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Everything posted by Sleprock

  1. I'm talking about Christmas or "holiday" items. Some of that crap should have been give-aways in quests etc to bring the community together. Not an item on the cartel market worth roughly 18 dollars for re skinned junk (speeder). Also, just because things are on the GTN does not make them available by playing the game They became available by other packs being opened. I don't care about exclusive items on the cartel market minus the Holiday stuff. But reskinning or slightly modifying gear that took people hours and hours of gameplay to attain only to be available on there is a slap in the face.
  2. Yup I was an idiot and used my complimentary coins on a blockade and black market pack and got junk. I wish I had of thought of using them on ship unlocks instead.
  3. Bottom Line: Not making these items attainable through PLAYING the game is a huge mistake. Idiots.
  4. I'd like the re-customization because I never knew my Sith's tentacle beard would clip through alot of headpieces. (thanks bioware).
  5. Sleprock


    when...we made love and you cried... when...we vowed the vows and walked the walk.....
  6. Oh lets just remove all slows, interrupts, mezzes, roots, and stuns to have a good ole' fashioned Super Smash Bros brawl. Let's just see who can put out the most DAMAGE, damage, damage to crown the winner! We don't want strategy, we just want moar moar MOAR! zergfests.
  7. lawlzzz.......and more lawlzzzzz... and more.......
  8. If the planets gave to reasons to go explore them, then I'd say the Zones are not big enough. But since they do not give you a reason to go explore them, I say they are fine the way they are.
  9. Where the hell are they getting these foolish ideas for gear? I find the higher the tier of armor, the worse it becomes. I'm not trolling, it's just so bad and doesn't look like star wars material. Wasn't it Lucas himself that said, you have to make it different but not go too far with it or something like that. jebusss
  10. If bioware takes away our ability to que up with four players outside of ranked that will be the last straw for me. I am just sick of all the whiners wanting to solo que 24/7 for pvp and feel because they are doing so, that others should abide by their bullcrap. It is absolutely ridiculous and goes against the whole idea of an MMO. You play them to interact with PEOPLE. ffs.....
  11. Advertise in pvp chat (first block all the gold spamming monkeys) that you would like to group. I have found lots of people to group with by simply putting it out there that I'm willing to group up for a few matches. Also there are always rough patches depending on the time of day, the actual day, or just bad luck.
  12. Warzone medpacks are what you should be getting. See you people that are grieving are not knowing the ropes. That is the frustrating thing above all: having people whine about stuff when it's just because they are ignorant of many things.
  13. It takes like a week to get warhero gear now ffs. I am not going to be outmatching them for long. Plus the gap between the elite WH gear is hardly noticeable. Then there is the equation of BISing your gear which average players are oblivious to. So there is always going to be gaps in gear and skill, Then factor in builds, premades, player skill etc etc. Just quit the whining about the initial gear gap and deal with it. So many whiners.
  14. No, I'm just tired of seeing people wanting everything handed to them. There needs to be SOMETHING for them to work towards. If there was not then what's the point. Plus I found gearing up a great way to hone your skills and learn the class. If they gave out the top tiered PVE gear with a week's worth of work would people stay?. No
  15. I didn't feel like reading your whole pointless and stupid post the moment it said Nerf guards.
  16. Seriously? I had to buy my recruit gear back in the day. Now you get better stuff for free and getting WH armor is a cake walk now. Stop looking for handouts and play the game and earn stuff like we all had to before you. It's not hard.
  17. I agree with the rated problem. For small guilds it's out of the question for us to have enough geared players on all at once, and for big guilds there is not enough other big guilds queing. They need to give better rewards and fluff items and also allow teams of four to que in them. Then have these teams of four paired with another and face other teams that are made of of two premades which happens alot in non-ranked already. Then you could help solve some of the pugger's griefs.
  18. But they don't wanna lose all those stats and gain that silly stuff called "expertise". lol And 500k? Damn, haven't seen those numba evaa.
  19. Talk to people and que up with players and make the best of the game ffs. Just because you feel it's a single player game doesn't mean we need your negative vibes. I used to pug alot and still do. Ya meet people along the way and join up with them. Can anyone talk to one another these days? This is an MMO and I stand by my case lol. And I'm not a part of a little so called "pre-made". I group with people in my friends list and those in my small guild of 15 or so players. We have fun and enjoy it. You can't please everyone, especially the loners.
  20. Damn bro, can't mess those healers up like you did in pre-50? Whole new game once ya hit the big league where people know how to play their classes much more. I for one, play tank spec since the smash epidemic, and to get high protection numbers you need to have decent skill and a good healer, know when to use your cooldowns, and cc the hell outta those around your healer. Guard is just one part of the equation therefore quit crying and just before you die, pop into stealth and cry some more. People won't see you drop your glowsticks.
  21. Because people like to play with their friends??? This is an MMO and if you want to play alone go play a console with one of those cool "pew pew" games.
  22. So why mention you're an elite warlord???......
  23. You're not going to get anything back. With the new level cap coming though, all of our gear will most likely be useless soon.
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