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Everything posted by Sleprock

  1. Title says it all. I want some of those cool mounts people have and I feel its unfair you cannot get them anymore besides the VIP /drops in ops of the tirus prime. It's stupid to have another displayed at the vendor on Voss if they are unattainable. So bioware, can you answer me on this one?
  2. get this guy some warm milk and a blanket.
  3. If it wasn't smash all you whiners would be complaining about something else.
  4. what are you wearing covert ops gear??? lol... 7ks are rare. whine some more
  5. Seriously?!?!!?........ People will complain at just about anything.
  6. i'd like a yellow post to answer this one. Seems pointless to not allow an item to be put onto the GTN.
  7. You complain because of having to do a hardmode. oh gosh...... silly people
  8. I looked around last night and could not find anything with an updated catalog of all the armor sets within the game that shows them in-game. Torfashion is missing a lot of entries. I'm interested in what all of the flashpoints have to offer. Thanks.
  9. I began playing it shortly after 1.3 and it is not out of control. If idiots want to stand all huddled together and get smashed, it's their fault. Freeze and any other grenade are far more of a better tool then the smash aoe that everyone is whining about. I could sit here all day and whine about this class or that. Just play the game and learn to counter what you can. I know when that I'm on my Healing Sage, I can counter a rage build quite easily because I PLAY THE CLASS AND BUILD.
  10. Sleprock

    True Story

    I couldn't have said it better myself.
  11. Sleprock

    True Story

    Huttball is a game where skill does count. Oh and having a brain.
  12. This game is about teamwork and not 1v1, 2v2...etc all the time. Like someone else said, many classes have abilities to help the team: not in 1v1 scenarios. People seem to think dps is what its all about and what's needed to be the best. Timed stuns and locking people out of a fight for a short time can mean the difference between a TEAM dieing or not. Ie. great healers, taunting tanks, snipers aiming at that bomb planter.... etc etc. whine whine whine....
  13. This has been broke now for a few days. It seems all of the " training " WZs are bugged now and one side is called the Imps or Pubs regardless of both teams being one of the same. And to add to it, now 7 and 6 man warzones are the norm. They have to do some serious bug squashing the next maintenance.
  14. Sleprock

    Pvp smash!

    OK, just because someone has a rage jugg does not make them fotm ffs. I've had mine rolled as rage for over a month and a half and have been slowly leveling him. I still play the same way as I did before the patch. Learn to adjust and play game. After all it is a game remember lol.
  15. Numbers, numbers, numbers...... Numbers are not everything! Some of the good players are there during a clutch moment, like saving a node, or watching those doors, zeroing in on troublesome healers or a taunting tank etc etc. .......
  16. Sleprock

    Resolve sucks

    Work's fine. It makes you look at each person you attack knowing who to stun etc. And if they are "full", pull out different ways to control them. It's all situational. Quit whining.
  17. So true. Lastnite I entered a huttball game late and ended up scoring the only goal by myself using my own dmg reductions and skills etc etc. Rest of the time before and after the goal I ran around taunting the hell out of everything, and not one mvp vote. I was even on the top of the list. Frustrating. BUT... whenever I vote, its always for node watchers and tanks who protect well .
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