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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TX_Angel

  1. ^ This. It's because we've been here for so long that we should be understanding and helpful to those just starting out. A veteran of 4+ years, who has seen every piece of cinematic & dialogue, should want someone who has just joined to have that same privilege in the hopes that they'll stay and increase the community. Using new players as tools for speed runs and disregarding their enjoyment factor isn't nice in the least.


    While I understand those points, the reverse is also worth considering...


    Using vets to carry you thought content you're not ready for and disregarding their enjoyment factor isn't nice in the least. :)


    Over Christmas I gave FF 14 a try. That game isn't new, so when I was chatting asking for help, I never took offense when someone called me a noob or said "everyone knows that dude". Those comments are clearly coming from people who know the game back to front and I don't take them personally.


    If I'm joining people in stuff and they say "we've all done this before", then I'll follow their lead. I'm new, they aren't, I respect that I'm stepping into their existing playground.




    Regarding the "community" aspect, what is the upside to building that when there isn't anything to do with it? If we were getting new group content on a semi-regular basis, I'd be totally on board with you. When is the last FlashPoint that launched? The last operation? The last GSF map? Other than the new WZ, the one before that?


    KotFE has made the situation worse. It wasn't perfect to start with, but at least when SoR was new, people were more understanding of "hey, this is new content". Now SoR is almost 1.5 years old, if you haven't run it yet, fair enough, but you should respect that lots of people have and don't want to slow down for the new person.




    Overall, this has largely become a solo game, outside of the old FP/WZ/GSF/Ops. Grouping doesn't matter for anything else (world bosses I guess would be the exception).


    This is probably why I haven't played in 2 weeks and haven't done anything past Chapter X. I just don't have a reason to care anymore. :)

  2. Because the game needs new players to continue to thrive.


    I think you missed the point.


    New players won't cause the game to thrive, at least not in any way that matters to a 4 year vet. Yes it is true that someone who just started yesterday has a TON of content in front of them, that is not relevant to the old timers.


    The one exception would be old timers who consider it part of the game to take new people under their wing and teach them the ropes. Those people exist, but aren't the majority.

  3. This game is hardly social anymore with KOTFE... The population isn't falling due to the game being "anti-social". It's falling dur to Biowares approach at the game.


    And we have a winner...


    The game is the way it is due to Bioware, not the players. The existing Flashpoints are old, the multiplayer content is old, a lot of players have done them all to death.


    With nothing new to do, the two choices are run the same old stuff, or leave.


    Those who wish to leave do so, those who don't, run the old stuff, but have zero interest in watching it again.


    If you're a "new player" to a 4 year old MMO that hasn't had new content in awhile, you perhaps should expect a lot of players to be well seasoned and want to speed run stuff. Perhaps it is on the new players to seek out like minded people to run old content as if it were new.


    Why should the people who have been here 4 years have to slow down for someone who showed up 2 months ago? It really should be the other way around.




    The above of course is beside the point, the fault is with Bioware/EA on no new MMO content and KotFE being a solo game.

  4. Okay... that's, good? I'm not seeing fully how it relates to what I had to say as I'm pretty much on-board with the notion of communication and consideration for others in the group. I was pointing out to the other dude that despite being a 'new' player, I don't presume to receive special privileges in group content. If they're cool with me watching the scenes, great. If the majority would rather I spacebar through it, fair enough.


    And I've never set foot in HM nor will I as I don't really care.


    Sorry, couldn't really figure out if you were disagreeing with my comment or supporting it in some way. :confused:


    Meh, I don't know either, perhaps I was mumbling... something about the kids getting off my lawn or something... :)

  5. People aren't simply going to agree to kick because one person is impatient. Que time and Flashpoint difficulty going forward weigh heavily against kicking a person that refuses to skip through a few minute cinematic. They want to finish the flashpoint more than they want to wait for a replacement.


    I should have pointed out that I only play hard mode flashpoints, and that I'm usually the tank.


    I haven't done a tactical flashpoint in 4 months, and frankly probably never will again unless we get new ones. I'm at 100% achievements in all tactical flashpoints, I'm really sick of them. :)


    Even in hard mode, if you ask nicely to watch, I'll almost always say "sure". I like people who communicate and I can be flexible. What I don't like are people who claim to be spacebarring and who are not.


    Black Talon would be an exception, it has 10 min of cutscenes, I'm not watching them again. :)

  6. I'm still fairly new if you don't count the 2 month sub I had back in 2013. I've only been here since December 2015 and I'm not a native English speaker. My first time in a TFP I had no idea what the guy spamming "SB SB SB" meant until another asked "Are we spacebarring?" .. oh, hey, they want to skip through the cut scenes. It was a brand new place for me and even though I was one of those new players, I didn't feel entitled to make the rest of my group wait just because I wanted to see everything in it's full glory. Whether you're old or new, English or German, you're making the conscious decision to engage in group content and even little kids learn that when you play with others it becomes a game of give and take where you don't always get what you alone want.


