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Everything posted by Lenlo

  1. Yes, aside from genetic engineering, there is: Blood Transfusion Manipulating the Force to cause force sensitivity even in those who were born force insensitive Auto-immune responses Exposure to certain artifacts Infinite Empire tech (star forge) Celestial tech Lifetime exposure to ultra-force sensitive individuals may cause latent sensitivity That's all I can think of.
  2. New Englanders assemble! (That's Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine to anyone who has never been to the North Eastern US)
  3. It's a question of a fundamental nature. What to do with Power. Should it be used to rule the masses, or be used to protect and serve them? Should it be used for your own ends, or the greater good? Should it be treated as a weapon, or a tool? I could go on forever, but one should get the posed problem.
  4. Meh. Maybe. Probably. Why not? ^This Definately. Yes. No. No. No. Haha, no. Yes. Maybe. No. No, too much of a diversion from the real game. See my answer to #14 Yes. Sure, but test it for a while first and make sure other people like it. No, get a real world radio and place it to your computer. Eh, no. Depends on the puzzle. See my answer to #17. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. ) Yes. Yes. No. No. No. No. Yes. Yes, where applicable. ^This Meh. This is Star WARS, not some creepy Nintendo pet game. Yes. No. ^This. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Maybe. Sure. ^This. ^This. Yes.
  5. This thread may change your mind. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=479649
  6. If any more live action Star Wars Movies were to be made, they'd have to be done by the right director for the proper mood of the Episode. Example: J.J Abrams for the first episode of the Thrawn Trilogy.
  7. I can already drum up a list of easy peesy fixes that could make the player experiance better: A: A cross server LFG system for flashpoints. B: A guild recruitment/looking for guild, tab C: Subtitles during quest dialogue D: Customisable Player ships names E: Merge at least 50 servers, and make sure they're all the same type when you merge.
  8. Lenlo

    Rp in SWTOR

    Hi, I'm new to the game but not RPing. Who can tell me on what servers there's RP or RP guilds?
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