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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TX_Angel

  1. People do realize that this fake choice, yes that is what it was a fake choice, will mean absolutely nothing outside of yet another of the 1000 useless companions possibly leaving. oooooohhhhhh shocker..... how exciting, I mean its not like we haven't had that happen like twice now.


    They have followed a model of having a rail shooter story telling approach starting with 3.0. in the end the story will be the same regardless of who you elected to kill and it will continue to be like that for the next installment of chapters.


    Bioware's big your choice matters propaganda is just that smoke and mirrors to keep you subbing so you keep paying and paying for about as lame a content update a month as you can possibly get.


    It is Mass Effect all over again, it is clear and obvious but clearly people either don't care or don't bother to stop and think about it...

  2. I needed contacts in the republic and the benefits Ty can provide, & the dedication of the empire's finest more than I needed an actor.


    ^ Then you don't pay much attention to the real world on Earth, because it seems more people are interested in what actors think than actual educated people think...


    Example: Jenny McCarthy & vaccines


  3. Whenever someone tries to make such an "argument" (all caps and periods), I can only flash a honest smirk. Does anyone think this actually works in written form...?


    The point is to get you to stop and think, but clearly that doesn't work because most people don't bother to think, they just keep repeating what they think they know, rather than bother to learn anything.


    Again, try thinking and reading, you might learn something because you're simply wrong.

  4. I am correct - even though I do not like to say it this way.


    No you're not... the evidence is plain and simple, but you're so blinded by what you THINK you know, you won't stop to see it.


    Go into the CM right now in the game. There are 4 packs for sale. GEMINI is 300 CC discounted to 250 CC, the other 3 are 200 CC.


    Now count the number of items in each pack.


    Now really, was that so hard?

  5. No, he doesn't get it. As much as the people who jump on the bandwagon of meaningless insults and cries for scam don't get it.


    Except, no, YOU don't get it either... If you're going to try and correct someone, you should try being actually correct...


    The increase in items and overall pack yield Eric is talking about is not necessarily attributed to the GEMINI pack. You would actually get that much information when you carefully look at the list.


    Take your own advice... there are 4 packs for sale on the CM right now, ALL have the EXACT SAME NUMBER OF ITEMS IN THEM... the price rise for GEMINI has nothing to do with what Eric said it did. He claims that it went up because they put more items in the packs.




    He is lying and you're making excuses for it.

  6. The price increase would be acceptable because we are getting 1 more item (GEMINI packs drop the same 4 items as a revenge pack drops 4 items, and GEMINI drops less scrap, your paying more for much less)


    In all your writing, you get it here, yet gloss over it and put a bunch of other meaningless words...


    If Eric is going to lie straight to our faces, why would the rest of what you wrote mean a thing? Unless they can figure out what the facts are, nothing else matters.

  7. Im the dood with 40x 65s geared on the same server and i wont create ONE more toon for this event.


    Retroactive or nothing.


    I don't have 40 toons, but I have at least 2 of each class... I'm NOT making any more... Basically this event is only for newer players, anyone who has been around awhile and has toons, is not invited...

  8. There eventually comes a point when the 'they're a business, of course they're trying to make money' line stops being an excuse.


    I don't mind them trying to make money, there is no crime in that...


    It is the dishonestly, outright lying and not caring, that is the real problem...


    Eric's post was flat wrong, the actual information he posted was incorrect. The Revenge Pack is 200 CC, the Gemini Pack is 300 CC (or 250 CC, if you prefer), yet both have the same number of items in them.


    So either Eric doesn't know what he is talking about, or he is intentionally lying.


    Which is worse?

  9. Great explanation Eric...thank you.


    Sure, except, it isn't true...


    The Revenge Pack and the Gemini Pack have the same number of items, 4 per pack... 2 random drops, 1 gift, 1 scrap...


    The Plunderer Pack and Visionary Pack are likewise 4 items, same item allotment.


    What is sad is that people keep paying even when being lied right to their face... :(

  10. Maybe some of you have never seen GSF played between very competitive skilled teams.


    Translation: GSF is great for fully upgraded ships farming noobs in bad matches. The number of times I've seen 50 to 5 matches is a sick joke. And I've been on both sides of that number, it isn't fun on either side.


    GSF has a lot to offer to people who are willing to put in some effort to learn the game.


    - Despon


    Yep, learn how to farm noobs... it is sad, GSF had such potential, but it is worthless now...

