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Everything posted by SkyLordJaden

  1. I can think of a few reasons: Conquest Relics fresh at 60 Acheivement hunting Confusion about bolster (when I was a pve'er I thought that gear was better) Decorations Bored of flashpoints I dont like it any more than you do, till I find one with a red name love them sexy 15k crits
  2. Little off topic and I didnt check if anyone asked but are you also utilizing e-net? As one who mains a sin I can tell you e-net without cc breaker up is the most anoying thing on earth. So if you pushback and e-net you will more than likely force a sin/jug to blow a big cd which means you can stun and run but you didnt hear that from me
  3. Ap powertech is probably still gonna be the best choice. Pyro is alright atm just a little lacking I think in actual ability to kill people but its like that with most dot specs aside from hatred
  4. I think the idea of a daily and weekly to kill x amount of players in a non wz environment would be cool. Maybe five players for the daily and 25 for the weekly or something. Then give 100 wz comms and 10k credits for the daily and 200 wz and 100 ranked comms with 15k credits for the weekly. I already participate in open world whenever I can because its really fun but this wouls probably bring in more players
  5. No cause I might get free rating when im queued against them
  6. From a data stand point, this would more than likely be considered win trading, since its all the same guild in the match. If you would be doing it just to compete against each other in a random group setting in a random arena, and you didnt purposely say we are going to throw this match and you can win it, then thats not trading.
  7. I leave very few matches but yesterday I left one cause people werent trying at all to win, queued again and got put in the same match. Only to leave again cause two people were guarding the pylon In ah and still lost it. Was I wrong to do that?
  8. The question is, are you a masochist? If so go with a merc. If not go with a juggy. Juggs hit super hard and are very survivable for a dps, mercs die a lot and are very difficult to get really good to play as. That doesnt mean merc is unplayable, I know several that are really good, it just means they require a lot of practice to play to full potential
  9. My sin is 60 and doesnt have xalek yet my operative was 45 when they came out with the pre order for 3.0 and 12x xp so I decided to start up his story again. On balmorra
  10. I have been doing pre season as deception, and it works out really well. But I have also been doing regs as hatred so if it ends up being one of those days that I need to constantly heal myself, then so be it ill suffer through the fotm and cry later knowing that I might get the "amazing" rewards of season 4
  11. Its in a special menu you press alt+F4 to get to
  12. Technically io but arsenal can work too. If youre planning on solo queueing you might as well reroll a pt, but in group ranked, while it would be difficult, it could work
  13. In a group ranked setting I have very little to say. My guild abandoned me recently and ive been a loner lately. But I have seen groups of four hatred sins winning group ranked when the opposing team was a traditional comp. This makes me thing madness is a but op. I also can support this after healing through a dps and tank focusing me while trying to kill a healer with hatred. I know class stacking was mentioned but this is wrong, that four dps can take out a traditional healer tank dps comp. Otherwise, balance to me is if defeating someone is more based on skill and not class. in an ideal group ranked setting, it shouldnt matter what tank, dps, and healer you have, the team that is better coordinated and more skilled should win. I feel as if this is accomplished for the most part, anyone who is skilled enough with other skilled players can do well in pvp, group ranked or solo regs
  14. Id recommend a stealth, op or sin, cause thats a really good pvp ability to have. concealment ops have nice burst and are fun to play, lethality does super heavy sustained damage on top of good healing and kiting. Deception sin has probably the scond best burst in the game, after ap pt, but its got much better survivability. Hatred doesnt burst as quick but it hits incredibly hard and has really great self heals on top of it. If you are a medal whore like myself id recommend sin more cause taunts really fluff that up as well its also great in ranked to reduce damage to your team
  15. Its wrong because its solo queue and when you solo queue youre supposed to be...solo. shocker I know. So if its four guildies, theyre all in ts or vent or whatever coordinating their damage, giving them a huge advantage over the complete pug team. In regs its fine cause regs are unimportant but solo ranked is to see how well you and youre team can plan and cooperate when you dont know them
  16. To be fair sometimes people just have a bad day. One time I was stealth guarding and got bored so I stood still on top of the pylon in AHG. Stealth came right into my blind spot and capped and I didnt know it till we lose the pylon with 2s left in the match. Course I stealth capped their pylon twice later in the game but thats aside from the point. Sometimes its just someone having a bad day
  17. Id recommend scoundrel. Scrapper is pretty great, super heavy, nice burst and ruffian and basically a "drop super heavy damage on someone and heal through any of their dps" since you get the insta cast hot on top of slow release medpack (I play an operative so I have no clue what the scoundrel version is, kolto infusion for ops)
  18. If this happened on my server id feel really bad because there are only like two decent pvp guilds on pub side but imps dominate pvp, which is where this matters. Most pve players arent equiped for pvp, *cough* clickers *cough*, so with all the really gpod pvp guilds on empire, well the pubs would never have a fleet of course I wouldn't mind reaping the rewards. I think that if the punishments were a bit less severe this would work better, increasing prices from vendors for example is a bad idea but if instead a "tax" were taken off of every gtn sale that week or something along those lines to pay for the repairs that would be cool. Reducing power in pvp also seems like a bad idea but making it so that it takes more to get medals, 120k instead of 90k for example, might be easier to swallow. For the pve people, causing fps or ops to drop 3 less comms from the weekly or something along those lines, so its not just the pvp people getting hurt by it
  19. No this way is much better because he doesnt get the daily or weekly reward but he had to go through all the trouble of the mission
  20. Hmmm idk about group but the bastion and prophecy of the five have a pretty decent solo queue so I would figure that group is the same
  21. If you want to start experiencing ops just for the experience, the old level 50 and 55 ops are good for you in your currentgear . Aside from that, get into a full set of 186 and your set for sm 60 ops but since theyre new be prepared to run into issues and wipe because everyone is still learning it, even if they know the tactics ;p
  22. Like the knockdown on hidden strike? That has got to go. You know on second though, why dont we just remove hidden strike and be done with it?
  23. Like the knockdown on hidden strike? That has got to go. You know on second though, why dont we just remove hidden strike and be done with it?
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