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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. Madness average now at 8806 dps/ 2.5mil target. 600 dps bellow IO, 400 bellow Eng Sniper. Your thoughts everyone who plays or does not play this spec, and devs combat team of course: is this minor, extreme, rightfully so???


    Yes these are averages of submitted parses on parsley, but they are averages of 46 IO parses, 33 Eng-sniper parses, and 42 madness parses, so you have to think it is a fair sample size.



    would be better if it was the same amount of parses for every spec say 10 by newbie players of the spec, 10 by sm only, 10 by pvpers, 10 my hm and 10 by nim players per spec =) that's just my idea lol. but yeah even what we already have is an indicator of 'something ain't right here' i just meant that the dude who wanted 9.9k for madness is clearly expecting too much =) esp since the the max for ranged sustained / melee burst seems to be 9.4k by I.O. so anything more than that is not gonna happen by default lol:D:D

  2. They really messed sorcs up. They hate them.

    well. it's not THAT bad really, but indeed we need some +200 DPS to match up with at least engi lol. ... and fix to deathstack||force suppression would be nice. kinda tired of them being eaten by other sorcs and sins lol.

    but for sure the defensive utilities for cloud mind and unnatural preservation have and any other defensive u can find are not more or less a must or u shall melt super fast. :D:D

  3. *snip*

    BW would be stupid to buff you again, if they knew that with some of the other class changes they were going to make that would leave Madness exactly where it should be when compared to other classes that have been adjusted subsequently to the madness buff that are on the way in 5.4.


    I hope lightning gets some buffs. They deserve it. I hope it's a big buff at that.


    1) u say that madness can't be buffed again because it just got buffed. well in the same light viru just got nerfed... and oh hei, even if they do changes to the disciplines beside viru that'll leave madness even further down the pipe lol. because really. if I.O. & engi were some 100-200 ahead i doubt anyone would object they do have a tighter rotation and energy management, sure they deserve a bit extra love. but not to the point of 350+ that's getting a bit much.

    a lot of people are saying that madness doesn't deserve a bigger buff cause it's apparently more mobile. do they even even play the class at all? i mean, hei i might be doing something wrong. and indeed the only thing i need to channel is force lightning... but hei newsflash if i'm forced to stop and move, i'll not get the necessary 4 stacks and will have to channel it again once i'm positioned and such breaks are very unforgiving. As result most of the fight i have to camp in the same spot and not move at all for optimal dps outcome.... oh and be able to dot spread. aaand since not many fights will actually LET me stay still and certainly not all of them have adds... well.... bye bye good dps. by all means, i'm not the best sorc ever, i barely manage 9k. but still... that's a optimal rotation... on a dummy.

    anyway, i got off point, they won't be able to fix the difference between madness and virulence without either a) buffing madness or b) nerfing virulence even more. now i don't know about you, and i certainly have no clue what goes on in their brains... but i rather get a buff than see a spec nerfed twice in a month


    2) and again about TK / lightning.... it's ranged burst spec that is supposed to do target dps - 5% , same as arsenal marksman. they won't buff lightning when they just nerfed arsenal to match it.

  4. His name in Hoppi, he users the forums as well, you almost certainly have seen his posts in the sorc forum and sorc related threads. he out DPSs maras, Operatives, Assys and every other class and spec in the game as a DPS sorc. I have never even once seen him get out DPSed by anyone. If he is in the match, the best I can hope for is 2nd place.


    Why you are under the impression that every spec in a category is supposed to do the same exact DPS is cannot fathom. Where exactly did they say that the DPS out put is exactly the same for all specs in a category? When has that ever been the case?


    The day sorc DPS has the same baseline DPS as a Marauder, I'll quit the game.


    Btw- Madness has higher DPS output than Lightning does.