  11. Hello, SWTOR players! My purpose here is twofold. First, I would like to remind you of the existence of a deep, engaging part of the game: Galactic Starfighter.


    GSF fun, until you discover how badly broken it really is...


    I've played a LOT of GSF matches, I have some fully upgraded ships... what I've learned is that between the "right" scout class, combined with lots of gunships, it becomes boring and stupid...


    It needs attention, attention it will never get. So while it is nice that you're trying to drag people into it, what most will find is lopsided after lopsided fight that quickly has far more to do with premades and/or bad matchmaking than anything in the game itself.

  12. But the whole marketshare of Windows is irrelevant, none gamers by definition don't play games and by that they don't play SWTOR. So the 80% he pulled is irrelevant, the closest thing we have to the reality of things is that number: 40%, you are free to criticize it, but unless you have a better alternative to gauge things out, that's what I'll use.


    My point wasn't that I want the game to be ported to DX12, my point that the poster I replied to was wrong on many levels and I was trying to bring a better picture to this.


    Fair enough, but it will be 5+ years before the marketshare of Windows 10 is high enough to make a DX12 ONLY game, at least one like SWTOR.


    Frankly, a better argument would be for a DX11 version using 64-bit, at least THAT would have broad support for the most part, but even then a shocking number of people are still running 32-bit Windows. It would be nice if MS could offer a way to upgrade to the 64-bit version in place for 32-bit users.

  13. I use Zack. He seems quite knowledgeable. He and his IT firm are responsible for keeping my law firm's computers safe, functioning, happy, etc. I assume that involves feeding lots of squirrels and retightening rubber bands. So, when my home computer needs attention ... complicated technical tasks like downloading a Java or Adobe update ... I call Zack. I never learned much about computers ... but I don't need to. I have a Zack.


    Zack says I don't need Windows 10. Everything I use runs just fine. That's good enough for me. Everyone should use Zack. Warning, though: he charges more than $10/hour.


    If he is any good, he is worth at least three times that. :)


    No, you don't "need" Windows 10... not right now... but that day is coming... If you're happy on Windows 7 and plan to keep your computer as it is, then you'll be fine. But support for it will slowly go away, MS has already said no further Intel chipset support is coming for it, and I imagine that includes AM4 (Zen) from AMD as well...


    And of course you only get security updates until 2020. :) But that is 4 years from now, you likely will want a new computer between now and then.




    Side note: Your point about not learning much about computers is just fine. I don't know how to fix the HVAC in my house or the transmission in my car either, but I'll pay a professional to do those jobs. Why people aren't ok to hire a professional to maintain their computer is beyond me.

  14. I agree. I do enjoy this game a lot. But I don't know what they need to do to get this game thriving again. I am not even sure if it is possible at this point. I know dead servers is a no no. But outside of that, I have no clue what is needed to stop this massive gushing wound from bleeding. I wish it would stop because if it doesn't, this game I enjoy so much will be a memory sooner than later I am afraid.


    Content... Lots of content, and fast...


    Group content... a new PvP map every 3 months, a new GSF map every 3 months, and a new FP every three months, on rotation (so one new one each month). 2-4 new ops per year, a new daily area at least once a year, if not twice... The ability to do all story content in a group would help...


    More class stories... Perhaps a whole new class...

  15. who cares? . To blunt for you?


    Well let me tell you not everyone want windows 10, I don't. It was a free upgrade so put it on my laptop, all it did was damage the laptop. I can no longer watch any of the online films I had brought, can no longer watch Netflix and the list go's on and on. Even after I returned to my previous windows still would not play Netflix or any off the online films I had brought of Amazon.


    It is quite likely that a clean install of Windows 10 on that laptop would fix your issues. 300 million people (and counting) are running Windows 10, it isn't nearly as broken as you make it sound.


    There is no way in hell I am putting that crap on my desktop


    Windows 10 isn't crap, you have a sample size of one, and a bad one at that. I've installed Windows 10 on dozens of machines, including very old Windows 7 installs with a lot of stuff on them. My success rate is 100%, as is most people's.


    I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but that doesn't make Windows 10 bad, just that situation.


    Ironically, this is why it is a shame so many local computer shops are gone. While you called people and tried to make it work, you really only spoke with $10/hr idiots who don't know what they are doing either.


    A good computer tech, given 20 minutes with your computer in person, probably would have fixed it. Yet they largely don't exist anymore because no one wants to pay them.


