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Everything posted by SkyLordJaden

  1. Jugg should come out on top in terms of equal gear and skill. They have superior cooldowns and super heavy damage. Sorc would pose a threat only as lightning because they don't use dots to kill, like madness, but still their damage would be gutted since affliction raises the crit chance on their force abilities and chain lightning refreshes it so if they just go about their rotation as usual they basically guarantee the juggs enraged defense will work. From what I've seen on my sorc, I get wrecked by vengeance since they get a full unstoppable if they take utility + brawn. Not being able to knock them away or stun them for the full extent of a ravage means bubble stun is completely obsolete at that poinT. The only thing that can really save a sorc there is if you spec into emersion (?) So that you can force speed away
  2. SkyLordJaden

    PVP noob

    A mezz is a stun that breaks on damage, like flashbang or mind trap. Capping is short for capturing, this one varies. In ancient hypergate it's the pylon and the orbs in the middle, in voidstar it's the bomb on the door, anytime you have to channel to do something.
  3. Infiltration isn't face roll is what you mean. The only thing that makes serenity op over it is dotspread, otherwise infiltration gets the same cc immunity, easy stealth heal, and better damage reduction. Dps is lower in Yolo and regs cause there's no dotspread, otherwise infiltration is my preferred spec for sitting on healers and solo ranked in general, except for the few times I get tank healer queues because aoe is definitely better in that regard
  4. that is only fair to non stealth dps considering sap heals are the most important defensive cd of stealth classes. if you're gonna do that you might as well say offensive abilities only are allowed, and specs that have self heals built into the talent tree shouldn't be allowed to participate since that gives them an unfair advantage as well
  5. The reason everyone is so cynical about this isn't the fact that you brought it up but that EVERY pvper agrees with you. But it's impossible. The engine can't handle it and they won't be upgrading the engine anytime soon. Also don't forget that pvp is nowhere near the top of the list of priorities so until someone who actually plays the game and is concerned about making something functional and good not about just making money (I understand money is important and everything but if you make a good game you're going to make money) there will be no cross server, horrible class balance, no new pvp content, and all the other "dead horses"
  6. Time between pops is like 10-15 mins ish at prime time (like 6-10). The community is pretty nice, a lot of joking and all that stuff. Overall I like it but it isnt like the bastion in terms of pops which is my only gripe
  7. Thanks for this krea I did the same for my first season (4) and was really upset that I sucked so bad started 1250 and dropped to sub 900 (didnt play nearly as many games though). Read the whole thing and will be returning again later to notice anything I missed and when I can finally min max. Hopefully it makes me uber enough to get tier 1 this season
  8. Idk about overall damage but I have noticed my biggest hit being inaccurate in several matches, mostly when I get the big 13k+ crits cause I really only notice those numbers
  9. It used to be helpful in huttball pre 3.0 cause you could contribute to healing if you were carrying the ball. Now though there isnt any reason to ever switch out of your cell considering the time it takes with very little benefit to doing it
  10. JC when lethal dose fifty premade stomps us due to no other pubs queuing doesnt happen much though
  11. personally I wouldn't queue without full exhumed and augments. The stat difference isnt huge but to me any advantage you can get is going to be necessary in ranked. you can get away with not augmenting your ear piece, relics, and implants until you have reaver but otherwise start to augment asap (also consider using legacy bound with the new character thingy in case you level your mirror)
  12. Wish I could watch the stream but I have a prior engagement. Guess I will, again, be restrained to having no contributions to the stream and watching on youtube. Well break a leg to all those competing
  13. If anything its a bad thing for the person levelling. On my sorc in 2.x I levelled to 55 in a wz and got focused even harder than normal. It was funny to me when I did it though
  14. Whenever I play darkness in dps gear on my sin I see 10k hits all the time. Assassinate and maul can easily crit for that. A legit tank though probably wont hit for that unless the person has a horrible bolster and they are in full dark reaver
  15. Honestly I cant see any reason to give f2p unlimited wz. Its not really great xp to level as a sub and doing exclusively wz as free to play would make even less sense. Then at 60 you would have to get the authorization to equip purple level items (I think) to spend your comms. The only reason I can see for it is for a person to grind out the gear then cancel their sub and reap the benefits of never taking their gear off.
