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Everything posted by Gungan

  1. Lazy design is not an excuse. It isn't at my work, it shouldn't be at theirs. A little forethought would be saving them lots of customer service work. Plus that. However, the CS person responded very quickly to my ticket and reset the name for me to reassign again within minutes. So props to that. Now I can rename the character again, but it won't let me release the name of the one whose name I want to change because again, it goes in goddamn alphabetical order.
  2. Just in case you're transferring and you lose multiple characters' names... don't assume BioWare used any kind of common sense to create the rename function. Instead of asking you to rename the characters one at a time based on the order in which you select to rename them, it throws them all at you back to back. Since the only character whose new name I had picked was not "the first on the list" according to whatever criterion BioWare picked, I gave the new name to the wrong damned character. Do BioWare devs not think at all about how a player would react to a new UI item at all? Do you not go over your designs and think how a user might interact with it, and what could possibly go wrong there? What if I don't want to give all my characters new names right away? Christ, I spend hours at work thinking up exactly these types of scenarios when designed interfaces to make sure it functions as closely as possible to what a user expects it to do. So now it's time for a ticket, and this gratuitous warning to everyone else who is transferring.
  3. Not really a guarantee that they won't cram more origin servers in em tomorrow. Plus I just reserved my names on every Standard+ PVE server in NA and didn't lose any of the ones I really care about.
  4. I don't see any servers that say "Full" yet.
  5. Went to every PVE server Standard or higher, including existing destination servers and reserved 8 names on every single one of them... Fortunately I only lost 1 per server max, and never my mains from either faction, so I'm mostly satisfied. Now they're going to make a new destination server for me making this effort ultimately pointless I'm sure... but at least I'll have first shot at any as yet unnanounced destination server.
  6. My character names are not references from any pop culture. They're just names I really like and have used for dozens of years in diffierent situations.
  7. They don't own names. If they did, they would own my characters in WoW... and they do not. Proper names are not a trademark.
  8. GDI. I'm going to lose all my names because my server still hasn't been specified.
  9. Yeah, cuz I wanna friggin' alt code every time I type my name or my friends do.
  10. By the time my damned server is posted for transfers all my character names will be taken on my destination server for sure given that they are now funnelling people into a handful of specific destination servers. Now I'm getting really annoyed.
  11. By the time my damned server is posted for transfers all my character names will be taken on my destination server for sure given that they are now funnelling people into a handful of specific destination servers. Now I'm getting really annoyed.
  12. Seriously. I wondered this back when WoW did it, and I can't understand why BioWare did it. I abhor dailies of any kind.
  13. I really don't even want to see more planets at this point. I want content that happens in space. Low gravity asteroid mining facilities or space stations. Capital ships, and so on. So sick of Star Wars without space content.
  14. Smart money is on no. If your origin and destination servers don't get matched, you will be paying for transfers, despite other recent MMOs providing that service for free.
  15. Gungan


    I don't really get your comment... but exactly how many of your companions had side missions in which you could actually participate instead of watching the screen black out while they went off to solo it? Most of them are pretty one dimensional too. In any case, it would be super interesting if he were a new type of companion that doesn't exist yet from a skills/gameplay perspective. We have the ranged tank, the ranged dps, melee tank, melee dps, and healer archetypes. If he added new archetype for some new gameplay he'd be interesting. However, right now I can't see BioWare doing that at all, because they will once again fall back on their story pillar, while completely ignoring the ones that make or break a game. "Films are great. I love me a good movie... [but] why spend so much effort trying to make your game exactly like a movie when you could be making a great game instead." - Extra Credits
  16. Gungan


    Just another generic archetype companion that is probably as poorly fleshed out as the rest of them.
  17. It's obvious. The will close servers that don't maintain stable or growing populations within the desired range.
  18. I was thinking of the bug that respawns you in the second room if you're on offense but the first room hasn't been breached yet.
  19. Maybe like a 6. Whoever is frapsing needs a better computer.
  20. When they said "this process will be gradual" I expected 20 source servers with 4 destination servers per day. That would give them a week roughly to fully complete transfers.
  21. Only 4 origin servers? Really? They need to pump like 5 origin servers into 1 destination server to get any kind of decent population on any given server and they do 4 origins and 4 destinations? Amateurs.
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