    Two points:


    1. If someone simply says "hey, this is my first time here, mind if I watch the cutscenes?


    My answer is almost always "no problem, enjoy, thanks for saying something".


    2. If you're in hard mode, that isn't a reasonable request, that is what tactical model or solo mode is for.


    I completely get that people may be doing them for the first time in story mode, but if you're in hard mode, you should have been there already and seen them. If you say "I'm new, first time here", and this is Blood Hunt Hard Mode, well, you probably aren't staying anyway. :)

  7. No, it doesn't work in reverse, you paid for the game but queue with randoms knowing that the movies are included and knowing that some people will want to watch them, that's your choice. It is not your choice to demand that others that pay for the game suit your need for a speed run instead of enjoying their money the way they chose. The flashpoints come with movies, get over it, get used to it, or attempt to have them removed.


    :) Wanna bet?


    It most certainly is my choice... Escape exists for a reason... It is VERY rare that I have used it, but if three people are asking for spacebar on something like Black Talon and one person wants to watch, that is easy enough to fix.


    Escape out of the conversation, then restart it. Of course you might then reply, "well I'll SAY I'm spacebaring and really won't, you won't know who is doing it".


    Sure I will, if all 4 people claim to be spacebaring and someone isn't, then someone is lying. I don't play with lairs. So escape and say "well, it seems to be bugged, since everyone says they are spacebaring, lets try again.


    You'll either spacebar, or leave.

  8. You clearly don't understand the definition of selfish one bit, others pay for the game and have a right to watch the movies that ARE INCLUDED with the flashpoint and associated queue. You just need to grow up and get over yourself.


    I pay for the game and have the right to skip them.


    If you want to watch them, go solo them. Or find a group that wants to watch them. The majority of groups do not.

  9. You only see it from your perspective and that's your problem. You're too selfish to consider others, only the way you think it should be.


    The same works in reverse however...


    Their choice was to queue up for a random group, with random people that may not want the same thing as them, they made that choice, yes. They could find a guild speed run group if they wanted


    And you could find a group who wants to watch them all...

  10. I totally agree. I don't understand why they wouldn't update the look of the worlds that are under siege. That would add immersion and at least give us something new (maybe even interesting) to look at.


    I'm guessing they were lazy but came up with the excuse: "We don't want to ruin the story for noobs." Or something along those lines.


    And thus you have the problem of jumping the story forward through time by 5 years.


    In 5 years, lots of things change, yet somehow I can still teleport back to Oricon and fight the Dread Masters? Black Hole is still under siege? All the same heroics still need to be fought?


    Fair enough, it is just a game, no need to remove content, but it is massively jarring and makes it feel completely out of place.


    It worked in Mass Effect 2 because you couldn't go back to the ME1 areas after you started ME2 (not with the same toon anyway). But that wasn't a MMO, this is.


    I think KotFE was a mistake, but we're past that point now, so onward we go. Or onward you all go, since I haven't played past Chapter X yet and may not touch any of them until they are all out. Even then, I'm not sure I care, since nothing actually matters since once you leave the chapter, it is like it never even happened.

  11. You realise that this is a unrealistic target right? something the size of 1-9 would be at least 6 months.


    Is it?


    Whole games come out every week with more content than that.


    You'd simply need more than one team working on it.


    An example is Call of Duty, they could never release a new game every year by having the same people work on it, so they have multiple teams working for 2 years on each title, swaping every other year. Or did, until they switched to 3 teams to give each team 3 years instead of 2.


    SWTOR could have 4 teams, a Chapter 1-9 size story shouldn't take more than a year to do well, so if you have 4 groups working on it, every 3 months is totally doable.

  12. I don't mind the length. It's just feeling like hardly anything changes. I have no motivation to play it, let alone on 8+ characters.


    That is a good point...


    It is like each Chapter is another world, having nothing to do with anything.


    The whole KotFE itself seems rather pointless. The fact that all the existing worlds don't change is a problem.

  13. I still haven't played last months chapter, much less this new one.


    I'm finding that there just isn't enough story in each month to bother with. I found Chapter X to be utterly pointless and boring.


    Frankly, I would prefer something every three months, but the size and length of Chapter 1-9.


    One chapter is just not worth the trouble.

  14. 1,000 posts and almost 49,000 views - if the game is dead, at least there are still plenty of subscribers :rolleyes:


    I'm still subbing... I posted multiple pages ago... It has now been more than a week since I've logged in, I just checked to see if anything earth shattering had been announced. No, it appears not.


