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Everything posted by JaeOnasi

  1. My hubby does the laundry, I cook and clean the toilets (not at the same time!), and we game together with our kids--everything from Mouse Trap to D&D to Pokemon (gotta catch 'em all!) to Rock Band to TOR. I got asked by my son's friends (guys) to play Rock Band with _them_, and they just thought it was the coolest thing in the world when I did a few songs with them. I suspect the homemade popcorn (not the microwave crap) added to the Cool Factor . Considering I've NEVER been cool a day in my entire life, being an utterly Geeky Person, this was a novel event. As for male or female toons--I play both in RPGs because the stories are sometimes different. Usually I play a female main, but on the server I'm on now, my male Consular ended up being the main. It helps that he's a terribly cute pretty boy to look at with chiseled pects that danced with dorky grace in our guild nekkid conga line through the fleet station a couple weeks back. My smuggler ended up being male because I liked his voice better than the female voice, and the voice actor delivered those snappy one-liners just perfectly. My trooper is female because Jennifer Hale is made of Win and Awesome. I'll agree that in a lot of games the female models look a lot better than male models, and the female armor generally looks a lot better, too. In Guild Wars, you couldn't pay me to play a male necromancer because they're so gawdawfully ugly that Death doesn't even want them. BioWare at least took the time to make a number of the male models and armor look good. I'm enjoying my buff males. If you see a bunch of nekkid people running around the Sith Wyrm server on a Friday night, it's probably my guild, and one of the Consulars is probably my toon....
  2. Hey--I think the thread is fun! Other facts about female gamers: 1. Unless we're allergic or get migraines, yes, we do eat chocolate. Or drink chocolate. Or put creme de cacao in our rum-laced coffee. 2. Kittens, puppies, tiny birds, salamanders, and tree frogs are all cute. 3. We make geometric proofs about chocolate: Dirt is brown. Chocolate is brown. Dirt has no calories, Therefore, chocolate has no calories.
  3. I'm happy if people treat me like another gamer. I'm not sure what women are 'expecting' in game--or guys for that matter--but I expect to play the game and have a lot of fun, regardless of the gender on the other side of the monitor. I don't generally tell someone I'm female because it honestly doesn't matter to me whether the gamer is male or female--as long as everyone games respectfully and has a good time, that's the important thing. It's not that I'm hiding it, it just never occurs to me to say "hey, I'm FEMALE!!" So I have 2 X chromosomes. Big fat hairy deal.
  4. I'm a doctor, I'm a mom, which, by kinda by default, makes me female. I game with my hubby and my kids. I've been gaming since my dad brought home the Magnavox Odyssey and taped the Haunted House overlay to our TV so we could game together. 1. I can be serious, I can get ticked off at stupidity, I can cry, and I can laugh. Mostly I enjoy laughing. I can stick lightsabers through your toon with my Shadow like no one's business, and I can fry you with my Inquisitor, and I'll enjoy it when you face plant on the ground in front of me. I will not taunt your dead body, however, because that's rude. I'm a polite toon killer. 2. I ignore idiots who hit on my female toons because it's just stupid. I don't care if the person behind the other toon is male or female, it's still silly. I play male and female toons because BioWare makes the dialog options different for each gender, and I want to see as many of the stories as possible. 3. I have seen some males say in chat that they don't think females game. They obviously have never been around female gamers. This is too bad for them. 4. I get annoyed at the one-sided semi-nakedness in game. If devs are going to make women half-naked in game, they should give us gals half-naked men to enjoy, too. I'd also appreciate full clothing for both genders. I don't like looking at T&A all the time. 5. Women have bewbies. We gals know this, generally having two of them. In some games, the devs make bewbies so big they need crutches to hold them up. We don't need bewbies that big. Regular sized works just fine. In real life most are not that big, and most of us still don't appreciate it if you stare at them impolitely hoping they'll wink at you or something. 6. I was playing a female toon in Star Trek Online, and she had a skirt on in a formal fleet outfit to celebrate a promotion of a fleet mate to Admiral. A guy laid his toon down in between the legs of my female toon to pretend to look up her skirt. I reported him for harassment, mostly because he was ruining the event for all of us by being stupid. Then I laughed because I knew there were no private part pixels for him to see. Just to be clear, laying down underneath a female toon a. looks really idiotic and b. really does not give you a view of private parts. Go look at an anatomy book instead if you really are dying to see what they look like.