    1) according to the devs: lightning is SUPPOSED TO do 5% LESS than madness;

    2) virulence is stated to do 2.5% less than target DPS.... while madness is apprently AT raget DPS, so yes it's kinda supposed to do 2.5% LESS than madness. (and when i say madness i mean ALL the melee burst & ranged sustained specs)

    3) no, i don't expect all those disciplines to do the EXACT same numbers, and a difference of 100-200 is perfectly okay.... but 400-500 is way overkill. :D:D:D

  5. I did five parses. They were approximately 8950, 9170, 9150, 9100, and 9040. I did terminate two other parses early because of lag spikes so I didn't include them. I'm also missing about 2/3 of my mastery datacrons, so I assume I'm losing about 25-30 dps from that. I did get okay crits: 41-42 percent on all but the 8950 parse, and a high 44 percent crit but very poorly played 9100 parse. The average parse would probably be closer to 9000 than 9100. A competent min-maxed player with datacrons should be averaging at least 9k on a dummy once they nail down the use of rapid shots (e.g. rapid shots before blazing bolts if it procs supercharge and RS/HSM are still on cd).


    The point I was making is that, because of the surge nerf, a lot of the variance was removed from arsenal's performance on a dummy. Both sorc specs seem to have more variance.


    indeed. i'm by far not the best sorc around lol. and lol i think my max is like... 8.9k but the dps can be anywhere between 8.6 and 9 (for me at least atm) based on relic procs, overall crit & lag. :D:D:D

  6. death mark gets eaten only but other sorc's effect, so say a lightning sorc is there, he can eat your charge, and if another madness sorc is there as well, I do believe each of your dot will reduce the charges of deathmark on both stack by 1 without significant damage boost other than the initial 15%.


    But thats mostly about bug fixing not changing a "working as intended" part of a spec that is proving to be unbalanced.

    in fact i believe hatred assassin dots also eat them :eek::eek: come on bioware, if u chose this for buff, at least FIX it to work right lol =)

    P.S.: can we please, please PRETTY PLEASE know what the target DPS actually is???:D:D:D

  7. Doesn't stop you does it?


    I'll post wherever the hell I want. You got problem with that, do something.


    I'll tell you what I, and many other people see. You calling for nerfs on everyone but yourself. That's what I see and that's why your *** O. I'm the guy who was speaking out in favor or Sorcs getting some love until you and some of your pals decided the best way to improve your lot was at the expense of everyone else whether or not they deserved it.


    Not only, are you calling for everyone around you to get nerfed, not only are you asking for a buff, you are your cronies want a second buff already, and you want lightning spec to get nerfed, when they are in a worser position than you are. You have the balls to ask for burst damage while asking for nerfs from the burst spec.


    Sustained specs shouldn't have high burst. Lightning should.


    Your so selfish in your attempts, you wanna step on your own people to do it.


    I hate to break it to you, but Sorcs are never going to be top tier DPS in this game.


    But keep on trying to win support for your cause by trying to rip everyone else down. Lets see how good that works of for you.


    They may very well rip melee apart, but even if they do, the same melee classes that have higher DPS than you do now, still will have higher DPS than you.


    The fact is, as bad a situation as sorc DPS legimately is in in some cases. I know a few Sorc DPS on the shadowlands who will out DPS every mara, assy, a merc that comes along. The potential is there. You're just not as good as they are. It isn't all about the class and numbers, it's just as much about the people that pay them. There is one of them that out DPSes everyone almost every single time, and great players at that.


    But Keep dreaming you'll do more rDPS than Snipers specs will.


    okay dude. calm down a little would you? it's sometimes really entertaining watching people blow up like this on forums, really. but most of the time it's even kind of sad. We're ALL entitled to have an opinion. And no, i for one would rather they get madness up on par with the disciplines they themselves stated it should do comparable numbers with.

    I mean really, what's wrong with us wanting to do more dps than a viru sniper??:eek::eek:

    BioWare themselves said that: Concealment, AP, Rage, Deception, Engineering, I.O., Carnage & Madness - the melee burst & ranged sustained. should all be AT TARGET DPS. While virulence should be doing target DPS -2.5%.

    Now do I want them to nerf everything else so we can look good at their expense? HELL NO.

    But that IS indeed the track record for 5.3 instead of giving madness a good buff, they decided to nerf arsenal, engi, I.O. and viru. so really, while i'd love it to be balanced out through buffs a small part of me is suspecting they might not go that way. :(

    At the end of the day we do not actually know what the target DPS is, so we don't really know how close / far off we actually are of course and true, we don't have as much data available as our devs obviously.

