlist with the exact same rewards as the normal warzones, to eliminate farming, but with a small disclaimer to keep the "casuals" away. Not sure if this would work but it's worth a shot because I'm starting to get extremely fed up with having to single guard on VS while my 7 amazing team mates, who all are standing infront of their door, are losing it to 4 enemies. It has reached the point where I simply don't play anymore. I can't deal with the stupidity and it's just beyond me how those people manage to survive in the real world. They should definitely not be allowed to vote.
  12. Probably the only perk. On another note, most, it not all, people who complain about bubbles are playing melee and 90 % of all melees are currently smashers. They think smash is balanced and a L2P issue because it's apparently easy to avoid the three or more smashers every team has. Why isnt equally easy for them to avoid bubbles? I mean, everyone els should apparently leave the objective as soon as they're rolling in so how about that they simply leave the area when they see a bubble? Problem solved.
  13. 1. Ginger - Saw him in a game not that long ago and he was just as good as I remembered him to be. 2. Sans - Been months since I saw him online but he was amazing on sorc compared to everyone els. 3. Sage'optimus and Somnax - For being top players on more than one class.
  14. I'm a rage stay....-er. I will fight ´til the end in combination with yelling at my team mates for first giving away the win and then camping home node for medals. If there's one thing I can't stand it's the camping and the reports I recieve for calling people out on it will probably get me banned some day. I just find it to be such a ***** move.
  15. I've never had any problems with this but if you like to be on the safe side, demand to see their schematics (they're not always on the character that has the schematics when advertising it) or some of their listed products on GTN. I've handed over mats for 6M a few times without any real guarantees.
  16. Washingtoon

    Current TTK

    I'm having whatever Randle is having. Make it a double.
  17. Washingtoon

    Current TTK

    I firmly believe that nerfing every offensive ability in the game equally, by let's say 10 %, would indirectly add balance. For the simple reason that it would give the weaker AC'es more time to use their tools. Sorcs and mercs benefit from drawn out fights where spike damage (smash) plays a lesser role and where dots get to run for the full duration.
  18. Washingtoon

    Pvp Bullying

    I'm not judging him, I'm judging the way he percieves the game. One would think that I atleast once, just once, would have experienced the behaviour the OP is talking about if it was indeed such a plague. My latest lvl 50 isnt more than 14 days old so that's well into the F2P era and the current enviroment. The ONLY somewhat snarky comment I've recieved happened in a 50 warzone as I was trying to prove a point by pvp'ing in pve gear. I saw no reason to reply so that was the end of that UNTIL the guy who had originally said it apologized at the end of the game. That said, I'm not denying that the climate has changed since F2P. There seems to be much more BS going on in chat, most of it seemingly coming from subscribers, and people do argue but I've never seen anyone being randomely attacked, which is kind of what the OP implies.
  19. Washingtoon

    Pvp Bullying

    This reminds me of the guy who turned off the profanity filter, was greeted by language he didnt like and decided to go out of his way to report an F-bomb. You can find him in the customer service forum, where he's complaining about how in-game CS is ignoring him. There are two options here: 1. It happened once and the OP is blowing it out of proportion. 2. The OP is consistently pissing people off and whatever behaviour he's greeted by is actually warranted.
  20. The physics players I came across in lowbie a week or two ago were not twinks....or good for that matter. They pretty much only confirmed how piss poor the lvl 50 balance is and I'm convinced that the only way of actually determining skill in this game is by having everyone play on twinks (geared lvl 49's). The balance is off the second expertise and power stacking comes into play. And it's not like "high level" maras etc can't be good in lowbie, I was smashed for 5K a couple of times, it's just that other classes arent capped in comparison, the way they seemingly are at 50.
  21. In the event that you are refering to warzones: There's a small button (has the symbol of the faction you're on) next to your mini map. Click it and you'll get the warzone window, in which you can queue up. In addition to simply playing warzones there's a daily warzone mission (and also a weekly one once you reach lvl 50), which you can pick up at the mission box in the combat/pvp area on the fleet.
  22. I prefer the 0/18-20/21-23 hybrids since they're good regardless of who you are up against but in an enviroment where you get to free cast and don't have to worry about force/survivability I'd say that madness is much better at dishing out damage. As for 350k being low, it depends on what the rest of the players in his games have. I'm probably not exaggerating if I say that 350K would earn a top damage spot in 9/10 of my games, that's how short the games are. That's the outcome of a system where random players are, without any criterias, thrown into games and the matches rarely to never are particulary even.
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