  5. We're all on the Sith Wyrm server, Subedai. Come on over to TheOlderRepublic.com and we'll get you helped out.
  6. Will C2-N2 be fully functional in every way?
  7. I promise we don't play naked nearly as often as Overunity is making it out to be. Come on over to TheOlderRepublic.com, fill out the easy 'get to know a bit about you' application form, and we'll get you squared away with an invite. If you'd like to chat with us on the server, type in /cjoin Older, hit enter, and that'll put you into our channel. After that, feel free to ask questions or talk to one of us in game.
  8. His parents can always make an account, too. That's what I did with my kids. That also means as a parent I can keep an eye out to make sure their behavior is appropriate.
  9. Cue Edna Mode voice: "NO CAPES!!!" So did Freddie Mercury.
  10. We're over on the Sith Wyrm server. Feel free to join us there. We have our website at theolderrepublic.com, too.
  11. We have no time zone or region restrictions. Most of our members are North American, so a lot of the events are during the evenings North American time. We try to have events at other times on weekends to make them more EU friendly. The forums at http://www.theolderrepublic.com are open all the time, however!
  12. There is currently a quest chain to get the magenta adegan crystal, which is one of the crafting materials that an artificer needs to make the Magenta crystal in addition to the schematic. I did a write up on getting this crystal this past weekend.
  13. Come on over and join us. Hubby and I game together, too--it's a lot of fun!
  14. Missed this with work and a sick kid til now. WOOOHOOOO!!!!! *Jae does a happy dance*
  15. We have 2 factions--Older Republic and Imperial Walkers. People are welcome to be in one or both. We are far more Republic oriented at this time, with about 230 toons on Rep side with 30 or so on the Imp side. That's not by intent, it's just the way it's worked out so far.
  16. Come on down, just go to Sith Wyrm (US), type in /cjoin Older, then enter, and type us a mention. Our website is at olderrepublic.enjin.com .
  17. Worst online gaming experience: Having my Guild Wars game destroyed because someone hacked my NCSoft Master Account through an old (and now supposedly fixed) exploit. It only took the gold sellers a day or so to ravage my account. I was lucky enough that Guild Wars now has an account restoration tool so I was able to recover all my stuff. Don't buy from gold sellers. You're getting that gold from things they stole from other players.
  18. In our Older Republic guild on Sith Wyrm, we have a few folks in their early-mid 60's. Nearly everyone is over 40. Some of us started playing on the Magnavox Odyssey and haven't quit since.
  19. For my TORWars.com article this week, I shared a bit about our guild's PvP adventures and my 'first time' in SWTOR PvP. We had a very fun time. I died a lot, but I died well.
  20. How many spouse points did you lose with that one? Hubby and I solved the problem by gaming together.
  21. We have folks from all over on the forum and in the guild now, and it has grown exponentially--we're over 100 individuals strong now! We have folks on most of the day, and there's no reason why multiple events can't be organized to accommodate more time zones, if folks are willing to chip in some time and organize or host the events. We're on the Sith Wyrm (US) server, which is PvE East coast. If you'd like to join us, start a character there, then type "/cjoin older". Then hit enter, which will put you in our public guild channel. Type in a 'hello', and you'll get promptly inundated with people welcoming you and asking you things like 'what's the color of the net in Pong' or 'who are the paramedics in the show 'Emergency!'. We like to have fun being older.
  22. If you're 40 at heart or better, you should be OK. We've all lived through the emo teen years and the angsty 20's and don't feel like re-living it. We're looking to relax in our group, not deal with drama llamas. We also tend to share chats about jobs, families, aches and pains, and other 40+ stuff--if you're good with that, you'll be fine. However, I wanted to give you a heads up on it so you could make an informed decision! Also, I made a guild video for us so you can see our guildies in action. I'm not used to doing this yet, so you'll have to bear with me on any flaws. Here's the link:
  23. You know, we level up a lot faster when we have other old farts to do flashpoints and such with. I have 2 toons I'm working on right now with the rest of our elders.
  24. Come on in and join. 40 is just fine. 36 is close enough if you don't mind us calling you a youngling. Our website is at olderrepublic.enjin.com.
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