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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TX_Angel

  1. KotFE has been a huge success to anyone remotely paying attention.


    It has? On what objective basis?


    In the game, it doesn't appear to be the case. Unless you count hundreds of thousands of people playing a solo game and not doing a whole lot else and a few tens of thousands running the new WZ map, quickly getting tired of it.


    The servers were quite busy in December, but that fell off quickly. From my point of view, KotFE provided a short 6 week bump, but it is now worse than it was a year ago.

  2. Look at things objectively, you are paying a lousy 15 bucks a month for a piece of entertainment. A fraction of the cost to see a movie. Yet people will take the time to rage like they are a disgruntled EA majority shareholder.


    Some of us... or myself at least, are grumpy because we have 4 years of time invested into this game. Because we love Star Wars in general. Because we see what the game could have been.


    Sure, it is just a game. The $15 a month is trivial to me, I spent $1,500 on CC last year, plus paid for 3 subs, so I was into it for about $2K. At some point, there is just nothing new to do, no new missions, no new content, no new raids, no new flashpoints, no new GSF... ok, ONE WZ map in 2 years...


    It isn't enough... For $500 sub a year, we have better things to do than this...


    If they are successful, then good for them. It just will be without me. And that's ok. :) But I'm still bummed because I like glowing sabers... :)

  3. Thank you! I was wondering why prices seemed to be out of control


    I was rather surprised when all the packs and chance cubes that I listed sold. Not even for crazy prices, 450k for the packs and 250k for the chance cubes, neither of which strikes me as a crazy price, but they all sold in about an hour.


    If it turns out those are "hacked credits", I'm happy to give them back, but I'd like the packs and cubes back please. :)

  4. Totally understandable if you're running, say, a clubhouse.


    Not so much a good customer service strategy in the real world.


    Yep... Bioware is a business, we are the customers...


    Do you not think the White House Press Secretary sometimes doesn't want to get up in front of all those reporters on a bad news day?


    But he does anyway, because that's his job.

  5. Honestly? This is why they don't talk to us -- because no matter what they say, someone's going to take a chunk out of them.


    That is not true...


    Had he come out and said, "we have no ops in development, but 2 more flashpoints are in progress and we hope to be done later this year on them", I would have respect for that.


    Had he come out and said, "GSF is getting nothing this year, WZ may get 1 more map, 1 flashpoint, and we're talking about an operation, but no promises", again I would respect that.


    Had he said, "I'm sorry the MMO content has been ignored for so long, we simply don't have the staff to work on all of it at once, so we have decided to focus on story", AGAIN I would respect that.


    The cost of my sub is trivial, I spent almost $1,500 in CC last year (15 purchases of 14,500 CC) (nothing this year). I pay for 3 subs, my son and my wife as well (neither has played in over a month however).


    Subscription end date:

    13 Aug 2016


    That is when my sub runs out (I paid for 6 months at a time). The other two accounts have slightly different dates, but payment details are removed there as well.


    I'm just not going to pay $180 a year for a single player game with 1-2 hours a month of content and this type of communication.

  6. Oh believe me, my fellow Texan, I can gripe it up with the best of'em. Some communication is better than nothing. Honestly, if they hadn't begun trying to fix the War Zone queues I'd be gone after my sub runs out in July. I just don't see the point or benefit in lashing out at these folks with anything beyond a reasonably expressed complaint.


    :) Sometimes communication is not good... I just deleted my payment information from my account... this post is what prompted me to do it... First time in 4 years that has happened...


    The lashing out is deserved when such blatant marketing speak is tossed out. For such a long post, what did he really say? They are working on season 2 of chapter solo content and other stuff they can't talk about is in development, which could be anything, including another recruitment mission for another companion.


    I'm simply sad that such potential has been lost by a company unable to plan for the future and do Star Wars justice.

  7. So you think that the VA and MoCap they've been working on isn't actually happening, and is an elaborate lie? Or what?


    All development does not have to stop for the game to be in MX mode...


    The only new content that he actually confirmed was a second season of story chapters. The rest was a bunch of hope and prayers.


    EC counts as "new content", I guess, but is it enough to be interesting? The new war zone make counts, but again, too little, too late. A new WZ map every other year does not a vibrate game make.


    If you like the game, by all means, enjoy it. No one else has to follow me out the door if they don't want to. The game will survive or it won't.

  8. No offense, TX, but if you're going to tell people that they need to "read what was really said", it kinda undercuts your point if you can't even get the guy's name right...


    Ken, Ben, whatever... I blocked it from my memory to shield myself from the marketing lies! :D


    His post was long and meaningless, it said nothing at all besides "keep paying us, we'll do something, maybe, soon, one day, you'll see".



  9. I'm another who wants to thank you for taking the time out to respond to the player base, Ben. I've done a lot of hootin' and hollerin' about PvP WZ queues being messed up, I freely admit, but, personally, your response is very much appreciated. I'm simultaneously astonished and not surprised that some folks still lash out even when one of you tries to communicate.


