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Everything posted by ziphii

  1. wait wait wat Are you telling me I could take my cartel coins I got for being a subscriber, buy one of these packs... DON'T OPEN IT, and I can sell it for 500k? BRB
  2. Thank you very much for that overview. That really helped a lot!
  3. Now I suddenly have to figure out a last name for all my characters. And is there somewhere that explains how legacy works? Thanks!
  4. Sure, why not? Does it impact your gaming? Or is online gaming a way you can deal with your tourettes?
  5. I can't figure out how to get a speeder in the first place. I have a level 20 character, but still don't see anywhere to learn or buy one. And I see people using them all over, so I must be missing something.
  6. This week I've been having really bad back pain. Taking time off of work and everything. At least my hands don't hurt too bad, so I can still play. I need the relaxation of video games to help take my mind off of things. Glad to know you all are here.
  7. I don't know that I would say this is the best MMO ever, but I am really enjoying it. I like that I can be a bad guy or a good guy. I've never been a big fan of end game, so if it's lackluster in this game, it won't affect me.
  8. This is think is something that people are frustrated about. When the majority of player feedback goes one direction, and the game takes off in the opposite direction. People feel like why bother giving feedback if you're not listening?
  9. Personally, it's not the communication that happens during events, or even quests. It's when people are just chatting in general. You know they're not going anywhere or doing anything else. At least you can surmise it somewhat...
  10. Nope, I'd just ignore what you're saying. No biggie, probably
  11. Even as it becomes less and less popular, I continue to think that how you present yourself in text reflects on who you are and what you value. I've made typos trying to type something fast, but there are choices to use text speak or not to even bother to try to spell things right, it makes me think you probably take other shortcuts, or else you really are illiterate. If you really are illiterate, then I guess that's a sadder situation.
  12. Just want to add my 2 cents. Agreed that PVE means we should have the ability to permanently turn off pvp flag. Don't flag me for PVP against my will.
  13. Wow, you guys! Nice to have you. My back has been acting up lately, so I'm on leave from work. Having this game is a way to interact with the "world" in a way I can't anymore. I don't have any social anxieties to speak of, but I like the way we can control who and when we interact with people. That sentence was awful, but I hope you know what I mean.
  14. I agree with OP. A month into playing and I'm having a ball. People having fun and enjoying the game are generally not the ones trolling the forums.
  15. Well, apparently most of the people who game that have disabilities are apparently not playing SWTOR or are not checking in on the forums at least. Maybe more will see this as time goes on though...
  16. I have to say, as a lady in real life, the characters in this game have huge bottoms! Is that what you call them in polite company? I mean, how can they walk like that?
  17. There's a thread like this on the wow servers, so I thought I'd see if things are similar here. To start things off, I have fibromyalgia and low back problems (bulging disk and sciatica) and being able to game really helps me stay sane. Sometimes the pain is very isolating, but I don't have to keep up with people physically online, and that lets me do things online in games that I can't do in real life anymore. Anyone else here dealing with *any* disability? How does SWTOR help or how have you adjusted your gameplay (UI, HW?) to make it better for you? Maybe you'll help someone else out there who suffers.
  18. Did anyone else look through this forum to see if there might already be a thread that would relate to them? So many areas have 3 or more different threads, including where I'm from, Minnesota. Don't we want everyone consolidated on one list?
  19. Dilworth here. Just started playing 2 weeks ago. If you're wondering, Dilworth is just outside Fargo, ND
  20. I vote yes as well. How is this not done yet?
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