  16. Ohhh well if someone else is doing it then more power to them I just havent seen/heard anything about it so figured id head it up if no one else was. Maybe itll happen?
  17. Domi your posts/positive attitude is one of my favorite things about the game. That is all
  18. I always give my vote to the person with the most objective points, and usually thats the node guarder. I also try to know for a fact who the guard is or who got us the triple cap in civil war or whatever the case is and give them my mvp. I know a lot of people dont do that (because when I get the triple cap or defend I only get 1-2 votes max but when Im a damage whore with first place I tend to get upwards of 4) but in the matches im in theres always at least one
  19. I guess not huh? Oh well
  20. Why dont you head over to the pvp forums and do a little reading? They think bioware caters more to pve. New raid content, new flashpoints, 3 tiers of gear. What about pvp? No new maps since the failure we call queshball. 2 tiers of new gear to grind out. Thats it? You wanna know why they cater to pvp players for class balance? Cause its literally THE ONLY THING THEY CAN GIVE US. So quit whining. Classes like merc are very playable in pve but not in pvp. And ALL of them are viable if you play right.
  21. Playing an operative and playing an assassin have been, in my experience, totally different in play style. Assassin can take sooooo much more focus than operatives. What I tend to do on my operative as concealment is wait for that one dumb marauder (there usually is at least one) to leap into our team. Hit him, make him regret it and move on to the next person thats over extending. The other place an operative belongs is the off node. Depending on the guard, you can kill them in the length of one debilitate or you can play smart and sap cap then kill them. Also, dont forget to utilize roll as a defensive and offensive ability. As concealment your immune to everything during the animation and for a second after so a well timed roll can save you from an ambush from a sniper or a stun from a guard As lethality, I tend to wait a moment at the start of the fight, dot a few people up until I pick an easy target, then go in for the kill. Again, use your roll both offensively and defensively. Dot someone up, roll in, shiv + backstab replacement(fforgot the name), cull a few times, if there dead run away. Roll also gives you a free instant infusion that is a life saver. Don't underestimate the power of your small heals you get as dps operative. Keeping kolto probe on you as long as you can can change a game, and if you can los someone and use diagnostic scan you can heal yourself very quickly. This is really easy on lethality to roll, instant infusion, refresh kolto probe, roll again, los, diagnostic scan a few times, your infusion again, and your at almost full ready to fight again. Even concealment can do this if you have a TA you can put one infusion on yourself and get pretty high as well. As far as medicine goes, I dont heal much so I cant offer the greatest advice. But I hope this helps
  22. My fave class is deception assassin, even when it sucked/sucks. I love the voltaic slash, discharge, ball lightning, and soon to come 30m low slash animations. I love the female giggle on bh. Its honestly the only reason I started playing pyro in the old days when pyro was pyro not ap. I love when I get to farm 15k+ crits on undergeared players in warzones. I love it even more when I steal the off node in novare coast and the same guy I killed keeps coming back so I get to farm solo kills. And more than anything, I love the way the inquisitor voice sounds with Malaks jaw casing
  23. The self healing was definitely an issue. I was able to heal through a tank and fully geared sentinel attacking me in one 4v4, not to mention h2f with leeching strike and overcharge saber. I do agree that the proper nerf would have been the dotspread but in 3.0 and the age of aoe that would have hit pve harder than the range reduction. 10m is a bit severe, maybe 15-20 would have been better but its hard to say. Either way im a deception player at heart so im happy with the deception changes and glad I wont get laughed at for not playing hatred in pve and pvp anymore
  24. Is a dueling tournament something the jc community would like to give a go? I havent done much planning ahead for something like this but I was thinking doing it on a saturday at like 1ish eastern and having everyone pay 100k to enter then determining how much 1st place, 2nd place, and possibly even 3rd place based off the pot we accumulate from entries. Of course there would be other rules id decide on at some point but just the idea of the tournament: what do you guys think? Wanna give it a go? Or is this some idiotic idea I have no one will like?
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