    Why would you be astonished? What did Ben say? What action plan is being put into place to change direction?


    Or was it a bunch of marketing speak that said nothing at all?


    Marketers love people like you. :)

  10. *dangles carrot*


    Keep subbing guys, the vague promises have been made.


    ^ And.... we have a winner!


    Ken is either a clueless dev who doesn't know he is inside the rabbit hole, or an evil marketer selling rainbows and fairies... there is no other possible explanation...

  11. You don't go 14 months - then have a BW employee flat out say there would never be that long of a wait again - then follow it up with a longer period of time and not even have the courtesy to mention it.


    What have you just said? Stay tuned?


    For what? More solo content? Wait - you're going to put in 7 new Star Fortresses? HK-inspired industrial cleaning solvent? Oh, I know. You're going to announce the release of the Eternal Championship. For the third time.


    Operations. What's the deal. That's all we need to hear from you. there is literally nothing else of value you can add with a post like this. If you have new Operations in the works, let us know.


    It's ok if you don't know when. It's ok if you don't know much else.


    Are they coming. Someday. Ever.


    Allow me to help you out...


    No, they aren't, ever...


    I said when KotFE launched that we had 50/50 odds of never seeing another ops. Today I'd put that at 90%. There is ALWAYS a chance... but not really much of one now...

  12. Why does this remind me of a general manager giving a vote of confidence to the head coach 3 days before they fire him?


    All the doom and gloom threads in the forum about game dying and this is the one that makes me believe it is. :p


    ^ Quoted for truth... that is why I ended my long reply with "time to unsub".


    If the writing wasn't on the wall before, this put it there. If anyone bothers to actually read what was written, it was a lot of words that said very little, yet said everything that actually needed to be said.

  13. the new map is broken boring and favours certain classes


    with the force shroud utility an assassin can run into a capture point and deactivate it whilst the defender is powerless


    sorcs can bubble yet still cap points


    stealth classes cant guard from stealth and cant stealth with a battle pickup


    if you have knock back win win for you


    aoe/dot classes and superior to there single target burst partners


    you cant stealth cap


    most of the time you are stood on a point doing nothing


    ^ Quoted for truth...


    I finally logged in and gave it a try... Nice idea, but it really does suck... balance is horrible, it does favor some classes over others. The "pull-toss" trick for example, and the endless kickbacks, knockbacks...


    It is a crappy warzone and because it pops so much, I've already stopped queuing...

  14. First off, I want to apologize for some of the issues you have experienced in the last couple of months. The monthly chapter release schedule is new and it has come with some unexpected bugs. It has caused problems for some of you and I want to say I am sorry.


    The apology doesn't mean much without fixes.


    Had you said "we are very sorry for the problems, we have secured additional funding from EA to hire 50 more staff to improve the pace of development", then it would mean something.


    As it stands, the words are hollow without a plan of action to change course.


    Onto the future. Is SWTOR going to receive ongoing support? The answer is absolutely yes.


    A statement that sounds great, but says nothing. SWG received ongoing support after "Rise of Obi-Wan" in 2005, but lets be honest, nothing new worth talking about happened after that up until 2011 when the game shut down.


    It's worth starting with the things we have already announced, we talk about them on the monthly Producer Live Stream but I think they are still worth mentioning. We had the launch of Knights of the Fallen Empire – 9 incredible story driven chapters, 14 companion recruitment missions, Star Fortress, 5 new player levels, 30 flashpoints upgraded to be challenging again, 50 operation bosses upgraded to be challenging again, too many heroic quests to count, a revamp of the 1-60 levelling experience and a huge number of quality of life improvements.


    Those aren't things you've announced, those are past things you've already done. As it stands, it appears that you have nothing planned for the future beyond KotFE.


    Most of that list above is just rehashing existing content. Almost nothing new, beyond a short single player story, has been released since 2014.


    More recently we have kicked off our monthly chapter cadence and our third installment – Chapter XII: Visions in the Dark – was just released. That cadence will take us through most of the year ending with Chapter XVI, our story finale for Knights of the Fallen Empire.


    Translation, we're asking you nicely to pay us $180 a year to play a now single player game that has old MMOish stuff in it.


    That’s actually more content following a major expansion than we have ever released and the team is really excited for all of you to play it.


    That is one of the saddest statements I've ever read. It does not speak well of your development team or your plans.


    You are riding the coattails of Star Wars, because if this game were not "Star Wars", you would be long out of business.


    The two most exciting things to share are that our writers are deep into the plot summaries for the next season's worth of chapters and we have started the early design phase for new, non-chapter, content.


    Translation: We want you to pay $180 NEXT year for a single player game as well.


    Knights of the Fallen Empire is the most successful expansion we have ever produced. It received critical acclaim from press and fan sites but most importantly, it has been successful because all of you have supported us through the expansion launch and the release of the monthly Chapters. In the eyes of all of our partners, SWTOR is a huge success. BioWare supports this game. EA supports this game. Lucasfilm supports this game. Disney supports this game. In fact, for a game that has been live for almost 5 years, we are receiving an incredible amount of support from all of our partners. It’s both amazing and humbling.


