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Everything posted by Gungan

  1. I don't know of any MMO since 1999 that has allowed multi-boxing on the same account. WoW doesn't do it. City of Heroes doesn't do it. Age of Conan doesn't do it. STO doesn't do it. Secret World doesn't do it. Tera doesn't do it. WAR doesn't do it. Even F2P MMOs require you to create multiple accounts. A lot of MUDs didn't even allow it. I have never even heard of Wizard 101 in all that time.
  2. Aug stations are in the crew skils area of both fleets.
  3. What are you talking about. There are 2 aug stations in the fleet in the Crew Skills area.
  4. It is fine for regs but you may not find groups very quickly because few people still do regs.
  5. BS to the OP and anyone who blames the tool. Last night I queued into a Lost Island where 2 of the people including the healer had never done it before. I simply explained the boss fights and it was the fastest clear of LI I have ever done. No wipes (except when sav rak bugged and the fire pillars did not fire).
  6. Quit using infancy as an argument. It is 6 months old. That is already the lifetime of 6 single player games. At 1 year, an MMO is matured. 6 months is at best the rebellious teen years.
  7. Just because you made the kits doesnt make the cost any lower. You paid the current market rate for the kits you used instead if sold with a net loss of about 100k credits per kit.
  8. Only the war hero and campaign sets have been their set bonuses on the armoring instead of the shell. This will be the new system going forward but is not backwards compatible with previous sets.
  9. That is because story mode is easy. It is no more difficult than False Emperor.
  10. That is about right. Augment mats are 4x as expensive as 4 weeks ago, and augments themselves have only gotten 2x more expensive. Anyone who is doing the math should be able to see that profit margins on augs have gone down, not up.
  11. You are wrong OP. The price of augments has been steadily increasing since 1.2 came out and shows no sign of coming back down. I do not know anybody who can make a profit on an aug if they sell for less than 120k. That is the break even point right now. Too many augment needed, and not nearly enough augment crafting mats, which all come from slicing.
  12. Even before 1.3, like a month ago. I remember buying neural augmentors at 10k a pop. I could sell augs for well under 100k and make a healthy profit. Then suddenly the next week all of the neural augmentors were going for 2x the price for absolutely no reason. There was no new patch, they just gouged more, and I couldn't sell the augs anymore because they cost too much too make, and the demand was pretty low for them. Now we're double again. Who out there is actually paying 150k for an aug (the current cost of materials)? Really?
  13. Seems like their "fix" to the bug where all augment slots disappeared on the PTS.
  14. Seriously. I spent nearly a million credits last night just augmenting and moving mods. You can't make that much money that fast without spending hours doing dailies in this game anyways. Also, thank you slicers for making the price of mats needed to craft augs 4x what they were 2 months ago. It makes the price of augs even more prohibitvely higher if any profit is to be made. Hey BioWare, way to make every crafter of augs (3 different professions already requiring 2 specific gather skills) dependent on materials that only come from one source (slicing).
  15. Yep. Crit crafting stuff is broken. Critted augment slots appear to be MK-1's or something, not the MK-6's that are required to install level 49+ augments. I took a purple mod out of a critted Veracity implant made about 4 months ago so I could use it on my new one. I was going to put a blue implant back into the Veracity one before giving it to my companion but it wouldn't allow it. I had a full set of BM trooper armor auged prior to 1.3, and none of it will take 49+ augs, so I RE'd it all for the mats. It appears that right now you must use an aug kit if you want to actually be able to apply level appropriate augments(augments inserted prior to 1.3 seem to work unless you take them out).
  16. Have you not heard? Rolling alts is the solo endgame.
  17. It is too expensive to rip mods out of every piece of gear (why does it cost anything at all?), as well as losing the set bonuses. I crafted myself a complete set of augmented battlemaster trooper gear to transfer all mu Columi augments to, but now they are adding aug tables. So it will be cheaper for me to use that now. I dont like the Columi helm though so I want to use an orange, but I cant because I will lose my 4 piece bonus since I only have 4 pieces. I wanted to see how BM helm will look with Columi set so I tried matching color to chest and it did absolutely nothing. Red and black helm with white chest. Brilliant goddamn feature BioWare. Matching to chest is completely worthless.
  18. Still a handful missing Mr. Semantics. I'd hardly call them Hard Mode though.. Just a level 50 version.
  19. So why did they make a hard mode Esseles/BT, but no hard modes for anything else before D7? How did that logic go I wonder?
  20. And then 7/8 classes cannot even access the content you just spent all that time adding it to the game.
  21. Bothawui, Dac, Sullust, Bespin, Duros, Kessel, Dathomir, Dantooine, Yavin (would be awesome in this era)... quite frankly anything that is already in existing lore. I don't want to see any new planets invented by BioWare. Ilum is such a waste of space.
  22. Apparently BioWare doesn't think this is a good MMO feature for their stories.
  23. You didn't miss anything. It's just a Champion that drops an extra piece of loot you would probably out grow in about 2 hours. Lots of them sprinkled around like that.
  24. Yes, there were several things about the transfer done poorly, but they told everyone in advance that their names would automatically reset if it was already taken on the destination server. There was a FAQ about it on the transfer page. "Cadfael" was transferred. Everything about him except his name is still the same. If they told you "IKSJGOWKHNQOZPODIG" was transferred would you have had any idea what the heck they were talking about? No.
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