    If you say your friends are so awesome at madness sorc.... maybe they should upload some parses... or better yet write the dulfy guide for the spec? we would love to have a up-to-date one for sure :p:D

  8. It's not fun to play anymore after how bioware treats sorcs! Viru Sniper dps has to be below Madness sorc according to ur *How Balance Happens* post? Look at Madness now? Still one of the worst dps in the game. Even lightning is better than madness and it's rDPS Burst class! Give us a buff before 5.4 people can't wait no more!


    much this. we do NOT want to be the next FOTM class, but really. if u say that viru is target dps -2.5% then.... shouldn't madness, i.o. engi, deception, rage, concealment, carnage & A.P. ALL do 2.5% more than viru? 0.o i don't mean that we want u to nerf more classes, but do bring engi & madness up to I.O. lvl lol:D:D

  9. Yeap.. Sorcs dps is around 9,2k.. When I saw my 9,4k I was like "lol what a lucky crit"... I am just so tired of people who say that sorcs are fine. They don't understand that "fine" is not enough. We, Sorcs, want our class to be in the same category with Snipers. Madness sorc is a sustained dps class and its DPS is below rDPS Burst and even Virulence.

    my best so far is 8.9k lol. and i just can't figure out *** i'm doing wrong LOL.:D:D

  10. I am agreed mate. Bioware have to do something with it cuz look at starparse leaderboards its still underperforming. Madness should be in same posstion with IO, engi, viru or around not five hundred below. and I know what i am saying. sorcs can only count on luck this days. yes its better when it was in 5.2 but still we need one more small buff. look at my parse http://parsely.io/parser/view/300235/0 I wasted whole day to reach this numbers. I think maybe. mayybee madness can do little bit more but never never reach the same level as snipers and mercs do


    well, according to their post, viru is supposed to be target -2.5% lol, and if we look at the table on parsely it's like #4 highest parsing lol. so yeah something def. needs done and not just about sorc. might u it's still not totally accurate data, but much better than some dude yelling "no madness needs no buff cause i was luck in a w/z and my enemy stood in a pile so it was easy to dot-spread lol" :D:D

  11. Seeing a host of threads from dps sorcs concerning the need of more buff for both dps sorcs specs i can't just ignore it (especially after seeing 4-8 whining threads about it which actually annoys). All dps sorcs arguments are based on parsley dumming, though it can't be an adequite source of information since many of them are using operation dummy which has its difference compared to warzone dummy (requires more accuracy for example to dps it correctly and other stat difference) and because we never know what are these sorcs using to get that parsley numbers or intensity of their dps (these guys may use low gear or low intensity during testing their dps on dummies). As a player who plays much on warzones, i can say that dps sorcs are doing pretty good now!


    Real warzone fights can't lie and showing us that dps sorc can be r1-3 dpsers depending on skill,team and other circumstances (like all the other classes actually):


    Bioware i hope you won't listen to subjective threads, and will test everything by yourself without making any new fotm class. This game have suffered enough from merc fotm and apparently will loose numerous subscribers when you make a new sorc fotm just due to many whining threads. Don't make another mistake with making new fotm, all classes must be balanced. Otherwise you will loose people very fast.


    aaaaaaand to counter this, i've used the stats page on parsely & compared it to the dps groupings and what they should do compared to the still unknown target DPS and turned out this way:


    P.S.: you know your thread is just as subjective as any other right? You might be lucky and have enemies cluster up in matches so you can have dot-spread all the time, but that's PvP and it isn't quite the same for raiding, especially HM & NiM raids.

  12. indeed, according to that virulence is supposed to be target dps - 2.5%........ and it's atm #4 highest spec. at least based on the limited parsely data. which means they either need to nerf that again, or buff up the melee burst / ranged sustained to actually do more than viru LOL.

    then again to begin with, dear Devs, can you please TELL us what hte target DPS is supposed to be????:D:D

  13. just saying, but i never have issues staying alive in ops unless the tank or healer are dead >.>

    if you mean in PvP... well... they seem to be in favor of their dear H2full. phase walk to a place the enemy won't spot u 1 sec later, heal up and go kill more thing. otherwise die and continue killing things.

