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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by TX_Angel

  1. Reintroducing Gear RNG in the form of Command Crates is a serious step backward in this regard. It has been about 5 years so I get that you guys may have forgotten what RNG gearing was like in this game, but I recommend that you do not repeat your mistakes. What you are proposing as a change in 5.0 is strikingly similar to the RNG gear drops many of us suffered in the first few months of game launch. It was a terrible system in every way. Do not bring that back.


    I think you're a bit confused... No one working on the game today was here when it launched, you talk about them "repeating mistakes", that would require they were here in the first place...


    The people running this today have no idea whatsoever what they are doing, if they did, well, almost everything would be different.

  2. I think 5.0 is going to kill raiding.


    Where have you been?


    The "hope" is strong with so many of you, clinging to it like a starving person to a piece of moldy bread...


    Raiding died with 4.0, I said almost a year ago that we had at best a 50/50 chance of ever getting another one, then 6 months ago I said that the odds were strongly in favor of never...


    Now it is 99%... Anything is possible, so it'll never go to 100%, but lord the people who cling to this really are not living in reality...

  3. I hope we're just dealing with the studio taking a long weekend due to the Cantina and the holiday and they are going to post something meaningful Tuesday. If not, that's just insane.


    More wishful thinking... :)


    I called it back in January... 10 months ago... But no, I got blasted for pointing out that the devs were largely done with the game, other than MX mode...


    45 minutes of solo story a month to feed the CM does not a healthy game make...

  4. Oh come on...it's not like EA is known for making any changes to the successful studios they purchase...they generally let them just go on doing their own thing...well...except for:


    Maxis (SimCity) - shut down in 2015.


    Mythic (Dark Age of Camelot) - shut down in 2014.


    Bullfrog (Syndicate, Dungeon Keeper) - shut down in 2001.


    Origin (Ultima, Wing Commander) - shut down in 2004.


    Westwood (Command & Conquer) - shut down in 2003.


    DreamWorks Interactive/Danger Close/EA Los Angeles (Medal of Honor) - shut down in 2013.


    Phenomic (SpellForce, BattleForge) - shut down in 2013.


    Black Box Games (Need for Speed, Skate) - shut down in 2013.


    Pandemic (The Saboteur) - shut down in 2009.


    PlayFish (The Sims Social) - shut down in 2013.


    NuFX (NBA Street) - shut down in 2007.

    ...but other than that, there's absolutely no reason to expect anything to change for us.


    TUXs, you and I might be getting too old for this s... stuff! :)


    The young kids have hope and dreams and compared to Pokemon Go, this game probably looks epic, but people like you and I know better what it could have been and we see the completely terrible management at play and it makes us sad...


    Side note, I finally tried Pokemon Go the other day, lord that is a stupid time sink, just a treadmill to generate RMT... And yet it is the number one money maker on the app store... So what do we know? :)

  5. Even if you can't talk about future content, can you talk about old content such as explain why we spend SOR resurrecting the Sith Emperor, ZIOST learning his a world devouring super ghost, only to then find his a loving benevolent family man and hadn't been slain and wasn't a world devouring super ghost. Its been 16 chapters and we still have no idea what the hell all that was about.


    Of course not, because Bioware's "storytelling" isn't actually that good, it is amateurish at best... It always has been, but the games have often been fun...


    KOTOR was a fun game to play, but the story was always very fan fiction amateurish, but it didn't matter back then... KOTOR II's story was terrible...


    The whole leap from Ziost to KotFE shows just how disconnected the whole thing is, and they just change directions on a whim.


    If you're playing this game for epic story, you're bound to be disappointed when the curtain is pulled back...

  6. This isn’t their first rodeo. They know what they should and shouldn’t communicate, and for good reasons. Despite that, players will, and should, be heard. I hear you! I wish they’d share more too. But, I imagine it’s in their best interest not to.


    Actually, it IS their first rodeo...


    And they really DON'T know what they should and shouldn't communicate...

  7. You state this maintenance mode many times, but i don't really think a whole new expansion coming this fall is maintenance mode.


    I don't think you quite understand what is coming this fall...


    That isn't a "whole new expansion", it is MX mode with 30 minutes of dripped game play each month...


    In the time since our last operation, Bioware could have made a whole new game, we had 1 PvP map in 2 years, no GSF for 2 years, no group content of any kind in over a year...


    If this isn't MX mode to you, then I'd hate to see what you think that looks like...

