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Everything posted by DarrelK

  1. http://prntscr.com/7xkl66 Just queue while you have 2018 expertise, then remove gear. Or remove it in match. It's just a check when you queue.
  2. We should not be forced to play stupid regs nonstop to provide comms for consumables and alts, though. The change is not thought-through.
  3. +1 I don't want to have to grind terribad regs if I want to gear my 2 dozen alts. I used to play enough ranked on my main 2-3 toons to gear up all alts. Now with "legal" comm transfer, there is absolutely no reason not to be able to grind comms in ranked on your mains, to gear up alts. Medpacks/Adrenals I'm not overly concerned about, but yes it is an issue, too
  4. People saying mara is weak in yolo, lol kappa.... P.S. About the best anti-cc.. I suggest looking at a spec that has complete immunity for 3 seconds every 10 seconds or a spec with the 6 seconds cc immunity each 18 seconds. Tip: not assassin. Melees are definitely not in a weak spot. About maras - play ez mode smash if you are bad at the class like me and don't whine about retarded stuff.
  5. I think it is about time we get Duo Queue in ranked. Solo should be Solo/Duo Queue. There are literally no drawbacks to this, if implemented correctly, with the appropriate rating weight and matchmaking, in a similar way to the one implemented in League of Legends, for example (imo it's an example of a good solo/duo queue system). The only serious difference is that League is 5v5, SWTOR ranked is 4v4. And it's not impossible to fix/change... or heck, it's not even such a big deal. Fixing 40% or 50% of your team isn't much of a difference. This would also probably eliminate "queue syncing." I'm pretty sure it would lead to more people queuing for ranked, for various reasons.
  6. Nice guide Krea. Basically I would only disagree with some of the 1v1 ratings, like the jugg one - this matchup is nowhere near hard as dot spec. You can facetank their damage and still win. Sin dcds OP
  7. Idk if you people even play the same spec. Smash is very good. Won't call it OP, but that's only because it can't match Hatred dps. Very high survivability and uptime otherwise, feels much less cancerous to play than before. I kind of enjoyed playing smash sentinel for the first time (excluding leveling - favourite leveling spec, definitely) since like.. I don't know, the smash nerf? or maybe 3.0, because I actually liked it on PTS but alas, on live it was much worse..
  8. Wins with DWI? Who were the 3/4 random pugs who carried?
  9. DarrelK

    1350 - 1624

    What is an indicator for skill in this game, if rating is a joke (because you don't have it)? 1v1s, where concealment operatives will always win? Team ranked, the realm of wintrading? Regs, because regstarring is definitely more serious than solo ranked? I'm just curious. So many people say ratings don't matter, but what does then? I would really like to know.
  10. I like how you think you deserve participation rewards. If you have under 50% winrate you don't deserve ****. Class excuses are 1) stupid, 2) all your fault. PvP is about stacking the advantages in your favor. Reroll if you can't manage with a merc. Some manage. There are mercs over 2k even. P.S. Atm I'm busy gearing some other toons, but soon I might spend some time getting my merc from 55 to 60 and if I gear it before the end of the season, might give you the fraps you want...
  11. Give me a break.. Are you people seriously crying about 1350 being too high?!?! Like, guys, 7/3 initial games and you are done. Or, gasp, play 10 more games if you get a 5/5 start, if unlucky or something.
  12. So, after last patch, now shadows also have the glorified 10 minute, persisting through arena rounds, laggy as f phasewalk that assassins have had since 3.0. I believe everyone notices that it is much slower than the old phase walk - which is really really annoying. I ended up dying a couple of times right after patch, simply because I couldn't time it properly anymore (I tend to keep phase walk for when I'm like 1% hp). And of course, the number of times I wasted it in the second round, trying to plant it - surprise, surprise, it is still up. Do you guys agree with me that we don't care about the longer duration on phase walk and want our old, working one back? Or at least speed it up and reset it when an arena round ends.
  13. DarrelK

    Biggest Hit

    Legit 21k hit some guy on TRE did. It is likely there are higher possible hits. 30k is bs though. http://i.imgur.com/nbNLY8Q.jpg
  14. In 2.10 it WAS balanced... Because it was easy to kill. And was the reason why so many smashers popped up to counter it.
  15. DarrelK

    Phase Walk

    And also it fails to work all the time when in range and NOT being hindered. Or lags a few seconds, on a good day.
  16. Hatred needs nerf? Well.. Just buff Deception enough to be a real threat with its burst, and in general buff burst specs. Nothing stops sustained specs like globalling them. Atm, basically only AP has good enough single target burst and decent kit. Smash was looking like a very good burst spec, but the lowered damage on some of the big hits kinda killed its potential. I like the idea of dots getting purged if their caster dies. This way even the 10-20 seconds of "freecasting" hatred sins have will be kinda balanced, if they get killed quickly after that. But right now it is stupid, hatred has survivability levels of a tank spec, come on. We should lose at least the 30% dmg reduction when stunned. Or the 30% dmg reduction on AoE taunt. One of the two. Most of all though.. Cleanses should cleanse dots. 5 at a time. Enough of this dot madness
  17. Snipers are bad. In really bad position atm, with a meta of madness sins/sorcs and ap powertechs. I cringe when I see a sniper on my team now. It's instant loss.
  18. Cross-faction is useless, pointless, and bad. And it won't help for ****.
  19. It's like this thing the warzone queue window had a long time ago, during first ranked preseason. "Season 1 coming with cross-server ranked queues" etc . Or like Half-Life 3. tl;dr nonexistent.
  20. Anyone remember the days when madness was actually squishy?
  21. DarrelK


    Bioware, please, pay attention to the leaderboards and logs and whatever metrics you have. Don't let this ton of wintraders get away with what they are doing. If you need proof, just check the absurd ratings of some people in GROUP RANKED on The Red Eclipse. (Ratings over 1700 with only 10 wins? Totally legit, amirite? We are talking about some "top 3" class players, too.)
  22. PvE carebear baddie detected. Couldn't resist it, man. Claiming you end up vs the "pros" as level 10? Wut? You know warzones are in 3 different brackets, and THEN you also have 2 more ranked brackets, solo and group. Honestly I doubt you will find real "pros" in the 10-29 bracket. Also from a rant about PvP this ended up a rant against higher end PvE players and their gear elitism?
  23. Does Marrat have All-Galaxy Marauder for Season 2? If not, then it is current. And I'm pretty sure he didn't get all-galaxy, because r3 mara got All-galaxy, with rating much lower than the highest Marrat had.
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