    20 years ago I worked at such a store, you buy a computer, bring it back if you have problems, we can fix it. Service was part of the sale. Then Computer Shopper and then the Internet took over and everyone wanted a cheap Dell (or Gateway or whatever) and ran our store out of business.


    Now who comes over and fixes your computer? Geek Squad? Give me a break, those are $10/hr idiots. :)

  16. http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey ---> almost 40% of users are on Win 10.

    However, switching the game to DirectX 12 doesn't mean those without it can't play it, same situation we have now (most are on 11, but game is on 9).


    Steam isn't the whole marketshare of Windows desktops, nor is it the same as the people playing this game.


    It might be close, only EA really knows (since I imagine they are logging what computers the game runs on).


    That being said, even if 40% are running Windows 10, a switch to DX12 would prevent 60% of the people from playing it, at a minimum. Unless you expect Bioware to support 2 different clients at the same time.


    If you think the game is bug ridden right now, wait until they have to make it works with TWO clients!

  17. We need more players in the game. And yes this game is good and should not die like this.


    It *was* good... it hasn't been good for awhile now...


    My sub runs out in about 4 weeks... been here since early 2012... I'll probably resub for a month when all the chapters are finished, just to see the story, but beyond that, I don't see a future here.


    If you're "new" to the game, sure, there is tons to do, nothing wrong with that... but for those of us who have been here awhile, it is all old and stale...

  18. In fact from EA's perspective the game is far from dying since the last 3 quarters worth of shareholders information have stated increases and that its still holding up well but of course forget about 'official' information.


    That was from the launch of 4.0 and the release of SW:TFA...


    If you actually play the game, you'll see very empty servers...


    Another point to consider is that the supplies of CM items on the GTN is very low combined with the price of credits down to 50 cents per million...

  19. Except it's not Mr. Doom & Gloom.

    It's at a low point, but the game is not dying. If the game was dying like you said, BW/EA would have already said nope we done


    Actually, no they wouldn't... Not until they announce servers are closing for good will they EVER say that...


    SWG had its last expansion in 2005 and it didn't close until 2011, but at no point was there ever an announcement that it was going into MX mode.

  20. Yeah, last month I had 6 subscribers now at 1 on my referral page. But it is concerning, because yes they might be still playing.. But the point is they aren't subscribing! Which to me means... Less subscribers for the game. So I was Currious if anyone else noticed this. I was hoping it was just myself, but I see from this post that I am not alone. And if more people with RaF's see a decline as well, wouldn't that mean that the ship hit the iceberg? I hope that it makes its way to port. Cause the water looks dang Cold and those people in the dingy's look like they are half frozen.... :(


    I had 26 paying subs on my referral page... I'm down to 3 left that are paying...

  21. Ha, that's actually a pretty good analogy. Although it would have been pretty hard for the people on the Titanic to be in denial about their ship sinking...


    Actually, until the bow went under water, a lot of them WERE in denial...


    The crew went around telling everyone "get in the lifeboats, the ship is sinking", and a large number of passengers simply did not believe them.


    It wasn't until it became obvious that people took it seriously... The Titanic movie is NOT a good source for any of this, or of the ship sinking itself, since it isn't in real time. It took just under 3 hours to sink, but it wasn't until the last 40 minutes that it became obvious. The first 90 minutes you could hardly tell.


    When it finally pulled the bow down and the water started spilling over, it actually went pretty fast.



    That starts about an hour after the ship hit the ice berg and 30 minutes after the crew started telling passengers to get into life boats...


    If you were standing on that ship, in the middle of a very dark North Atlantic, you may well not think it was sinking either.



    1 hour, 40 minutes in, the bow still isn't under water, but by this point it is clear to almost everyone "hey, maybe there is a problem!"


    Even then all the lifeboats aren't full and some have already left partly empty. The fact that many boats were launched less than full is a crime. :(



    10 minutes later and the bow finally goes under... by this point no one should be in further doubt, but the ship has less than an hour left to live...



    Less than 20 minutes to live, she went down so gracefully...



    The part with the "tail in the air" that everyone knows from the movie... Yea, that was more than 2 and a half hours into it... Only a few minutes to live... or a very long time to die... :(


    From that point, to the ship slipping beneath the surface... was just 3 minutes and 18 seconds.




    The point is... by the time the average person "notices" a problem, it is far, far too late...

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