  8. Would the Intel Skylake G4500 Unlocked Dual Core, run this game better then my AMD A8-7670k Godavari? Im leaning towards I3 but depending on funding at time, I might want to upgrade my motherboard choice to a Z170 instead of the H110 I been looking at.


    Why do you think the G4500 is unlocked?


    Did Intel do an about-face while no one was watching?

  9. If you want to play the GTN then you play the GTN. It's not as easy as people think it is, you have to constantly be on top of prices if you want to be successful.


    It's fine the way it is. Playing the GTN takes commitment and time and that's ok.


    You might be shocked to discover that not everyone "plays the GTN", some of us just want to list stuff for sale...


    There is actually a lot of things that AREN'T listed on the GTN because they are slow sellers and not worth the time. You'd get more items total for sale with a longer listing time, including odd items that a few people may want but not enough to bother listing them for...

  10. Before you spend your money on a 4K computer monitor you should go and look at both a 4K screen and a 1080p screen. You will most likely not see much of a difference for the price.


    That might be true, if your eyes are terrible... I'm sure some people can't see it... but it is there, clear and bloody obvious smack you in the face to anyone who has decent eyes...


    I'm over 40 years old and my eyes simply can't use a 1080p monitor anymore, too distracting from all the visible pixels :)

  11. SWTOR can run on just about anything, although you may need to manually change the resolution in the settings file.


    note, the UI, to the best of my knowledge, does NOT scale. So the game will run at that resolution, but the UI elements will become much smaller.


    You can edit the files to scale beyond the 1.25 global and 1.25 manual settings...


    Bioware clearly doesn't care enough to allow the global slider to go further, they haven't heard of 4k monitors...

  12. The lack of development would be the first clue...the second would be Bioware saying they can only work on one thing at a time during the London event.


    That, and the two YEARS since we've had an announcement of an operation...


    Two years is enough time to make a WHOLE GAME, much less one part of one...

  13. Fortunately for SWTOR, they have the second largest IP in history controlled by the largest IP in history to back them up. The marketing for this is practically done for itself, and although its poor, KOTFE does actually have something rather "unique" compared to most other MMOs. It has a focus on story, and imo, while the story is quite poor and needs to be a RPG, it still actual brings something new to the market which will inevitably attract some people. Not to mention... hell... its star wars... even the worst star wars games are more renown than most others.


    KOTFE is not a MMO however... Nothing about the game for more than a year has been an MMO... The whole thing could be a single player off-line game...

  14. UPDATE:


    Wow, what a difference... SLI was useless, so I borrowed a EVGA Geforce GTX 1080 FTW card from a friend, completely new experience...


    My old card was the EVGA GeForce GTX 980 TI SuperClocked, you wouldn't think this would make a massive difference, but the game is now playable on three 4k screens at over 25 million pixels, and at ultra detail no less! Note, I did turn off AA (why bother at 4k), and turned of shadows, but otherwise everything is at max, story and GSF are smooth at 60fps... Warzones are still horrible, but that is the game, not the computer :)


    Of course, he wants his card back tomorrow, but I thought I'd just report what a difference this card made, I'll have to order one once I find one in stock... Clearly either the total RAM amount, or memory bandwidth, or perhaps just raw compute power, was the difference...

  15. I recently replaced my main desktop monitors and I'm thinking of getting a second video card to help with performance, rather than upgrade to something faster...


    I currently have a single GeForce GTX 980 TI and the 1080 is faster, but not THAT much faster, so instead of doing that, I was thinking of putting a second 980 TI in and running in SLI since they can now be found for under $400.


    Does SWTOR support SLI? Does it provide much improvement?


    I searched and found a bunch of threads and topics from 2-4 years ago, but nothing current, so I thought I'd ask and see if anyone notices a difference today.




    Side note: Yes, I'm fully aware that CPU power is the primary driver of performance, my CPU is a i7-4770k overclocked to 4.4GHz, the reason I'm looking for more GPU power is I now have 3x 4k panels on my desk and at a bezel corrected resolution of 11896x2160 I have 25.6 million pixels to render...


    And frankly performance is dreadful :(


    Even on low detail it isn't great, turning the detail up turns the game into a slide show.

  16. I agree, where's the 64-Bit Client? D:


    Why does everyone think this will happen?


    Seriously... what reason do you have to believe this is something that is remotely in the pipeline?

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