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Everything posted by Lenlo

  1. As for what makes sense given the story? JK hands down. He/she has far more history with the Emperor; so from a narrative point of view, that's what works.
  2. So that whole licensing deal has still left me a bit confused. Is SWTOR "canon", and for that matter are both KOTOR installments?
  3. This. I wish people would stop wanting SWTOR to be even more like WoW. This game pretty much already has the same combat system.
  4. Currently, the two-day limit helps regulate undercutting and price gauging. There are way too many people playing the market to raise the current time limit.
  5. Lower the cost for the Corvette/Destroyer to 10 million and I think that will work out better.
  6. Lenlo


    With this whole Alliance thing and the cooperation of the Empire and the Republic, it makes me think that the whole two faction dynamic needs to be tossed if not turned on its head. When KOTFE concludes, Zakuul should be turned into the 3rd major playable faction. They are just way too interesting and well developed to discard as a force in the SWTOR Galaxy. Allow everyone to play together: Sith? Jedi? Empire, Republic? Doesn't matter anymore! In the wake of the final effort to defeat Zakuul, the Empire and the Republic have effectively collapsed. With the fate of the galaxy in play, it is up to the player characters who they will support! Regardless of faction, everyone should be able to play together. Player characters would be by default "neutral" and would be able to create and choose their own allegiances. You would be able to create guilds with people regardless of faction too. Factions Major and Minor: In the chaos of this new Galaxy, players would be able to create their own Factions within the Republic, Empire, Zakuul. We would be able to do this by "allying" with other guilds within our own major faction. Minor Factions would be able to have up to 3 or 5 guilds within them. Build a Federation of Jedi and Sith, emulate the Republic. w/e, you decide. Galactic Conquest: Expand on Conquest and combine it with all the other elements to turn it into Galactic Conquest. Use random templates for Planets across the Galaxy for players to conquer. Use PvE and PvP to take over the galaxy bit by bit.
  7. As the light side alternative to Vitiate/Valkorian? I can dig that.
  8. I like pie. Oh, what were we talking about again? Ah yes, Devs! The honest answer? They very rarely look over any of the forums. It would go a long way towards making the player base more confident in the future of SWTOR if Bioware would grace us with their presence in here more often. IMO
  9. AND the music on Odessen is missing!
  10. Not so long as EA can keep milking fanboys with this cartel garbage.
  11. Or just make more of them available through achievements.
  12. Well then, the fix to the last issue you described would be to jack up the range of the ship turrets (30k?) so no one can get close and no one can get kills from sitting on top of a capital ship.
  13. I LOVE GSF, but this is silly. On the last few death matches, I've seen spawn campers blowing people up as they come in on whatever ship. How the hell is there no mechanic where they get blown up for getting within range of the spawns? Completely game breaking.
  14. I feel like at this point, even if/when they do finally add more endgame content, they're going to have to get inventive with the OPs fights, the pvp maps, and the 4 man FPs. Really crazy, inventive, fun, and hectic stuff: An Operation that traverses a battle in orbit. From an allied ship, boarding and enemy vessel which as a bonus phase starts crashing into a planet below. The last phase is timed, don't fight your way to the escape pods in time and you'll miss out on awesome additional loot and achievement rewards. You and your group will just wake up at the crash site. A GSF mode with AI starfighters and clashing capital ships (maybe Eternal Empire vs. Republic vs. Sith Empire?) PvP modes that ignore the traditional factions and just throw players at each other. PvP maps with shifting terrain and random modifiers. A slew of Flashpoints that allow players from opposite factions to group together. Operations and Flashpoints Leaderboards. Compete with other players to get stuff done the fastest and most efficiently (time during NPC conversations doesn't count against you). Compare your stats with other players, and in the end, improve your play style. Maybe even after KOTFE do away with the current faction dichotomy. Turn the Eternal Empire into a new playable faction, expand the guild conquest thingy into Galactic Conquest, and allow players and their guilds to decide which major Faction they'll back for domination of the galaxy. Heck, let players make their own minor Factions by allying with each other's guilds.
  15. The blame probably rests squarely with the EA overlords.
  16. It boggles my mind that there isn't an Alderaan or Hoth Galactic Stronghold.
  17. Here's my location wishlist. Current planets: Alderaan Manaan Tython/Korriban Hoth Planets not visitable in-game: Dantooine Kashyyk
  18. It stands to reason that a Sith would balk at you when questioned about the morality of their actions. The mindset that seeks absolute power even over death won't exactly admit wrong, otherwise that person wouldn't be absolutely powerful now would they? They may as well call themselves the Sociopaths, it sure as well would clarify their positions. Off topic: Enders Game falls in line with a lot of literature (Starship Troopers is probably the best example) based off Fascist wet dreams and costumed as fiction. I'm of the personal opinion that Orson Scot Card should be ashamed of himself for disguising dogma as a children's book (there's a reason Ender's Game is on the top reading lists of Military Academies).
  19. Crafting in general is desperately in need of an overhaul that revamps completely sidelined skills (Slicing and Artifice I can say off the top of my head)
  20. Star Wars: Episode IIV: The Undecided Title Directed By J. J. Abrams Surgeon General's Warning: Product contains excessive Lens Flare which may blind the viewer
  21. This is STAR WARS, not A Song of Ice and Fire: INNN SPAAAAAAAACE. It would be a complete departure from the space opera subtext if not all "good" guys were "good", and not all "bad" guys were bad. It just wouldn't be Star Wars without that "black and white" moralty.
  22. If I had to nit-pick at Disney's apparent intent to pilot the SW IP into the ground... I think I would at least like to see the series follow the early days of the New Republic and maybe do a PG adaptation of the Thrawn Trilogy in the later seasons. Episodes 3 and 4 don't need the bridging so much as Episodes 6 and 7 will.
  23. Charge up your engine pool while you're going in circles, then speed off, turn around and try to kill em.
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