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Everything posted by ziphii

  1. Holy necro, batman! You resurrected it to add that?
  2. I agree, people should not be able to have names that harass others. Disabilities are just as serious as racial or gender-based differences. For many people with disabilities, an online game like this is their outlet to pretend for a while that everything is different. A place where their character can move freely, participate fully in actions and conversations, and forget about the difficulties for awhile. This derogatory name referring to autism is not acceptable and should be changed. And for those of you who say to get thicker skin, that's good advice, sure. But why not also ask people not to be jerks? Can't we at least try for both?
  3. QFT! Report away! Although I have to say, I am rarely paying that much attention to general chat as I'm usually fighting or listening to a cut scene convo. Still a new player, here. But if they respond to reports of rude, unacceptable behavior, then it is our responsibility to report people who break the rules. Assuming they do respond to reports.
  4. Might want to post this on the server forums... Although doesn't BW/EA have rules that you can't call someone out by name in the forums? I thought someone else said they did have that rule. Because really, you could just be mad at the guy and want to hurt his crafting business. We don't know. That's why reporting him was the correct response. Hopefully in your report, you mentioned your missing mats; they should give you those back.
  5. ziphii


    Although it's true that people should be strong enough to fight off an alien attack... I have a hard time understanding why some people's first reaction to a complaint like this is to turn it back on the person complaining. How hard is it not to use offensive language? Maybe people who have to tell people to blank their blank every time they lose in pvp should be the ones to "sack up." I don't understand why some people respond to the "hurt feelings" of another person by telling them to suck it up. Do you beat up old ladies too?
  6. Oh I dunno... I've died from falling down elevator shafts, getting swarmed by 2 groups at once, some elite (gold star) npcs. I am not a complete idiot, but I probably don't use all my skills to the best of efficiency. I use several main ones all the time, and forget what the rest of them do. Especially if I haven't played that alt in a while. I don't think people are idiots if they get killed playing, but I don't think leveling is hard, either. About what I expected, I would say...
  7. I think the idea of this thread was to encourage people to report harassing behavior so as to improve the climate for everyone. Not just complaining for the sake of complaining but to lobby for people to use the tools already available to us to make the worlds of SW:TOR a better place. Why so quick to report a post?
  8. I was not aware the bonus missions counted! That seems like an easy fix to reduce the problem. I thought you guys were talking about the planet bonus missions, but they shouldn't count the additional missions you get that are "part" of another mission. Good grief!
  9. That would be nice to add a branching option to leveling at that level. Also, it would be nice if people were more interactive, but I think it's a combination of jerks who don't care about the other people in the group, and people who have burned by such. I still love this game a lot, and will be paying for a sub for a while to come.
  10. There might be individual cases where that is true, but especially when talking about kids, I think we need to solve this issue. People do not need to feel threatened in order for others to have their freedom. Also, many people who are bullied have problems. That's how they get noticed in the first place. Maybe they don't have a supportive family. Maybe they have physical limitations, or mental or emotional issues. They often lack the ability to "get over it." Bullying serves no valuable purpose, and causes harm to people. So let's end it.
  11. Balmorra is so hard to get around on with all those cliffs. I'll take wreckage and swamps over cliffs with elevators that are impossible to find any day.
  12. I hardly ever visit fleet, so I wasn't really thinking of that as architecture. More like the difference between coruscant and dromund kass.
  13. I have to agree with the OP. It would be nice to be able to see what previous sellers offered, for those times when there isn't another of the same item on sale right now. It would be nice if it would automatically enter in the name of whatever you drag into the sell window to the buy window to ease your search. Also, would be nice if we could sort by price per item, instead of total stack price. I wouldn't call it HORRIBLE, but it could stand some improvements.
  14. I wish more of the citizens on the city worlds would get a glimpse of the sky every once in a while, but I guess if that's how they want to live. Also, how come we never get to visit people in safe areas of Coruscant that support or don't the senate? That would be fun to see how the rest of the world lives.
  15. Am I the only one who thinks the republic is much better at building things than the empire? Everything black and red with the imps, and nothing pleasing to the eye. No soaring senate building. I dunno. I haven't been everywhere yet, but it seems if I was a citizen, I'd prefer the republic just for aesthetic reasons.
  16. I like Aric although so far I keep out MX-41 (?) the most. I can't really imagine romancing a companion, especially on my team (seems to much like romance at work), so I guess he will have to live on alone. I would like to see more about T7 for the knight. I like him alot.
  17. Just want to reply and say I concur. Make it so and all that.
  18. I definitely wish there was more interaction, more quests, and an option to kick someone out. The companions are really a fulfilling part of this game, but there's more I would like to see.
  19. Can you explain what a "Moff" is?
  20. What does "slagging" mean? To the OP, people always find things to complain about, but most people aren't here on the forums, they are playing the game and having a blast.
  21. I am terrible at jumping... this I know. You wouldn't believe how many times I just didn't do instances in That Other Game because I knew I couldn't do the jumping. I enjoy finding datacrons and doing the exploring, but the jumping, falling, trying again thing really aggravates me too. Can't they make the jumping more intuitive, and less buggy?
  22. I like Taris a whole lot more than Balmorra! Good grief the quests on that planet are awful. I haven't been to very many planets yet, my highest character is 25, but Taris is interesting. Sure, there's a lot of running around, but I don't even think there are too many rakghouls. I mean, they have been reproducing without a predator for 300 years!
  23. Just like to counter what you say here about casuals. I have played wow for 7 years, and I'm about as casual as you can get on that game. 45 alts, no toon at max level, no raiding, no pvp titles. I plat forever because I'm casual. I like exploring; I like running alts. This really doesn't have that much to do with what they should do for the game, but I don't think the problem is casuals. OT, I think the game is great and getting better. As long as they keep putting out new content, I think there is hope.
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