  14. Yeap. We need bioware to fix deathmark issue and give us another small buff.


    We can't take this *** no more. Madness deserves a small buff. We have to fight for it. Please don't stop posting ur feedback on forums. We, Sorcerers, need all support we can get lol


    thing is, this feedback needs to be based on proof. not just statements of:

    -buff us more or we quit

    -we deserve more buff

    -this sucks, fix it

    and etc lol.

    that only sounds like whining and tends to be ignored.:D:D

  15. http://parsely.io/parser/view/298755/0. We, Madness Sorcs, can only do 9,6k if lucky enough

    Look at a sniper's parse in virulence http://parsely.io/parser/view/300031/0 both specs do 10k.

    http://parsely.io/parser/view/299424/0 even IO mercs can do 10k.

    Why Sorcerer Madness does only around 9,4k/ IO merc does 9,8/ Snipers do 10k


    P.S. My parse http://parsely.io/parser/view/300214/0


    Madness Sorcerer is still underperforming after 5.3 buff


    well.... u know.... i'm not sure lucky crit is what they base their class balance on. however both I.O. and viru still have issues with resource, while balance does not. so i suppose that's PART of the reason. but! more likely they might just not know how to buff it without making it too strong for PvP... or they might also have something in mind for utilities in august............. or actually i have no clue lol. but yes, i want at least 200-300dps buff lol:D:D this one was non-existent.... and fix them deathmark stacks finally lol

  16. It's basically even now with Lightning after the joke of a buff even on long sustained fights where you don't need to move lol, maybe +100 dps over lightning (unbugged of course) but not worth it considering tell me a fight even in PvE which is of challange where you don't have to move lol.


    So something is not right.

    Was in DP hm yesterday and switched up from spec to spec on the pulls to see what was happening.

    I would only play madness on add heavy boss fights in its current state over lightning if I had to choose. Even on a single target fight sustained where you just pew-pew (tyrans) lightning feels and is better.

    Don't know about +300 but it could use more love. Yeah as soon as you move you know you cannot channel or have to break Force Lightning which is a huge dps loss, considering it powers all your important abilities and you need it to keep up any decent dps. Then retstarting the whole engine to get the 4 wrath stacks ewe...so slow.


    i say +300 mainly because from what data is available, viru & I.O. average around 9.4k with madness average seemingly at 9k :D:D plus, they did say that lightning / arsenal / MM is supposed to do mysterious target DPS-5%

  17. Well, people like bringing up parsely data as a proff that this or that spec needs a look at. Of course many others are quick to shake the pitchfork with the 'it's only a minimal % of players that use that'.

    well then, how about we all (those that think that our chosen spec is not quite where it needs to be) take the bit of effort and actually upload them parses, not just those that got a very good one they want to show off. that way the statistics on parsely might be a bit closer to the actual situation. because really, saying that this spec is no good based on data provided by what.... 30-40 parses?

    if anyone got other ideas on how to gather said proof feel free to share lol . :D:D

  18. Its dps is not close to snipers. Madness is even worse than lightning. Bioware please read our feedback and give us another 5% buff. The class is underperforming


    no madness is NOT worse than lightning. the only thing worse than lightning are arsenal & marksmanship..... at least based on average parse data lol. but yes madness could use some +300 i think >.>

  19. Yeap. They should buff Madness even more because its dps is underperforming

    again, really depends on what you compare it to and what that comparison is based on lol. for example, the I.O. data so far. it received a nerf this time, and yet:

    Assault Specialist / Innovative Ordnance:

    500k dummy: max 10689.16 average 9404.62

    1.5 mil dummy: max 9988.25 average 9124.85

    2.5 mil dummy: max 9946.54 average 9477.75

    4 mil dummy: max 9679.25 average 9679.25

    also a ranged DoT spec (aka sustained), but unlike madness its' heat management is still very tight.

    I suppose BioWare logic is that you can't both have easy heat / force management AND do good DPS lol (again i'm just guessing).