    Today is the 10th day of not logging in. I can't imagine why I'd log in tomorrow. It has been a long time since I've gone more than day or two online.


    I'm sure plenty of people are having fun in the game, more power to all of them. Sadly, not me. :(

  15. Come on TX... I use to see you all the time when I stalked you... err ... I... I... I mean the forums.....we have wonderful chance cubes, beta testing, and information about EC which has been delayed for 2 months now!!!


    I hope the new chapter lights that spark for you to return to the game and enjoy your GTN surfing, perhaps some PVP as well, maybe even operations.... TOS HM achievement required however. If the new chapter doesn't do it, I wish you the best of luck in finding another game you like, and getting that spark to return to SWTOR.


    :) Sorry for the late reply... Thursday night now, first time checking the forums since Tuesday. Still haven't logged into the game.


    Nothing lasts forever, and that's fine, it isn't a crime... it is just... Too much time has passed without new MMO stuff to do. No new WZ maps, no new GSF anything, no new FP/OPS, etc. KotFE isn't worth doing more than two or three times.


    I went achievement hunting for awhile, ended up over 41,000, which I know isn't the top, some people have far more, but frankly that is still a lot! :) The guild is nearly dead, fewer than 10 people on, no one is running ops anymore, they are beyond stale.


    I miss 2013. :)


    As a side note, I've been playing World of Warships this week, it is fun, but without a story, I can see how that would get old in a hurry, but nice for a free game.


    I still have ESO to play, I bought a copy on the cheap awhile ago and now that it is buy-to-play, I can pick that up. FF 14 was nice, but without full voiceovers, it was just painful.


    All good things...

  16. I haven't been online in days in the game, which is unusual for me. I usually log in to at least do some GTN stuff and a warzone or two...


    It is Tuesday night, haven't been on since Friday afternoon... I may well not log in all week, which is fine, but really, I think the game is done for me, which is sad...


    I haven't even played the most recent chapter yet, I just don't care anymore. :(

  17. You just had the best damned SW movie since Empire a couple months ago. What in the heck is going on here?


    Either they have been gutted by EA, or they are completely incompetent...


    There should have been a rolling series of events to go along with the launch of the movie. I personally would have opened up F2P for 1 week to "sub level" access for everyone when the movie launched, to draw in new players, and to keep subs happy, give them an extra 1,000 CC as a thank you for being subbed during that time.


    There should have been a new event going on all December, and major tie ins to the movie. Who cares about the timeframe, this is about marketing and promotion, it would have been nice...


    As it stands, I don't recall SWTOR acknowledging the movie in any regard at launch. Sad.

  18. Processor: AMD FX-7600P Radeon R7, 12 Compute Cores 4C+8G (4 CPUs), ~2.7GHz

    Memory: 8192MB RAM


    To be blunt, you aren't going to be doing much game recording with that, in my opinion. It isn't that great of a CPU for SWTOR to start with, due to its poor overall single core performance.


    You could try to run the AMD Gaming Evolved software and record though that, but the GPU built into that chip may simply not be able to do it, not being a dedicated card.


    What would work, but costs money, is this:

    Elgato Systems Game Capture HD - http://amzn.to/1Re7YO7


    $135 at the moment on Amazon, but it will record anything you can put into it via HDMI at 1080p @ 30 fps.


    The 60 fps version is $20 more:

    Game Capture HD60



    Yes, both cost money, but both produce zero impact on your system, being external. You can't use this below, but it is what I use to capture and stream:


    Game Capture HD60 Pro



    ^ This is an internal card that removes almost all latency for live streaming, but of course wouldn't work for you since you have a laptop (unless you have a desktop to put it in, but then if you did, you'd be playing SWTOR on it!)

  19. In terms of CPU, strictly for SWTOR, just look for more horsepower in terms of GHz. In that sense, I believe it's small difference for this game whether it is 2500k or new Skylake, if they were to run on the same clock. I would go out on a limb and say that compared on the same clock, you would see no more than 4-5 FPS difference, assuming both configurations are sound otherwise.


    I honestly have to disagree on this one. Your CPU is Ivy Bridge, which was the last big jump. Sandy Bridge is now the recommended upgraded point, that and older is worth replacing, Ivy Bridge and newer is not.


    Even at the same clock rate, Skylake should be 40% faster than Sandy Bridge in most CPU bound tasks. There are 4 product generations between them, the IPC improvements between generations aren't huge, but they add up over time.


    Now playing single player games, I'd agree. An overclocked Sandy Bridge 2500K against a new i5-6600K likely will do fine. MMOs, games like ARMA III, etc. that require lots of CPU, Skylake is worth it IMHO.

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