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Everything posted by Sleprock

  1. Indeed, or this guy doesn't understand min/maxing lol
  2. I'd like to point out too, in huttball the PT/Van tank are at odds with the other two who get their sprint and of course the leaps and pushes. I can melt teams on my jugg simply by being able to leap and push people around lol, Add in all of the cooldowns and ya.... Sins got their stealth, sprints.. etc Then you get to the PT/Van and its like dayam..why bother? lol. I dunno, I guess every class can't have everything, but as someone said before, PT/Van lack that exclusive ability that makes them viable or sets them apart in a great way.
  3. He's just a noob troll that thinks he knows what he's talking about. Don't feed his appetite.
  4. What he's saying is. Tank sins can do the damage with decent dmg reductions and good utility, Juggs can have great defense and utilities, while the shield tech gets crap for dmg reduction and overall can be on par with a jugg barely, but still not have in defense what a jugg has or as much utility. It's just not fair and a bad design choice by bioware, even though from a lore aspect it's spot on, but this is pvp ffs. Read between the lines and not what's in you're head. If they changed it to reducing all damage types I would say: The Stage is set, play on.
  5. Once on my operative I somehow gained control of the ball in huttball the minute i used escape. I must have been the last person to do damage to said target before he died instantaneously the moment I used the skill. I was able to run to the goal line in stealth with the ball. Never has it happened again since. I've been stuck in the door a few times too, but was never able to cap the door ( I was locked in the side of it ). Although, a guild member had what happened to you, happen to them and were able to cap without the worry of being interrupted lol. I understand there are glitches, but I know a speedhack and the disappearing acts when I see them.
  6. This is the last class that needs attention lolz. 0/10 for this thread.
  7. Yeah, I''ve been seeing the teleport alot from that big Pub side guild on Jedi covenant.
  8. What, because people kept playing and you didn't, therefore you expect to keep a name?. Sorry bro! lol
  9. Not really, It's technically unattainable in game like so many other sets shown in promo videos and recent screenshots ie. the HK-51 one with the unhooded jedi. We want stuff we can earn, not buy for Cartel coins.
  10. Yup. If you watch the videos there are many sets that just are not attainable in game and its ridiculous. If they have a reason behind it, just step up and tells us Bioware. Stop being silent on the matter. You know about it and refuse to reply in any shape or form. It's not fair to show progressions of classes in these videos gaining armor we cannot get. EVER?!?!. Seriously......
  11. I see they deleted a few of my posts regarding this. Well I'm bumping this again because we are going to be heard. lol. If you can add items to the cartel market, you can add them to the CE Vendor. Simple.
  12. I agree. It is such a sad excuse they used. God forbid people who payed a little extra to support the game get a few unique items from a vendor which was said to be updated occasionally. I'm surprised the fanboiz haven't stormed the gates defending EA yet. I say EA because I know alot of this isn't Bioware's fault. They, like many other great things, were gobbled up by Companies who couldn't bleed an ounce of pride.
  13. It's almost like he had barely enough time to type "yes" before his heathen EA overlord lashed him on the back as they passed by his cubical. "MEESA DA ROOLER HERE...BOOGA BOOGA..." "Yes sir". Fast forward to cartel market grand opening: "Why are all of these CE vendor items in this slideshow for the market?" "MEESA KNOW OF NO SUCH TING. MESSA NO CARE FOR DOSE FODDER. HOO HOO HOO HOO."
  14. I don't feed them. I worked for my money all by myself doing quests and repeating FP, Heriocs etc as a noob. I swear it's this new "gimmie gimmie gimmie/ entitlement generation" that is the root of the problem.
  15. So, there are always going to be bad days. Not everyone you come across is going to be the most L33t player EVER!
  16. Ya know...... I don't always PvP, but when I do.... I make a point to base all of my arguments while 1VS1in'... * blank "Sean Connery" stare *
  17. huttball is great and I laugh at those who hate it. Clearly they are puggers.
  18. Do not be fooled by this site's videos of both classes though. 90% of what you see them wearing is not attainable in game, Jedi get no robes with hood's down unless you buy into their insulting cartel market.
  19. And that is really what it boils down to. The players that bought into their cool little video are just not important enough. And it's not entitlement by any means, it's just that it has been so long and not even one item has been added when promised. I understand priorities change as the climate of the game changes, but to seriously abandon the vendor for such ventures as the Cartel market is insulting. How hard would it have been with each Cartel market item releases to add a few items to the CE Vendor? The funny thing is, everyone who bought the CE are avid fans and those still around are the ones holding out for a better game and are most likely some of your most loyal players. It is disheartening to see some of the choices they have made to a game I like to play. Sometimes it is the little things that count too.
  20. What gives bioware??? Where are all of these sets?. The funny thing is, everyone wants these armor sets and every one of them are not available. It's just crazy! We want many of these so bad, but not to appear in the cartel market. I want to be be able to earn them.
  21. Posting here to make sure this thread remains on the front page. Update the vendor, and not the cartel market for once.
  22. first of all im no dummy. Just think its funny all of you han solos out there think the game should be catered to you and your solo practices. Some of us like partners... oh!!!!!
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