    So the most complained about thing about madness was the force negativity. they chose to fix that over the deathmark stacks and the fact that their actual dps buff was pretty much a joke. Still, if you look only at the AVERAGE numbers, the difference between I.O. & madness is probably around in the 400-500 DPS bracket.

    of course that's only based on submitted dummy parses. we all know that it's very rare to be able to do the same dps on dummy and on boss, plus it's not like every player of this spec actually bothers to upload their parse, or even knows what the heck parsely even is lol :D:D

    P.S.: i would honestly prefer if the force was toned down a little and hte dps raised at least some 200-300 so it's actually not hard to keep ur force up and yet feel that yes BioWare actually gave us a buff. because +1% to DPS IS A JOKE!!!

  20. What kind of balance were u talking about when a Sorc DPS in madness can pull 9.6k on a 2.5mills dummy [http://parsely.io/parser/view/298755/0] ... isn't Sniper in Virulence has do be in Ranged Quasi-Sustained Damage Dealer (down to -2.5% of target DPS) group but it does 9.8k no problem and I am sure it can still pull 10k. Operatives are doing 11k. Engineering Sniper should be on the same level as Madness but it does 10k.


    Please buff sorcs more so it can pull 10k or nerf other classes even more. We don't have time to balance is as slow as u do... the game is losing a lot of players since 5.0

    what you want to look at htough is this, if you insist on using parsely data:


    Balance / Madness

    500k dummy: max 10274.83 average 9265.25

    1.5 mil dummy: max 9689.53 average 8806.91

    2.5 mil dummy: max 9640.16 average 9000.77

    4 mil dummy: max 9184.42 average 8734.02

    as u can see the difference between max possible and average is pretty big, though mind you, the statistics is build on the available data aka submitted parses, so it's not exactly 100% accurate.


    from the subjective data posted there it looks like lethality & watchman are the only two specs over 11k.... so something tells me it won't stay that way for very long. but yeah, at this point i'd rather see some extra buffs for the specs in the lower half to get them up a bit x.x

  21. It is still a priority system on madness but if you want the most "fool-proof" rotation (not optimal but effective and consistent) do this:


    Opener is:

    precast demolish->deathfield->(adrenals and buffs)->pol shift->affliction->creeping ter->leech->FL->LS->FL->LS-FL->Recklessness


    Main rotation:

    demolish->affliction->deathfield->leech->creeping terror->FL->LS->FL->FL->demolish (repeat the sequence until next pol shift window when you can repeat the opener basically)


    Note: always start casting/hitting keybind of your next ability after force leech in the middle of force leech animation.


    That will guarantee 100% dot uptime basically at the cost of reapplying dots a bit too early.


    Or you can develop a priority system for yourself where you have to memorize different variation and iterations of each demolish/deathfield sequence.


    will try that opener for sure lol, because so far mostly i see opener like this on most parses:


    17:03:59.308 Polarity Shift

    17:03:59.542 Creeping Terror

    17:03:59.863 Unlimited Power

    17:04:00.775 Affliction

    17:04:00.776 Advanced Polybiotic Attack Adrenal

    17:04:01.062 Recklessness

    17:04:01.974 Death Field

    17:04:03.161 Force Leech

    17:04:04.390 Force Lightning

    17:04:06.068 Lightning Strike

    17:04:06.962 Force Lightning

    17:04:08.567 Lightning Strike

    17:04:09.467 Force Lightning

    17:04:11.277 Force Lightning


    another thing. does lightning strike actually do more damage than a full force lightning ? and do i clip said lightning if deathfield comes off-cd 1/3 or 1/2 into the channel?

    and will do on the hitting next ability after leech in mid cast, thanks for tip >.<

  22. sigh, ok so now i can bubble people in raid if we don't have a sorc healer without running out of force...... but with bubble nerfed not sure it's really that worth it lol.

    as far as dps. well. so far i've managed this:


    and that seems like a lucky one htough, generally end up in the 8.6-8.7 area =(

    and outside of bad APM (which i really odn' think i can press buttons any faster tbh) i honestly have no clue what else i can improve here. clearly something... no clue what though:confused:

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