    If you actually believe that, then you've drunk all the kool-aid and you have no idea what it looks like from outside.


    If there is anything I would like people reading this to take away it’s this: SWTOR is absolutely being supported into the future. We have a lot of content coming over the next few months and even more exciting things to talk about later this year. All of us here at BioWare appreciate your ongoing support and we are committed to providing the best experience possible.


    It’s because of you, our players, that this game continues to thrive. Thank you for playing Star Wars: The Old Republic.


    Ben Irving


    Translation: It is time to unsub...

  15. i played F2P until lvl10 and just had to sub......amazing universe, story, sound, combat, etc. plus i love and own all Bioware games :) bravo Master Bioware for this awesome Star Wars experience.


    If you're brand new, then you have a TON of things to explore and do.


    Just keep in mind that you'll run into 4 year vets who can be salty and expect you to know what you're doing. :)

  16. I get it, you're all "Feel sorry for us, because we're underprivileged or something, but I won't sacrifice my fun, that I'm also paying for, for someone else's fun. There are operations in this game that require communication especially in hard mode, and if you're not able to communicate, your favorite excuse for "I don't space bar", you are a detriment to my fun. This brings us back to "your rights end where mine begin". Kicking you out of my group will not block you from running the content in another group, but you won't be in my group.


    Since you want to run with this as being some sort of inalienable right, I have the right to have my fun too, and maybe I'm not looking for the smoothest run ever, but I'd sure like to finish the content, and someone that isn't capable of communicating with the group can make that interesting. You have no rights in this, or any game, or on this or any forum, that infringe upon my rights/privileges in same.


    ^ Again, quoted for truth...


    I pay for the game as well, I have the right to play it as I wish, as do those who also pay for it.


    If those wishes come into conflict, the game provides ways to resolve it. Vote kick or leave, on either party's side.

  17. You still have a right to play it. The problem is, your rights end where my rights begin, and this seems to be your big issue. If it's discussed at the beginning, and 3 of 4 agree on one or the other, then that should be what's going on, and if it's not, a kick is logical, because your "rights" don't override my "rights". If it weren't for all your anti American rhetoric, I'd swear you were a US LIberal: What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine.


    ^ Quoted for truth...

  18. How is this relevant to the conversation? If someone wishes to watch the cutscenes, how are they not "ready for" the flashpoint? :rak_02:


    I was referring to hard mode versions... it used to be true in story mode, until bolster and level sync came along...


    I only run hard modes now, and it grows old having people show up completely unprepared for them. Bolster works for some, doesn't work for others, but two situations really annoy me:


    1. A level 65 shows up still in 190 greens or 188 legacy gear. - Ok, if you're level 50 or 60 and you are doing HM and it is something easy like Black Talon, no worries, bolster will be enough. If you're level 65 you have no excuse to not be in at least all 208, hopefully with some augments.


    Oh you say, you didn't have time to go to the fleet, no worries, I'll pop out Revan, you can get some gear now since Revan sells the 208 basic comms stuff. What? You spent all your basic comms on companion gifts? Vote kick and ignore. What that says is that you're selfish and want to be carried at level 65. This has happened TOO many times.


    2. A player shows up and says "first time in this flash point, what do we do?" My reply, "this is hard mode, if you have never seen this before, do the story mode first". The exception would be Black Talon/Essles, since those are a cake walk in HM. Maybe Mando Raiders if they are well geared.


    Since 4.0 launched, I've had this one happen too many times to count. I've seen people in HM FP who have less than 1,000 achievement points, they are on their first toon and just dinged 50+ and clicked queue without bothering to look at what it was for. I remember one player, he was at about 330 achievement points, in hard mode FP.


    While it is true that everyone has to start somewhere, that is just a headache waiting to happen.


    Before you call me elitist, keep in mind that I pay for the game too, running people who have played for two weeks through Hard Mode FP is not my idea of fun. If there was a filter to prevent grouping with them, I'd use it.


    And even though we have no new warzones, I still enjoy doing the old ones, and I still enjoy class stories, and I enjoy KotFE - and I've been here almost since launch. Just because you don't care if the game dies doesn't mean that all the veterans agree with you.


    You are of course correct, not all of any group will ever agree with any viewpoint. I'm simply stating mine.


    The point has been brought up "if you don't welcome new people, the game will die", and I replied to that point, stating that if Bioware doesn't make some new group content, this vet won't care if it does.

  19. I was understating matters. Without new players, the game will actually die; because no matter what, veterans leave hobbies.


    We might be talking past each other, rather than with each other. :)


    Let me try to put this another way. Without new content from Bioware, why would the vets care if the game dies?


    Bringing in new people is only useful if their attention, time, and money goes toward improving the game and releasing new stuff to do together. I can play single player games offline with no fee, so why does it matter if SWTOR lives or dies if all the new player money doesn't actually produce anything useful to the vets?

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